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Al-Afak Prayers, Talismans, Spells and Solutions-1256

: 9789756354667
269.00 TL
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Al-Afak Prayers, Talismans, Spells and Solutions


Product Specifications :

Author : Imam Ghazali
Yaynevi : Esma Publishing House
Simplify : H.Mustafa Varli
Pages: 355
Skin Condition: Skinless
Size: 13.5 x 19.5
Cover Quality : Cardboard Cover
Weight : 328 gr

El and Acirc in your hand; I have prepared this precious book called Murada Road in FAK Turkish in a short time. I have ended with the grace of my Lord, who made us out of nothing.
In order to give his heart to this noose and to understand and benefit from various books, By taking himself into account as a merchant who has committed himself by taking into account himself as a merchant who has committed himself when he realizes that cerebral and material thoughts do not benefit without being able to do anything, he adapts himself to the experiments of the psychic or half-assed people who have proliferated in today's environment for a while, and thus spends a certain period of time In our previous statement, he finds himself helpless like a mufis and continues to look for remedies. My nephew's advice to such people is that the way to achieve the outcome of such works successfully is without Hâk and Hâk. I advise these people that every word and every job is a burden first. The main basis of learning this knowledge in a merciful way is patience, surrender, contemption and a classification of the secrets of all greatness in our book to praise him with love and a praise that cannot be described in the best way to his Lord. You prepare something in accordance with the legislation of your business by making a sorting ruler that suits your own needs.
Here is the belief that there is a glitch in the error, whether intentionally or not, when preparing this book for you: when you arrive, it seeks to make us look welcome by forgiving us from my Lord and from you, my esteemed readers. May Allah bless us not as our own desires, but from his servants, whom he desires and who, as my beloved habibi has shown, who have given him his consent and honored him with heaven and his grace. Amen bihürmeti seyyidi'l-mürselin. Velhamdu lillahi Rabbil-world.
H. Mustafa VARLI
Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil. Vessalâtu vesselâmu ala Sayyidina Mohammed's Hâtemil Enbiyâ i vel Mürselin and al-Ali and sahbihi-ecmain.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Acirc;
We ask him for help, and we trust him, and he is a good helper, a good friend, and a good helper.
There is no power but God, who is great and mighty.
Triple Vefki of the Name "Latif"
Whoever mentions this name a lot, he will be given many bountiful treats and treats in every way.
Mentioning the name "simple" is extremely useful for those who want their livelihood to expand. The writing of the quartet will come in the future. Anyone who wants to look there. It is written with musk and zafiran.
Dear readers, because of my curiosity and profession, I have mixed many books and listened to many usdats. He wishes mercy to those who died from the great Mevla and longevity to those who survived, to my precious usdas who have left us a legacy; May we the hungry benefit from their blessings and blessings. Brothers and sisters, I have made many subjects a edible morsel ready for you readers by focusing on different topics. In this book or other books, my purpose is to prepare information for you curious readers in a way that responds to all your pilgrimage and requests, and I have submitted them to your benefits to help you.
There are many precious pens of prayer and healing in this book. Each of these is an unknown spiritual weapon. Whoever misuses this weapon, who uses these procedures with the intention of harming others or an underdog unjustly, reminds us once again that the punishment of our Lord, who has made us out of nothing, will be severe, and I recommend that those who wish to commit such an act should never forget that mevla will never be punished and rewarded.
Dear readers, in order to get a good result from such matters, let us turn to our great position without sin. Let us not repent.
Let's remember our great masters with a beautiful debate and Fatiha with the sheriff. I sincerely offer my wishes of success in the good deeds in accordance with the consent of my Lord to you readers, who wish me continue to do many useful patronages by reminiscing to him with a blessing.
In this book, especially EL and Acirc, which I have worked on; FAK Imam Ghazali Rahmetullahi Aleyhi Hazrat's book Murada Road is seen in the text at the back of the text I would like you to reminisce to the spirit of this person with a Fatiha.
Again, my advice to you is to approach the supreme position of the people. Do not attempt anything without consultation, and the consultation is a window into our Lord. This is the demon of this path for a man who works in this respect, and he goes to the hereafter. Dear readers, every door has a latrine, it closes when the time comes, and I would like to remind you readers that the door of our Great Mevla will never close. In this way, Tevfik is from God and his appreciation from you readers. May His Holiness Mevla pity and protect us all at his own mercy, amen.
H. Mustafa Varli 15/04/1999


