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Values ​​Education with Companions

: 0000000552200
379.00 TL
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Values ​​Education with Companions

Values ​​Education with Companions

Product features :

Publisher: Nesil Publications
Cover Quality: Soft Cover
Page Quality: High Quality (Color Image)
Size: 12 x 20 cm
Weight: 788 gr

For ages 7 and over
Loyalty to Abu Bakr,
To control anger and to be fair with Ömer,
Kindness with Osman,
To be smart with Ali,
Bravery with Talha,
To be determined with Zübeyir,
His generosity with Abdurrahman,
Patience with Sa'd,
To be reliable with Abu Ubayda,
To learn how to be content with Said bin Zayd
What do you say?
Who are these?
Very dear Companions of the Prophet ... They are like stars shining in the sky. They become light for us and illuminate our path.
Do you want to behave beautifully like them and be like a shining star in the sky?
Come on then start reading the Values ​​Education set with Companions!
And shine brightly in the sky!


1- The Friendship of Abu Bakr - 48 Pages
2- Ömer's Anger Control - 48 Pages
3- The Kindness of Osman - 48 Pages
4- Ali's Intelligence - 48 Pages
5- Talha's Valor - 48 Pages
6- Zübeyir's Determination - 48 Pages
7- Abdurrahman's Generosity - 48 Pages
8- Sa'd's Patience - 48 Pages
9- Reliability of Abu Ubeyde - 48 Pages
10- Said's Frugality - 48 Pages
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