Signs of Doomsday Pamuk Yayıncılık
Naim Erdogan (Translation)
Pamuk Publishing House
Release Date: January 01, 2014
Language Turkish
Number of Pages: 310
Skin Type: Hardcover
Paper Type: High Quality Paper
Size: 14x19
To the misery of the people wandering around the streets in a complete mental crisis, to the left and right, to the heartbreak of chastity and destitute women wandering in an open and ridiculous manner except for their decency, to the huge buildings that reach the sky so that they pierce the heavens. If you take a look at the adultery, murders, bribes, unjust gains, unjust gains, revolts against the mother-father and the state, attacks against rights and truths, attitudes against mu-qaddata, and you think carefully, Doomsday. You will know that you are on the verge of! ..
Allâme ve Muhakkik Eş-Şerif Muhammed b, who expressed the small and big signs of the Doomsday perfectly. By giving the name (Signs of the Doomsday under the light of hadiths) the work (al-Ishaatu li Esrâtıssâati) written by the Messenger of God, we have brought it to our language with the help of Allah ...
In this work, you will see and read the minor and major signs of the Doomsday that has been wondered until today. You will not be late to realize that you are on the brink of Doomsday as soon as you gain knowledge on this matter.
As for us; we translated the work with great care and attention. However, we disregarded the translation of the duplicates and some small and insignificant lines in the work, with the concern that it might tire and tire the reader. Thus, we wanted to come out perfectly smoothly against our Muslim brothers.
Purpose; fame is not foolishness, it is service when it gets dark against Islam.
While leaving our esteemed readers alone with the work that we have accomplished with the utmost permission, we ask God Almighty to make the most of the aforementioned book.
Working is from us, and guidance and guidance are from Allah.
I saw Hafiz Celâleddin-i Süy Stî's work titled "Şer-hu's-Sudûr bi Şerhi Halil Mevtâ fil-Kubûr" and its content, which tells about the world of Barzah. He would have liked to write an additional book that will explain the evidences of Doomsday, the resurrection states of the world, the states of heaven and hell.
Then, I witnessed that he wrote a book called "al-Büdûrü's-Safire fi Umûri'I- and Acirc; hira", which explains the situations that will follow this departure from the grave. However, I could not see a book written about the apocalypse signs. Probably he either did not write such a book or we could not see it.
That is why, as Celâleddin-i Süyûtî wanted, I wanted to compose a very detailed book by including all the signs of Doomsday, which is between his book "Şerhu's-Sudûr" and "al-Büdûru's-Sâfire". May you be an intermediary or a pride for both.
I put my trust in Allah in this matter, asking for His help, I started my speech as follows:
About Doomsday, Allah (c.c.) states the following in the Quran:
"The reckoning (days) of the people have come close. And yet they are still in heedlessness, it is disobedient (from contemplation )-
"What do you know? Maybe that hour (Doomsday) will come soon.
"Are they watching for someone else than that time that will happen to them, unaware of themselves?" * 3)
"Are they still waiting for someone else from that hour (Doomsday) than when it will come to them suddenly? Here are its signs." * 4)
(There are many more such verses about Doomsday.)
As for the hadiths; it is too many to count. We will present only a part of this booklet.
As it is known, the world is not a place in which to live eternally. It is not a permanent residence at all. He is only a shelter from his mansions to arrive at the hereafter (the road that stretches). You can go to the hereafter by making preparations there. It is reached there by maturing to Allah (c.c.).
It is also a fact that the world has declared that it will disappear before it is established - as it is; taken aside. Therefore, every scholar must constantly write about the evidences of the Doomsday, hadiths and news that are varied and fixed on this issue among people. Maybe they will soften their hearts and avoid sin, wake up from heedlessness and take the opportunity as spoils.
Here, I keep these situations in mind; I have written quite long on this subject, I did not mind the repetitions that occurred, quite unlike those who avoided it by writing concise articles. The aim is to awaken the deceived and to remind the awake. This effort of ours may be a and-silence for the approval of Allah (c.c.), who is Jabbar, and for us to enter Paradise.
My wish from Allah (c.c.) is that my intention is pure and pure. Because deeds depend on intentions. Everyone will see their intentions paid off.
I urge God Almighty to benefit all believers from my work and therefore forgive me, my past and my brothers and sisters in all respects.
I named my book "Al-Ishaatu li Esrâtissâah". Although I had little deeds, I asked the Prophet (pbuh) to intercede.
The boons of Allah (c.c.) bestowed are endless and countless. While I was wandering in this consciousness, I realized that I need a pre-eminence for this book.
As it is known, the Apocalypse is extremely violent, rather terrifying.
Time; it is endlessly long.
That day, Allah (c.c.) will rule among all the people who have come to the world until the Day of Judgment ... He will justify believers against disbelievers and distinguish between hypocrites and devout people ... As a matter of fact, Allah (c.c.) said the following:
"It is a day when all people will gather together, it is a day when (all the people without exception) will be ready." 5)
"That hour (the torment of) is more troublesome and more painful."! 6)
"O man and jinn, we will turn to you (to see your account) in the future." ^)
Then today (Doomsday) will come suddenly as Allah's (c.c.) declaration in the Quran will come.
