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Tenbihü'l Gafilin: Advice to Those Who Follow Their Self - Faith, Worship, Morality - M.İsmail Kemaloğlu

Product Code : T30148
: 4897654306057
199.00 TL
A Book of Religious Information That Every Muslim Needs - Havva Özkan
Author:M. İsmail Kemaloğlu
Publisher:Kitap Kalp Publishing
Dough Type:2. Pastry
Number of Pages:640
Size:15 x 22
First Print Year: 2023
Number of Prints: 1. printing
Language Turkish
Ebû'l-Leys es-Samarkandî (Rahimehullâh) is a jurist, commentator and Sufi scholar.
He is one of the most well-known scholars in the Islamic world, especially thanks to his works in the genre of sermons, advice and catechism.
This work, named Tenbîhü'l-Gâfilîn, is a work of sermons and advice based on the words of the Prophet (Sallallâhü Aleyhi ve Sellem) and the narrations from the Salaf scholars.
In the book, topics such as belief, worship, morality, the virtue of the Quran and the month of Ramadan, and the mutual rights and responsibilities of husband and wife are explained.
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