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Tafsir Lessons For Women - Ravza Publications-1390

: 9786054818204
489.00 TL
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Tafsir Lessons For Ladies

Tafsir Lessons For Ladies
Language Turkish
Number of Pages 336
Skin Type Hardcover
Paper Type Book Paper
Size 16.5 x 24 cm
All praise be to our Lord, the glorious messenger of the Prophet, whom he chose and sent from among us as a base example for us. May peace and blessings be upon Muhammad (saas), Alina and all her companions.

The great Islam sent for the salvation of all humanity has eliminated race Dec, color Dec, tribe and similar discriminations between people, as well as the difference in status between men and women. Allah Almighty says: "Whoever does good deeds, male or female, as a believer, we will certainly give him a good life, and we will certainly give him his rewards with the best of what they used to do." (Nahl, 97) "Whoever does good deeds, whether male or female, as a believer, they will enter paradise, and they will not be wronged in the slightest." (April, 124)
This worldly life was created to compete in servitude, to reveal who does the best deeds, and everyone is assigned duties and responsibilities appropriate to his or her creation. If this delicate balance that Islam draws its boundaries is maintained and everyone manages to stand on their own border, no one has wronged anyone and everyone will have received their right. But if this balance is disturbed, there is no way to prevent disasters until we return to the same point again.

All imperialist infidels, especially the blood-sucking Zionists, are setting up all their tricks and traps through women and again putting them into practice through women. They first violate the morals of the nations whose national unity and togetherness they want to destroy, and they cannot use women as the biggest trump card here. With obscene entertainment, drinking, gambling and debauchery, nations are emptied and surrendered without weapons and without war.

When we look at the society we live in, it is impossible to think that "99%" of society is Muslim and that there are people of a country who are men. Breweries and taverns have spread all the way into the neighborhood. Racy, which does not recognize any religious precept and social values, has reached the most remote villages, and the feeling of shame has been almost forgotten by the majority of society. For this reason, the duties of all Muslims who have Islamic anxiety, who have more or less consciousness, especially Muslim women, are very heavy. They should read a lot, educate themselves as soon as possible and rush to the invitation and communication works as soon as possible so that this glorified society does not stink anymore.

This study that you have starts with Surat al-Fatiha, which is a summary and introduction of the Noble Qur'an, and then the interpretation of all surat al-April, Nur and Ahzab, where the provisions related to women are mostly passed, is carried out. After that, Suras Maryam, Hujurat, Mumtahina, Talaq and Tahrim contain only explanations of the relevant verses.

During this study, Nesafi Tafsir, Elmalı Tafsir, Ömer Nasuhi Bilmen Tafsir, Fi Zilalil- Qur'an, Tafhimul-Qur'an and at-Tafsirul-Munir were used as the main sources. The book is arranged in the form of 52 lessons, taking into account that a year is 52 weeks. At the end of each lesson, under the heading "Lessons and Lessons", the topic that stands out more in the verses covered in that lesson was focused on, and thus, attention was drawn to the reflections of the verses read in our practical life. While preparing this section of lessons and lessons, many other sources have been used besides the tafsir books mentioned above.

In this study, great sensitivity was shown to the Creed and Fiqh principles of the Ahli Sunnah and al-Jamaat sect; innovative, reformist and non-religious understandings and opinions were never included.

Our Almighty Lord is pleased with the work done, I wish that we servants will also be among the beneficiaries, and I wish that our nation, which has been the flag bearer of Islam for centuries, will contribute to returning to its old naive days again.
Necmeddin Salihoglu
9/Safer 1435 (December 12, 2013)

