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The Holy Quran and its Colorful Word Meaning - Rahle Boy - Seda Publishing House - Turkish Mealli Quran Kerim

: 9789944199513
349.00 TL
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Artifact Features:
Title of Work: Rahle Boy Colorful Word Meal
Subtitle: Very Easy-to-Read Computer Line
Line: Kadir Güneş Computer Line
Publisher: Seda Publications
Language of the Work: Arabic - Turkish
Paper Information: 70 gr Chamois
Cover Information: Plastered Binding Back Stitched
Print Date: 2012
Number of Impressions: 2nd EDITION
Number of Pages: 632
Size X, Y, Z (mm.) Width, Length: 20 x 28 cm

1,472 gr.

Let endless praise be to our Lord, who descended the Quran as a light to bring it to light from the darkness.

and Acirc, our beloved Prophet sent as mercy for the deeds; Peace be upon you, Muhammad Mustafa (sallallahu alayhi and wa sallam) to our master, his family members, his companions and those who followed his path until doomsday.

The Quran is such a divine explanation that it promised to save humanity from the pains, damages, losses, corruption, suffering, conspiracies and conflicts. There is not a single verse in the Quran that is meaningless, useless, wise, or not decree. Because the Quran is the constitution of human life. Accordingly, the decrees deduced from the meanings of the verses are related to either creed or worship, morality and life, or legislation that regulates individual and social life.

The Quran is the holy and divine book of all humanity. All the words and meanings of this blessed book are divine, based on revelation. It invites all people to a circle of unity and brotherhood. Therefore, it is the most sacred and most beneficial duty for all humanity to fully respect the contents of the Quran.

There are many areas in the Quran for those who want to realize the sciences that will benefit people in terms of religion, the world and the hereafter. For, the Quran is an endless miracle that is worthy and appropriate for every time and place. The old cannot reach it, its source is inexhaustible. The Quran is the best authority of the Islamic community in order to solve difficulties and arrange transactions.

It is the sincere desire of every Muslim to learn what is commanded and what is mentioned in the Quran, which was sent down in Arabic. Scientists who act in this reality and want to respond to these desires have paid special attention to translating the Quran into the language they speak, everywhere and in every period.

Past scholars have made many efforts that are acceptable for his interpretation. It is understood that the Quran is an endless world that contains pearls and ores of its own, as these distinguished works are researched.

Undoubtedly, he is the one who knows Allah's word best. We can only explain what our minds and perceptions can understand. It is not possible to fully express the high meanings, all wisdom and signs of the Quran in other languages. All scholars have an alliance (consensus) on this issue. It is known that; Neither these translations nor interpretations of the decrees and truths of the Quran can be equivalent to the same. Worships such as prayer cannot be performed with these translations. It is only benefited from their opinions and it is a pleasure to read them.

With this aim, Allah's Tealâ will correct our mistakes, and hope that he will give us abundant rewards on a day when wealth and sons will not benefit but those who bring benevolent hearts, and will satisfy the needs of our brothers and sisters. We intend to prepare the work and we started this work by hoping that Mawla Tealâ will keep our feet stable in every work, make our fates beautiful and add us to the group of righteous:

1 - We tried to give the exact correspondence of the words (in accordance with the rules of consumption and verbal).
2 - In verbs; We tried to give the meanings of (mâzî, halal and mushari) as of time and the meanings of the nouns (fa’il, meful and masdar etc.) as they are. However, we preferred the meaning appropriate to the sentence where the verbs that come with the conditionals and some reference letters could harm their collective meaning if they were given the separate meaning. In such places, those who continue from right to left from the beginning of the sentence to the end will be able to find the correct sentence very comfortably by reading their own meaning beneath the words.

3 - In plural and singular words; As we have stated the mufred, tansiye and cem'ilik, we sometimes put the plural suffix in parentheses (although it states muf-red, tensiye and cemi) in order to ensure compliance with the sentence and to prevent sentence lowness.

4 - In Arabic, while giving the meanings of the naqis verbs one-to-one within a sentence, we preferred meanings in accordance with the attributes of Allah where they are attributed to Allah.

5 - In prepositions; we tried to provide a rich content to those who do research on this subject by giving the meanings of the sentence in different ways.

6 - Ism-i in the season; We have given its meaning together with the accompanying word in order to point out the meaning that it expresses in a sentence in sometimes translations, as we have stated under itself. At the same time, we tried to gain a rich quality in learning the rules followed in translation from Arabic to Turkish.

We hope that this study will be of great benefit to all students studying in the field of Theology, especially those who study at Imam Hatip High Schools.
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