Asaf b. Berhiyâ, the queen of Suleiman Aleyhisselam, said:
"Berhetiyye, Suleiman Aleyhisse-lam was written all over his throne. The last word, "Shamhâhîr", is on the seal.
it was processed. With the spiritual power of Berhetiyye, Suleiman Aleyhisselam ruled wolves, birds, demons/9
Scholars called Berhetiyye "Treasure full of hidden secrets, red ruby".
In order to achieve success in that business before starting any business, it is necessary for anyone who wants to study Berhetiyye to be absolous,
it is imperative that the place and clothes are clean and burn.
Protected from starvation 33
35 in crying children
35 to relieve headaches
Berhesh Name Sheriff 14
Berhetîh Name Sheriff 5
Berhetiyye Prayer 4
Berheyûlâ Sharif 23
Berşân Name Sheriff 19
Five verses 37
Bashir Name Sheriff 34
Beskîlah Name Sheriff 25
Bezcel Name Sheriff 11
Bikehtahûniyye Name Sheriff 33
14 to bring someone in
22 for the person who doesn't pay the debt
28 to protect against infectious disease
12 to break the spell
36 to get rid of gin
6 to meet the demons
27 for preservation from demons
15 to ward off the demons
16 to protect children from genie and evil eye
29 to prevent internal bleeding
19 for the wish to come true
12 for wishing
15 for wishing
35 for wish
36 for wish
9 for wishing
5 to make childbirth easier
36 to triumph over the enemy
31 so the enemy can't see
26 to protect against the evil of the enemy
Engaluyt Name Sheriff 27
7 for those who can't get married
5 for easy memorization
5 to get out of poverty
6 for eye pain
25 for the healing of eye pain
Ghalmeş Name Sheriff 14
Ghayâhâ Sharif 29
16 to strengthen memory
10 for women who can't get pregnant
20 to protect against thieves, fires and genie
Hûyr Name Sheriff 16
12 to succeed in his job.
Kabrât Name Sheriff 28
Kalenhûd Name Sheriff 18
8 in husband and wife incompatibility
31 to remove ants
24 to find the loss
Kazhîr Name Sheriff 20
Kazmez Name Sheriff 26
Kerîr Name Sheriff 6
Keydehûlâ Name Sheriff 29
17 for the proliferation of the well's water
8 for material and moral gain
6 to prevent the theft of property
Mezcel Name Sheriff 10
21 to get rid of the persistent cough
Nemûshelah Name Sheriff 21
19 to talk to spirits
33 to see if the spirits are coming.
8 to talk to spirits
23 who wants to see what he wants in a dream
18 for anyone with epilepsy or gin
7 for the sale of unsold goods
16 to earn love
6 for love and conversation
21 to get rid of boredom and stress
28 to get rid of adversity
42 to break the magic
30 to break magic and magic
9 to get rid of magic
32 to protect against mosquitoes
7 to protect against mosquitoes
25 to get rid of stress, boredom and debt
Makes sure of thirst 34
Shamhâbârûh Name Sheriff 36
Shamhâhir Name Sheriff 31
Shamhâhîr Name Sheriff 32
Shamhehîr Name Sheriff 32
Terkab Name Sheriff 12
17 to influence
Tetlîh Name Sheriff 7
13 to boost trade
Tûneş Name Sheriff 34
Tûrân Name Sheriff 8
27 to put out the burning fire
9 to bring the tyrant into line
27 to render the tyrant unsusteful
8 to protect against the evil of the unjust