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Book of Prayer - Earthquake Prayer - A.kadir Dedeoglu-1264

: 9789756473986
175.00 TL
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Hardcover Hard Cover Şamua Kağıt Roman Boy Earthquake Prayer Added New Edition (Gül) Osmanlı Yayınları is a Comprehensive Prayer book.


  • Book of Prayer, Earthquake Prayer Added
  • Writer Abdulkadir Dedeoglu
  • Publishing House Gul Nesriyat, Ottoman Publications
  • Tag Price 40 TL
  • Paper - Skin Yellow Shumua paper, Hard Thick skin
  • Page - Size 400 pages, 14x20 cm, Roman Boy, oversized
  • Year of Publication 2014
  • ISBN 9789756473870

All Prayer Sûre and Duâs - îman Duâlart Imamlik and Muezzinlik Duâlbee - Hatim Duâlar Prayers on Special Days and Nights Esma-i Husnâ Duâlar - Fertility Duâlar Yasîn Duâsi - Kenz'ul Arş Duâsi Şifa Duâlar - Protection Duâlar Cünnetül Esmâ Duâlar
Yasîn-i Sharif - Tebâreke - Amme - Vâkia - Rahman - Prostrate Kehf - Conquest - Cumâ - Vedduhâ and Short Surahs


7 Verses 201
Abese Surah 190

Prayer for Opening Ceremonies 273

122 to Quench Hunger and Thirst

Adiyat Sûresi 192

285 to be pardoned

Ahkâf Surah 186

Ahzab Prayer 55

Ahzâp Surah 185

and Acirc;' la Sûresi 191

Strengthening of mind and memory 139

Alak Surah 192

and Acirc;li imrân Surah 182

Prayer for Mercy to Allah 233

Thank God 128

God's (C.C.) Seeing the Community 115

Gold sequence names 323-2

Amenerrasul 172

and Acirc;mentu 11

Payment of Parental Rights 45

Ankebût Surah 184

284 for parents

Car prayer 110

A'râf Surah 182


Arafat Prayer 277

Century Sûre 192

Ashûre Day To Do 95

and Acirc;yetu'l Cursi Hatmi 85

Reading the ayatoll cure on 7 sides 80

and Acirc;yetül- Kursî 29

and Acirc;yet-UI Cure 171

Verse-ü Cure 177

Ayatollah-Cure 181

117 to Open Connected Jobs

Baccarat Sûresi 171

Baccarat Sûresi 182

Baccarat Ve and Acirc;l-i Imran 172

Start Prayers 9

Holiday Sermon Title 64

Curse 229

Protection from Trouble and Accident 79

32 when You See Someone In Trouble

Beled Sûresi 191

Berâet Night 102

Blessing Prayer 206

Besmele-i Sharife 178

Virtue and Cannabis of Nourishment 160

Beyyine Sûresi 192

Those Who Ask for a Gift from a Great 127

Bürûc Surah 190

To Cancel Magic And Magic 216

For protection from magic 214

Breaking the Spell 214

Câsiye Surah 186

Hell's Torment 126

Hell and the Torment of The Grave Prayer 34

236 to Get Out of Hell

Prayers of the Genoa 72

Al-Jazeera salavati 52

Against Gin Slammed 213

168 for Gin Disorder

Gin Sûre 189

Demon Protection Prayers 208

232 To Protect Yourself From Demons

213 to Remove Demons

How to Burn Demons 212

Sûresi 188

Friday Sûre 187

Cünnetu'l-Esma Prayers 117

Unmediated Disease 108

33 on Market And Market

284 for those without children

A Very Special Gift Shape 238

A Versatile Prayer 111

Two Prayers for The Right Faith 132

Earthquake Prayer 206

State And Those Who Want Permission 120

108 for Unending Pain

109 for Toothache

How to Pray 194

Duâda Salevat 231

Acceptance of Your Prayers 116

Secrets of Prayer Acceptance 218

Kabûl terms of the dream 218

Places of Prayer 219

Duâ's Kabûl Times 219

Those Whose Prayers Are Acceptable 285

Duhâ Sûresi 191

Duhâ, Evvâbin Teheccüd 37

Duhan Sûresi 174

Duhân Surah 186

265 for Wedding And Engagement Ceremony

Revenge on the enemy 125

Connecting the Enemy's Language 125

Connecting the Enemy's Language 126

Destroying Enemies 119

Getting Rid of Enemy Tricks 119

Ebced Letters And Values 195

Al-Hakka Surah 189

En'am Surah 173


En'am Surah 182

Enbiyâ Sûresi 184

Enfal Surah 182

Ashab-i kehf 111

Esmai- Prayer with Husna 141

Esmai Husna's Cannabis 144

33 To Read When Leaving home

Prayer of Prayer and a story 167

Fâtir Sûresi 185

Fatiha Surah 170

Fatiha And Verse-UI Cure 171

Fatiha And Ihlas Surah 171

Fatiha And Ziizal Surah 171

Fatiha-i Sharife's Cannabis 170

Prayer with Fatiha-i sharif 321

Fecir Sûresi 191

FelakVeNas Surahs 177

Felak and Nas Surahs 178

Felak And Nas Sûresi 192

Those who want the Heart to Relax 122

Surah of Conquest 186

117 for Galebe to the Enemy

Elephant Sûresi 192

Furkân Surah 184

Fussilet Surah 186

Gaşiye Surah 191

Those Who Want a Large Livelihood 120

