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Sheepskin One Side Elastic - Miflon Mest

Product Code : 25440
: 05.15.3046
320.00 TL

Sheepskin One Side Elastic - Miflon Mest

Product features :

With miflon inside
One-sided rubber

How to mesh on mest and what are the conditions for it?

Mest is the name given to a kind of shoe that covers the feet together with the ankles.
The conditions required for the permissibility of wiping on mestlers are as follows:
a) It is worn after an ablution by washing the feet,
b) Approximately 5 km with a normal gait with the feet on. or more durable enough to walk,
c) The mests must be strong and thick enough to stand untied after being put on,
d) There are no holes three times as wide as the smallest toe in each of the mests,
e) It should not absorb water and immediately pass it to the feet.
Mesh is a kind of legal cleaning; with wet hands on a limb, mestin worn on the foot, or a bandage wrapped around the wound; In tayammum, it is done on the face and arms with the hands that have been dug into the ground.
Wiping over mests while making wudu It is fixed by the Sunnah of the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasellam). As a matter of fact, Hz. He said that the Prophet (SallAllahu Alaihi Wasellam) made wudu and
There are many narrations stating that he anointed himself (Bukhari, Wudu, 35, 48; Muslim, Taharet, 72, 73).
A person who wears mest on his feet while having wudu can wipe over his mest for one day if he is a resident or three days if he is a traveller, after his wudu is broken.
Hz. The Prophet (SallAllahu Aleyhi Wasellam) appointed three days and three nights for the guest and one day and one night for the resident as the time to wipe over the mest (Nesai, Taharet, 98).
Since it is considered that a person who removes both of his mests or one of them while performing wudu after making wudu by wiping the mests, has passed on his feet.
He has to wash his feet and wear mestleri again without breaking his ablution. If he did it while he was not making wudu, he must wash his feet while making wudu again. When his time is up, if he has wudu
it is enough for him to take off the mussels and wash his feet; If there is no wudu, he should wash his feet and perform ablution (Kâsânî, Bedâiu's-sanâî, I,9).

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