Prologue 5
Judge blows vefki 9
Muid blows vefki 10
Latif esma's vefki 12
Vefki 13
Mohammed vefki 14
The vefki of the neighborhood blow is 15
Nasr surah vefki 16
Rizik 20
Methods of benefiting from triple vefks 21
Latif esma's vefki 29
Disbanding war 30
Connecting demons to humans 32
Conversation and appeasement 33
Cancel magic 34
The remedy to get rid of gin is 34
Speech difficulties and dry fever remedy 36
Destroying the enemy and his property 36,398
Uncover treasure, hidden, and buried things 37
Method of position-office, acceptance and respect 37
A method to keep the woman from leaving the house 42
For conversation 43, 48, 61, 156, 157, 163, 175, 185, 186, 285
A method to stop the war and disperse the enemy 43
A method to accept and receive compliments 47
48 to ensure containment, fertility, thieves and enemies
The cure for your wife's discomfort is 52
Defeating the enemy 53, 237, 243, 244, 245, 253, 256, 258, 261, 269
Method of removing names from official shapes 53
Scholar's name vefki 56
Simple name vefki 57
Vefk 59, famous for its fertility
Ismullahil azam 61
Scorpion amulet 62
Chapter 64 on gazalî's way of learning iskat-i hurûfu
Lussy letters and 68
74 on the size of the vefks
Seven talisman chapters 86, 238
Features of Esmai A'zam 94
Famous fez (kalensuve) prayer 95
Unraveling the bond in the woman (preventing pregnancy and loss) 98
Facilitating a woman's birth 100
Eye-catching and evil eye section 104,236
Features of frog's eye 108
Flying in the sky 110
Rainforest 111, 199
Breaking the secret of Adam's sons and Eve's daughters 111
Healing and medicine baboon 114
Hostility and hatred 115
Conversation and happiness baboon 116
Incense of the days (buhur) baboon 116
What to do for men and women 117
Eye pain baboon 118
Expelling demons 119
The thing to do to get married or to seek a suitor is 120
Formula for ambition 120
Unprecedented virtue 121
Subpoena love and love 125
Proliferation of milk of a person with little milk 127,199
128 for a sufferer with insomnia
Sleep regulation for those who sleep too much 128
Hajj chapter 129, 158
Fever and fever 131
133 for those who are afraid at night
Whether the patient will die or not 133
Magic and de-magic 134, 193, 243
Wanting to look big in your partner's eyes 136
De-networking 140
Fertility-nzik talisman preparation baboon 141
Determination to remove spiritual beings 150
Availability with spiritual beings 150
Excisitation perseverance 153, 214
154 to get something
Fishing chapter 155
High office 156
Inflaming a person's love 158
Scarecrow chapter 158
Eye and protection from the enemy 159
Snake and theft amulet 159
Determination to tie the thief's bevli 165
168, 188 for those who are weak in the cima
168 to remove hair from the eye
Determination to find the speedless 168
Turning down the evil eye 171
Formula for scorpion sting 172
Change money baboon 173
175 to get rid of debt
Cimada chat baboon 176, 200
Don't cut the apology blood, baboon 176
Bevlin cut to 177
Increase livelihood 179
Enemy supremacy 180
Gin flashing baboon in the body 180
Defeat baboon 180
Conversation and squealing force 182
catching the thief and the escapee 183
Turn someone on to a job 184
Mnetme baboon 187 without eating the child's soil
Ferce and zekere damage baboon 190
Eliminating the disease in women 191
Devil's hit baboon 194
Sea protection baboon 195
Gaibden news story 196
Haunt the enemy with gin 196
Gin hits 197
Destroying damaging birds 200
200 for aacret and snake stingers
Destruction of harming animals 201
Cure for twilight 202
Not making the house forever by imprisoning the fire 203
Keeping the woman 203
Don't make the enemy sick 204
Don't make the thief sick 204
Secret secrets baboon 206
209 to be strong and superior with everyone
Gold smuggling baboon 210
Don't be afraid of genie and evil, Baboon 211
Healing baboon 213
Rotate the runaway 214
the remedy for wind and ache 218
Head net 220
Water and wind remedies 221,228
Wind demand 222
Ruzgann violence baboon 222
Remedy of abdominal network 226
Protection baboon 227
Looking great 229
Protecting the ship 230
Breaking the magic of the ship and the vehicle 221
Magic and eye protection 232
Amnesty 232
Gin extraction 233
238 for fertility at home and at work
242 to prevent the woman from going out
Taking precautions against the enemy 254,255
Destroying a resort 257
Letter azimeti baboon 267
Preventing war fear 268
A faide for trade and unsold goods 271
273 to provoke and subordinate the enemy
273 to tie a job
274 for those with bleeding conditions
Don't make the thief confess 275
Gin entering the human body 281
Large faide made with oil 286
288 to dislodge someone
290 to disperse a tyrant
295,296 to prevent woman from getting married
All kinds of language binding 297
Method of preventing women from adultery 299
A'zamTn is a big faide 299

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