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The Treatise of Cübbeli Ahmed Hodja Salutation -1177

: 9786056404603
119.00 TL
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Cübbeli Hoca is the subject of the Importance and Importance of Greeting

It is the Salutation of the Cübbeli Hodja, who is the subject of the importance and importance of giving greetings.
In this treatise you have, there are all verses of the Quran about greetings and many hadiths.
In addition, you will find in this treatise the meaning, importance, virtues, phrases, ways of answering, circumcision and manners of greetings, issues related to saluting Jews, Christians and devious Muslims, situations in which salutation will be makruh and legal provisions.
You will come across some other important issues such as musafaha, hug and kissing, which will be accompanied by greetings, in this treatise.
Finally, you will come across an important issue about greeting the dead.
Therefore, this treatise contains many useful provisions that are curious about giving greetings.
The reason why we pay special attention to the subject of greetings is that we see that many of today's Muslims abandon such an important duty, which is the greatest slogan of Islam, and instead use a number of superfluous phrases such as "Good morning, good afternoon", which do not mean anything.
As a matter of fact, as you will see in a hadith that will be mentioned in our treatise; Jews are an extremely jealous nation, and the first of the three issues with which Muslims are the most jealous is greetings.
Therefore, they try and will try to distance Muslims from peace by using all the means they can.
In this case, the biggest duty of us Muslims is to encourage our brothers, who are unaware of these traps of the unbelievers, to be sensitive about the salvation and widespread use by writing treatises on this issue and giving conversations.
A unique work on the subject that Cübbeli Ahmet Hoca Efendi wrote about Selam
Language Turkish
SKIN TYPE: Paperback
SIZE: 13.5 x 19.5 cm
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