He alone did not tell anyone when he would come. In his wounds, he only informed the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) to the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), but he prevented him from declaring his hour so that he was horrified and the people would not be afraid. Because it is a dreadful day, with more losses than profits!
However, the Prophet Muhammad told all humanity about its conditions and signs in order to warn people, to abandon their selfishness and to prepare for that day with good deeds, and gave a lot of information on this issue.
The doomsday are divided into three main:
1) Signs that appeared long before the Day of Judgment that have taken place until today.
2) Appear; but the evidences that are not finished yet, even increasing more and more every day.
3) Close and great signs that the Doomsday will come as soon as it appears. And the world of beings will break off and scatter one by one, just like the rows of similes.
Let us now explain these three chapters separately in their own parts. And Acirc; this arrangement, which I have not seen in anyone other than myself, will be more appropriate for memorizing and benefiting, I hope.
The hadiths we mention in this book are generally taken from the following imam's books:
Al-Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Askalânî,
El-Hâfız Celâleddin as-Süyûtî.
Our sources have been books such as Ibni Hacer's Commentary on Bukhari (Fethu'I-Bârî) and Ce- laleddin as-Süyûtî (Eddürül-Mensûr, el-Hasâisu'l-Kübrâ, Cem'ul-Cevâmi). .
The books of the honorable Imam Nuriddin Ali (Târîhu'l-Medine ve Cevâ-hiru'l-Akdeyn) are also among the sources we refer to. I write this so as not to mention them separately each time.
A little of it belongs to (Tahrîcu'I-Mesâbih) - Al Hafız El-Menay, (As-sanâa) - Al Hafız as-Sehavî. - I have benefited from books like this.
I wrote this introduction to prove that I did research and to enable the reader to consult the sources.
My main purpose in compiling this book is to hoping the intercession of the Prophet (pbuh) and to crush his hadiths to Muslims. For this reason, we have edited the hadiths narrated with various narrations so that everyone can (easily) understand them. Those who fail to grasp the subtlety of the work think that this is a repetition.
However, I have reported the same hadiths only where necessary and appropriate.
I would like it to be known in this way so that there is no suspicion against the author.
Tawfiq is from Allah (c.c.).
Author's Translation 7
Introduction to Art 9
First part
Signs of Doomsday 15
The Conflict of His Messenger is One of the Signs of Doomsday 15
The Martyrdom of Umar (r.a.) is One of the Signs of Doomsday 15
Martyrdom of Emirü'l-Mu'minîn Osman (r.a.)
Of The Signs Of Doom 28
The Case of Jamel is One of the Signs of Doomsday 36
The Siffin Case is One of the Signs of Doomsday 48
The Case of Nehrevân is One of the Signs of Doomsday 53
Ali's Son Hasan's (r.a.) Waiver from the Caliphate for the Assistant
It is One of the Signs of Doomsday 57
The Dominion of the Bani Umayya is One of the Signs of Doomsday 60
The Martyrdom of Husayn is One of the Doomsday Signs 66
The Extraordinary That Occurred on the Day Hussein's Martyrdom
Events 72
The Case of Hurre is One of the Signs of Doomsday 73
Medina's Ruin after the Incident of Freedom
Of the Signs of Doom 84
Fitnas That Occur During the Time of the Mervanoğulları 87
Fitnah that Occurred in the Time of the Abbasids
Of the Signs of Doomsday 90
The Fitnah of the Fatimids, their invasion of Egypt and the Maghrib
Of the Doomsday 91
One of the Signs of Doomsday is Karamita's Fitnah 93
Kantura 96
One of the Signs of Doomsday, Camels in Basra
It is the Exit of the Fire from Hejaz that Will Brighten Their Necks 98
The Appearance of the Rafidis, Their Conquest of Sovereignty, Sublime
Language Extensions to Companions are also Signs of Doomsday 103
The Appearance of False Prophets, Each Suffering for Prophecy, Doomsday
Of His Signs 110
When I Coming to Müseylemetü'l-Kezzab 114
The Conquest of Jerusalem has also been counted among the Doomsday Signs ... 120
The Conquest of Medâin is Also Counted among the Signs of Doomsday 121
The Arab's Halâkı (Disappearance of Their Sovereignty
One of the Signs of Doomsday 121
The Abundance of Goods is One of the Doomsday Signs 122
And the breaking of the mountains from their places
It is Reported that there are Signs of Doomsday 122
Three Sets of Doomsday Signs 123
Frequent Occurrence of Earthquakes and Continuous
Occurring as a Sign of Doomsday 125
The Image Turning into the Image of an Monkey, Stone from the Sky
Its Pillage is One of the Signs of Doomsday 127
