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Quran for Children 1-30. Juzler Set

: 9786056686498
2,650.00 TL
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Melek Bozdoğan - Matte Book

The Holy Quran for Children (1-30. Parts) - Melek Bozdoğan
Matte Book Publications
Preschool and primary education period is a period in which personality infrastructure and behavioral patterns are shaped significantly. Therefore, the education to be applied to children should be oriented towards creating character and gaining behavior rather than informing. In this period, providing moral and religious education to children, teaching the Quran, contributes to their spiritual world and supports their mental development. Especially for children who learn to read the Holy Quran in the pre-school period, the literacy learning process in the school period is significantly shortened, it becomes easier for them to understand and learn different lessons.

The set of "QUR for Children" and Acirc; N-I KERAM "was prepared by considering the mental competencies and understanding capacities of children who started to read the Holy Quran in pre-school and primary education period. In order to enable children to read easily, the letters with superior, esre and eccentric, med letters, cezm, şadde and tenvin were separated by color, the unreadable letters were painted gray, and the book was arranged using a larger and legible writing style. Each part has been prepared in fascicles of different colors so that children can be motivated by reading the book in a short time and move on to a new book and that they can carry the books more easily.

Publication Language: Turkish
Size: Normal Size
Skin Condition: Paperback
Number of Pages: 1594
Age Group: 6 - 9 Ages
Publishing House: Mat Book
Release Date: 2015
Prepared by: Melek Bozdoğan, Murat Bozdoğan

3,878 gr.
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