The virtues of taking good care of girls
Book Features:
Language Turkish
SKIN TYPE: Paperback
PAPER TYPE: 1st Dough
SIZE: 13.5 x 19.5 cm
and Acirc; to declare what the great blessings the children are for us, among the verses that sent us his greatest Prophet and sent down to him as a mercy to the worlds:
"The property (sovereignty and sovereignty; administration and administration) of the heavens and the earth belongs only to Allah. (Therefore, he has the right to distribute the blessings and burden as he wishes.)
He (Allah Almighty) creates whatever He wills. (Nothing can be forced on him.) He gives girls (children) to whomever he wishes (only), and men give blessings to whomever he wishes (only).
Or he pairs them as males and females (he makes both sons and daughters whoever he wishes. He even gives twins to some, and sometimes he makes one of the twins a boy and a girl).
He makes whatever he wishes (with no children) a barren person. Undoubtedly, He (the one who knows very well what to create) is the Alîm, (the one who is capable of everything he wants to create), the Kadir. (Since the parents cannot have the child they want when they wish, it is not in their hands, but at the discretion of the supreme creator. You must understand that.) "(ash-Shura Sura: 49-50) be endless praise to Allâh-u Ta'âlâ.
The most virtuous blessings and the most fertile greetings in a hadith narrated from Ukbe ibni ve Acirc; mir (Radıyallâhu Ta'âlâ Anh):
"Do not see (do not dislike) girls because they are very friendly and very valuable children." (Ahmed ibnü Hanbal, al-Musnad, number: 17373, 28/601), the most honorable of the rasul who said, be on the whole Ehl-i Beyti and the sentence companions who continue from the daughter Fatimah (Radıyallâhu Anhâ).
As a result of our readers, vechile; Previously, I have submitted a work that includes the forty hadiths allied by the imams of the Kutub-i Sitte and a detailed explanation of each. However, the subjects of the hadiths in that work were different from each other.
Then, when you see that scholars such as Muhammed al-Bekrî and Y ensuf en-Nebhânî (Rahimehumalâh) have written forty hadiths on the same subject, you will be told: "The virtues of taking care of girls", "The virtues of those who are patient for the pain of sons", "The virtues of the Companions", I thought of organizing forty hadiths on each of forty different subjects such as "the virtues of the four caliphs".
As a father of four daughters and grandfather of a granddaughter, firstly, about the importance and good news of having daughters, taking good care of them, raising and marrying them nicely, Abu'l-Hasen Muhammed al-Bekrî prepared "al-Fazaili" I have seen it appropriate to share with you the forty hadiths mentioned in the treatise 'l-vâridât limen sabera' ale'l-benât ”.
As known; Our daughters are among the greatest blessings of Allah. There is no limit to the rewards we will receive if we do not lack the necessary training about them.
Before Islam, it is known that Arabs rejoiced with boys and did not love their girls. The reason for this was that they worried that their boys would stand with them in their work and wars and that their daughters would embarrass them by going to their house, that the feeling of being forced to marry their daughter with someone else had prompted them to bury their daughters alive.
As a matter of fact, Allah says: "When one of them is given the good news of a female (child), his face becomes black because of his (shame), moreover, he is a person full of anger.
Because of the evil of the thing with which he was given the good news: "Should he keep him in spite of his meanness (endure), or hide him in the soil (by burying him alive)?" (In his thoughts on himself, for days) he hides from the society (where he lives).
Be aware that; What a bad (and what a wrong decision) that thing they ruled. "(Surat an-Nahl: 58-59) declared this truth in his verses.
When Allah Almighty sent Muhammad (Salallah Aleyhi and Salam) to us as a prophet, he forbade these acts of mercy by virtue of the Prophet (Salahallah Aleyhi ve Salam).
As a matter of fact, what is narrated from the supreme Companion Muğire ibni Shu‘be (Radıyallâhu Anh):
"Surely, Allah has made it unlawful for you to rebel against mothers, to bury the daughters alive, to prevent them (their rights that are wajib), and to take (things that are not halal for you) by saying 'Give' (about everything you find without regard to halal or haram).
He did not welcome your kîl-ü kāl (idle talk), asking too many questions and losing property. "(Al-Bukhari, as-Sahîh, al-İstikrâz: 19, number: 2277, 2/848; Muslim, as-Sahîh , al-Akzıye: 5, numeral: 593, 3/1341) The hadith-i sharîf is true to this fact.
Narrated from Abdullâh ibni Mesud (Radıyallâhu Ta'âlâ Anh):
"I asked my Lord Azze and Celle for a good son, and he bestowed good children on me and gave me daughters.
Now, whoever wants to see the daughters' father should see me.
I am the father of daughters, Moses is also the father of daughters, Shu'ayb is the father of daughters, and Lot is the father of daughters. '' (Ed-Deylemî, Musnedü'l-Firdevs, number: 3418, 2/313) He declares that he has daughters with a clear expression.