Red Wind (Violent Wind) and Major Events Doomsday
Of His Signs 131
The Closing of the Hajj Road and Hajar al-Aswad from the Kaaba
Its abolition is One of the Signs of Doomsday 138
As for the Abolition of Hajar al-Aswad 139
Crushing the Head of Nations with Sky Stars
Of the Signs of Doomsday 140
The Sight of the Comet is One of the Doomsday Signs 141
The Proliferation of Death Events is One of the Signs of Doomsday ... 141
Seeing Mecca's Destruction Permissible
Of the Signs of Doomsday 154
Second part
Signs of the Apocalypse 156
(Conclusion) Some Hadiths on the Topic 178
Third Part
The Great Signs That Doomsday Will Break Immediately 182
Mahdi 182
First Stage, Name - Ancestry - Birth - Hilyesi -
Subject to Him - Turning A Face From Him 183
Second Stage 188
As for the Signs That His Coming Is Approaching 189
The Third Stage, The Strife That Will Occur Before The Mahdi Appears 190
Back to the Story of the Ehl-i Khorasan 194
Great and Severe War Is One of the Doomsday Signs 202
The Killing of Nafs-Zekiyya 222
The Appearance of Black Banners by Khorasan 223
The Lung of the Place Takes Gold and Silver Out and
Cums on 224
Mine Collapse 225
Sinking of a Village in Gavta, West of Damascus 225
Going Down 226
The Eclipse of the Sun and the Moon during Ramadan 227
Comet Birth 228
Twice of the Moon in Ramadan 228
A Fire Will Appear By The East 228
A Call From Heaven 229
The Reaching of a Hand from Heaven 230
The Appearance of the Kaaba's Treasures 230
El-Melhametü'l-Uzmâ (The Great War) 231
One Person Being Guardian of Fifty Women
Rejoicing with Heritage and Loot 232
The Conquest of Constantinople and Rumi 232
Who is the Mahdi? 233
The Appearance of the Antichrist 238
The Reason for Calling the Antichrist as the Messiah 240
Antichrist's Hily, Fitna 241
Sireti 243
Fitna (Trick and Desise) 244
Are Heaven and Hell Really Indicated?
Or Is It A Dream? 246
Two Resembling Some of the Prophets Together
An Angel Will Be Found and They Will Lie 249
The Place, Time, Duration, How the Antichrist will Appear, and
How To Get Rid Of It? Who Will Kill Him? 253
The Place Where Dajjal Will Appear 253
The Time of the Antichrist 253
The Period of the Antichrist 254
On How the Antichrist Will Come out 257
The Way to Get Rid of the Antichrist 264
Who Will Kill Him? When it comes to 265
Conclusion 265
The Story of the Antichrist Has Informed Us of Many Signs of Doom 274
One of the Signs that will indicate that the Doomsday is Approaching
It is the descent of Jesus Christ 275
About the First Stage Hily and Sireti 276
Sireti (Movement and Behavior) 276
When and Where the Second Phase Jesus (a.s.) Will Descend
It's About What Jobs Will Do 278
The Third Stage Will Remain on Earth After Descending From Heaven
About His Death with Time 279
Ye'cüc - Me'cüc. One of the Near and Great Signs that Will Occur Before Doomsday is Ye'cüc - Me'cüc
Appearance 282
First Authority Progeny (Lineages) 283
Second Authority is About Hilye and Sirets 284
The Appearance of the Third Authority, Ye'cüc and Me'cüc,
About their ifsaded and their subsequent destruction 287
The Story of Jesus Christ Many Signs of Doomsday
Contain 288
One of the Signs That Will Occur Close to Doomsday
It is the Ruin of Medina 291
The Appearance of Kahtâni, Jehcâh, Heysem and Mak'ad 294
The Destruction of the Kaaba, the Taking of its Ornaments, Its Treasures
Removing is One of the Great Signs of the Doomsday 297
(Result) Dispute About When The Kaaba Will Be Destroyed
Carved 298
The Sun Rising from the West, The Appearance of Dâbbetü'l-Ard
One of the Great Signs of the Doomsday 301
Gate of Repentance 305
How Long Will People Stay on Earth After the Sun Rises from the West? 307
If the Time Returns and Extends after the Sun Rises from the West, If an Unbeliever was a Muslim within this Period,
Is A Sinner Accepted If He Does Repent? 309
Conclusion 312
Dâbbetü'l-Ard is also one of the Signs of Judgment 314
Scheme 315
Departure 315
Appearance (Exit) 317
One of the Signs of Doomsday is Smoke 319
Beautiful Wind 320
One of the Signs of Doomsday is the Quran's Mushaf
and Raised From Breasts 326
The Fall of the Kaaba is One of the Signs of Doomsday 326
People Turning Puta Again 327
The Wind That Will Throw People To The Sea (Hurricane)
Of the Doomsday 327
The Shortening of Time and Days are Signs of Doomsday 328
The Fire that will Come out of the Gulf of Aden. This is one of the Doomsday Signs. This Fire Comes Out People
The Judgment Will Take 328
The Result, Will This Suffering Before Judgment Day?
Or Will It Happen on the Day of Judgment? According to First Option
Is Fire the True Fire? Or Is It Metaphorical Fire? 332
(Result) 340 That The World Has A Life Of Seven Thousand Years