Preface 9
Interpretation of Surat Al-Fatiha 11
1. Lesson: Don't Break the Ties of Kinship 17
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 1-6
2. Course: Islamic Law of Inheritance 23
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 7-14
3. Lesson: Maybe a Lot of No in Your Spouses Who You Don't Like
There are 29
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 15-22
4. Lesson: Those Who Are Forbidden to Marry are 35
Surah An-Nisa, and April;yet: 23-28
5. Lesson: Do Not Eat Your Goods in Superstitious Ways 43
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 29-33
6. Lesson: Men Are Managers Over Women 47
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 34-35
7. Lesson: In Kindness to Parents, Relatives and Neighbors
To be found 53
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 36-43
8. Lesson: O People of the Book! Believe in the Qur'an 59
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 44-47
9. Lesson: Allah Does not Forgive Polytheism 65
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 48-57
10. Lesson: Giving the Relics to the People, to the Leader of the Muslims
Obedience and Rejection of Tagus 71
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 58-63
11. Lesson: The Place of the Messenger of Allah (saas) in the Religion of Our Lord 77
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 64-74
12. Lesson: Good Deeds are from Allah, Evil Deeds are from Your Own Soul 83
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 75-86
13. Lesson: Do Not Be Divided into Two Groups About Hypocrites! 91
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 87-94
14. Lesson: Those Who Say We are Mustaz'afiz and Do not Live Islam and Hijrah 99
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 95-100
15. Lesson: Don't Be Slack in Following the Enemy Community 105
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 101-109
16. Lesson: There is No No in Secret Conversations 111
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 110-116
17. Lesson: The Nation of Abraham 115
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 117-126
18. Lesson: Tolerance, Obedience and Divorce 121
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 127-134
19. Lesson: Be the Ones Who Uphold Justice, 129
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 135-143
20. Lesson: Hypocrites will Be Subjected to the Most Severe Punishment of Hell
They Will Be Hit 135
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 144-149
21. Lesson; There Is No Middle Ground Between Faith And Deceptions 139
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 150-159
22. Lesson: The Testimony of Allah is Enough for You 145
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 160-166
23. Lesson: The Reward of Those Who Do Good Deeds is Complete
Will Be Paid 149
Surah An-April, and Ajirc;yet: 167-176
24. Lesson: Slandering Honest Women 155
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 1-10
25. Lesson: The Mother of the Believers is Hazrat. Aisha Radiyallahu Anha'a
Slanderous Slander 161
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 11 -26
26. Lesson: The International Muslim Password is Salaam 169
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 27-29
27. Lesson: To Prevent the Eyes from Haram 173
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 30-31
28. Lesson: Encouragement to Get Married 181
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 32-33
29. Lesson: Scientific Miracles in the Noble Qur'an 185
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 34-36
30. Lesson: Those whom Trade and Shopping Do not Prevent from Prayer 189
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 37-46
31. Lesson: Your Duty Is Only to Communicate, 195
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 47-54
32. Lesson: Allah Will Give the Rule of the Earth to Those Who Believe in Allah 201
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 55-57
33. Lesson: Manners and Manners 207
Surat An-Nur, and Ajirc;yet: 58-64
34. Lesson: The Messenger of Allah Gives You Priority Over Your Own Soul 213
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 1-8
35. Lesson: The Best Example is the Messenger of Allah 221
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 9-21
36. Lesson: Those Who Keep Their Promise to Allah, 231
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 22-27
37. Lesson: Do You Prefer the Worldly Life and its Adornment? 237
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 28-31
38. Lesson: Don't Talk Breaking 243
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 32
39. Lesson: Stay in Your Homes with Dignity 247
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 33-35
40. Lesson: Choosing Against the Judgment of Allah and His Messenger
He Has No Right 255 Surah Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 36-40
Lesson: Remember Allah a Lot, 261
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 41-48
42. Lesson: Ask Your Requests From Behind the Scenes 267
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 49-55
43. Lesson: Muslim Woman's Veil is 275
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 56-59
44. Lesson: When Will the Doomsday Come? 285
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 60-63
45. Lesson: The Man Who Undertakes the Task that the Mountains Are Afraid of Being Burdened With is 289
Surah Al-Ahzab, and Ajirc;yet: 64-73
46. Lesson: Hazrat. The Prayer of Zechariah and the Prophet to Him. The Giving of John 295
Surah Maryam, and Ajirc;yet: 1-6
47. Lesson: I Wish I Had Died Before This and Been Forgotten 301
Surah Maryam, and Ajirc;yet: 16-26
48. Lesson: Hazrat. Mary's Innocence and Her Troubles 307
Surah Maryam, and Ajirc;yet: 27-34
49. Lesson: Mockery and Backbiting 311
Surah Hujurat, and Ajirc;yet: 10-11
50. Lesson: Believing Women With Non-Muslim Men
The Prohibition of Marriages is 319
Surah Mumtahina, and Ajirc;yet: 10-13
51. Lesson: Legitimate Divorce 325
Surah Talaq, and Ajirc;yet: 1-7
52. Lesson: Two Women from Hell and Two Women from Paradise 331
Surah Tahrim, and Ajirc;yet: 10-12
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