Unfortunately, this idea of Jahiliyya, which is about keeping boys superior to girls, has reached today. Especially in societies far from Islamic culture, girls are more likely to be despised.
For this reason, many scholars have written works on this subject, especially Ebu'l-Hasen al-Bekrî (Rahimehullâh), one of the elders of the Islamic scholars who lived 500 years before us, and the Muslims to accept their daughters, to declare the rewards of putting up with the trouble of raising them, He has prepared a treatise containing forty hadiths on this subject, due to superior reasons such as protecting and preserving his rights.
Considering the importance of this issue, we started the series of hadiths containing "forty hadiths on forty issues" with this treatise and we tried to convey to you the texts, translations of hadiths, sources and commentaries we could reach in this book.
Although the meanings of some hadiths are close to each other, I have not had the opportunity to mention different hadiths according to my invention, since the duty I have to do in this work is only translating, so I favored the transfer of the hadiths of the great guardian Muhammad al-Bekrî.
The virtue of narrating forty hadiths
Let it be known that; There have been more than forty hadiths about the virtue of memorizing forty hadiths and transmitting them to the ummah, some of which we gathered in the first chapter of the first book of forty hadiths.
One of the greatest good news regarding this issue is the narrated from Abdullâh ibni Mesud (Radıyallâhu Ta'ala Anh):
"Whoever memorizes forty hadiths that Allah-u Azza and Jalla will benefit them for my ummah (e tahlîğ):
It will be said, 'Enter the gates of Heaven as you wish.' '(Abu Nu'aym, Hılyetü'l-evliyâ, 4/189; Ibnü' Asâkir, al-Erbe'ûne'l-büldâniyyât, sh: 25; al-Hatîb, Companions of Şerefü 'l-hadith, sh: 11) is a hadith-i sharîf.
There are numerous good news about this subject that is narrated from Ibn Abbas (Radıyallâhu Anhümâ):
"A person who memorizes a single hadith and transfers it to this ummah has seventy prophets and an honest reward." (Ibn ‘Asâkir, el-Erbe‘ûne'l-büldâniyyât, sh: 45; Sadruddîn al-Bekrî, Kitâbü'l-erba‘în, sh: 51) As stated in the hadith; If there is this gospel about a hadith, think about the forty hadiths!
A Brief Information About the Author
The name of the owner of this epistle is Muhammed ibni Muhammed Celâliddîn ibni Abdirrahman.
Relative to; Al-Bekrî as-Siddiqi al-Shafi'i al-Mısrî and his tag is Ebu'l-Hasen.
He and his family are called al-Bekrî and as-Sıddîkî because they are descendants of Abu Bakr as-Sıddîk (Radıyallâhu Anh), the caliph of the Prophet (Salâllâhu Aleyhi and Salam). (Jamâlüddîn Muhammed el-Hadramî, as-Senâü'l-bâhirbi tekmîli’n-nûri’s-sâfir, p: 374)
Ulama and oakh Khazarâtı have called themselves "Kudve (leader)", "Şeyhu'l-Islam", "Alemü'l-ulemâi'l-a'lâm (the standard of glorious scholars)", "al-Fakîhü's-sufi'l-muhaddis" and with distinguished nicknames such as "Nâdiratü'z-zemân (the rare personality of his time)".
The author, His Holiness, Allâme Bekrî (Rahimehullâh) was born in Egypt in 899 (1493-94) and studied science in that area.
He memorized many religious and scientific texts and made them known in rational, Arabic and literary sciences (he specialized like deryâ).
He took lessons from elders such as Şeyhulislâm Zekeriyya al-Ansari (Rahimehullâh), as well as allâmes such as Ibn Hajar al-Heytemî and Remlî (Rahimehumellâh).
This supreme saint, who fit so much knowledge and wisdom in a short life of fifty-three years, passed away in Egypt in 952 (1545-46).
(ash-Şa'rânî, et-Tabek'stü's-suğrâ, translation number: 44, sh: 75-77; İbnü'l-'Imâd, Şezerâtü'z-zeheb, 8/292; al-Ghazi, al-Kevâkibü's-sâira , 2 / 165-196)
Since this work has grown in terms of volume due to the fact that it is very descriptive, insha'Allah, we will have the opportunity to introduce His Holiness the Author as more, in the bidâyat (beginning) of that work, since the forty hadith books that we will publish from now on belong to the same author.
May Allah make all of us succeed in memorizing these people, acting with them and communicating them to people.
As a result, let our sentence allow the Shafaat-i Ahmadiyya, which was promised to those who memorize and conveyed the forty hadiths. and Acirc; mîn!
May my Almighty Lord make it beneficial for us to be able to publish forty separate works at the end by successfully carrying out this series that we started, with auspicious longevity and in good health. and Acirc; mîn!
17 Ramadan 1440/22 May 2019