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Thirty-Seven Mentalities in the Holy Quran

: 9786058079793
119.00 TL
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Thirty-Seven Mentalities in the Holy Quran

Thirty-Seven Mentalities in the Holy Quran

Book Features:

Number of Pages 73
Size 11 x16 cm
Paper Book Paper
Language Turkish
Volume Hardcover

Thirty Seven (37) Tehlîlât (Word of Tawheed)
His endless praise to Allah, who said the Quran for our material and spiritual healing, said:
"Those who seek their healing from the Quran should not let Allah heal them." (as-Süyûtî, Câmi'u'l-ehâdîs, number: 23853, 21/407; al-Qurtubî, at-Tafsir, 10/315; 'Alî el-Müttakî, Kenzü'l-'ummâl, number: 28106, 10/9), after the unlimited blessings of the Prophet (pbuh) to our Prophet, his Ahl al-Bayti and his companions!
As everyone has done; The most virtuous of dhikr is Kalima-i Tawheed, which is the word of tawheed.
Ulama's tesbîti vechile; In 37 verses in the Quran, there is the mention of tahlîl, which expresses that there is no god other than Allah.
Some scholars such as İmâm-ı Beyy vemî and Hâdimî (Rahimehumellâh) declared the merits and virtues of reading them.
Abdülhakîm (Rahimehullâh) narrated this allegation from Sayyid Ahmed ar-Rifâ‘î (Kuddise Sirruhû), the pole of the marriage.
Ahmed Zıyâüddîn Gümüşhânevî (Kuddise Sirruhû) also includes 290-294 of the first volume of his 2000-page work titled "Mecmû‘atü'l-ehzâb", in which all saints and scholars gathered the speedb (vird). pages of all these verses with some additions and gave the name "Hızbu Tehlîlâti'l-Qur'âni'l -Azîm". Here in this epistle, we will mention about this speedbear, its atmosphere and its meanings.
May Allah make our sentence for the sake of these dangers aloof from all kinds of material and spiritual troubles and illnesses and make it possible for us to shut up with the Word of Tawheed.
and Acirc; mîn!
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