Required Conditions and Edebler 283

285 for peace of mind

284 for forgiveness of sins

113 for The Shedding of Sins

117 for forgiveness of your sins

Daily Prayers 129

Hajj Sûresi 184

Hacet Prayer 95

Hadid Sûresi 187

114 to Get Rid of Injustice

Saving Those In Prison From Grief 128

107 for Healing from Disease

Hashid Sûresi 188

Hatim Prayer Arabic 242

Turkish for Hatim Prayer 244

Hatim And Mevlid Prayer 257

Hatimler 84

Remembrance of the Hatims 83

Hatm-i Hâcegân-ı Nakşî 89

Hatm-i Hâcegân-ı Kaadiri 90

Prophet Siddiyk's (r.a) Attack 50

Read When You Leave the Latrine 109

Prayer for Halal Sustenance 235

Read As You Enter the Latrine 109

Prayer for Everything 232

Screedy Sûresi 183

Hafz Verses 223

110 to Protect Yourself From Thieves

Imdâd 226

Hucürât Surah 186

Hud Surah 183

Sermon Prayers 60

Hümeze Surah 192

Hüvallahüllezii 175

Ibrahim Sûresi 183

143 for Drinkers, Adulterers

109 for urinary diseases

Ihlas Felak And Nas Surahs178


Violation Sûresi 193

Ihlas Surah 177

Ihlas Surah 178

Ihlas, Felak and Nas Surahs 177

ihlas, Felak And Nas Surahs 178

144 for Increased Knowledge

Those who want science, wisdom 116

imam Azam's display 140

Prayers of Faith 10

To Die with Faith 227

Terms of Faith 12

infitâr Surah 190

infitar, 176

Human Surah 189

Inshikâk Surah 190

Inshirah Sûresi 191

Iskat-ı SalâtVe Devri 76

His name is Azam Prayer 198

name and Acirc;prayer with raise 232

Isra Sûresi 183

Prayer of Remembrance and Remembrance 135

Izes-Semaaün Shkkat 176

145 for Graveyrinth Trouble

80 to avoid torment in the tomb

Prayer As You Enter the Tomb 73

Accepted Prayer 231

Night of Almighty 105

Kadir Sûresi 192

Kaf Sûresi 187

Sûre of the Infidel 177

Infidel Sûresi 193

Infidel, Nasr, Violation, 177

Infidel, Zilzal, Nasr Surahs 176

HeartAche And Stuttering 168

113 for nur to land in the heart

117 to Fill the Heart with Light

Pen Sûre 189


Cameroon 187

43 to find Between Husband and Wife

Kasas Surah 184


Kasidei Burdeden healings 286

Softening Solid Hearts 118

Those Who Want to Relieve Grief and Sadness 121

Kehf Surah 173

Kehf Sûresi 183

Word-of-Mouth (To Be Memorized) 10

Word-of-The-Word Tevhid Hatmi 81

Word-of-The-Word 10

Kenzül Arş Prayer 238

Kevser Surah 193

Forty-one Mourning 41 Intentions 58

A Short And Beautiful Prayer 230

The Surah of Mischief 189

143 for the Horror of the Apocalypse

134 to Pass through a Scary Place

How to Protect 209

Prayer When You Have a Bad Dream 133

Y. Salevat 51

45 For Payment of Kul Rights

Kunut Prayers 31

251 for the Qur'an Ceremony

Prayers from the Qur'an 284

Decency against the Qur'an 166

Prayers from the Qur'an 239

Virtue of the Quran 237

Quran Prayer 236

Sacrificial Prayers 80

Quraysh Surah 193

Leyi Sûresi 191

Lokman Surah 185

Mâide Surah 182

Mahogany Sûresi 193

Meâric Sûresi 189

Ceremonial Prayers 241

Prayer of Food at Ceremonies 250

Surah of Mary 183

Mevlid Night 93

Prayers at Mevlidi Sharif 69

Prayer at Mevta (Dead) House 260

Mirage Night 100

Mohammed Sûresi 186

92 Held in The Month of Muharrem

144 not to be needy

Mutaffifin Sûresi 190

MÜB and Acirc; REC DAYS 91

Mucâdele Surah 187

Müddessir Surah 189

Muezzinlik Prayers 68

Property Surah 188

Mu'min Sûresi 186

Mu'minûn Surah 184

Mumtehine Surah 188

Verses of Debate (Enbiya Hatmi) 87

Munafıkûn Surah 188

125 for Def.

Mürselât Surah 190

Musebbiat-i Ashere Prayers 116

Muzzemmil Surah 189

Nahil Sûresi 183

Prayer Prayers 13

Prayers And Prayers Read in Prayer 27

Prayer After Prayer 196

Prayer After Prayer 32

Prayer After Prayer And La-firizs 28

Surahs and Prayers Read inside the Prayer 14

Nâs Sûresi 192

Nasr Sûresi 193

Nazar Prayers (Verse of Nazar) 81

Naziat Sûresi 190

Nebe Sûresi 190

Necm Surah 187

Nemi Surah 184

How marriage is performed 78

Blessings and Those Who Want a State 121

Nisa Sûresi 182

April Rain 134

Noah's Surah 189

Nur Sûresi 184

Son or Daughter 120

105 for a Desperate Trouble

127 for Easy Death

Have a long life.113

It's such a prayer that 240

Cüveyriye Our Mother and Duâ 137

Ra'd Sûresi 182

R'ad Surah 183

Rahman Sûresi 187

104 during Ramadan

Rebîu'l- and Acirc;

97 in Receb-i Sharif Month

Regâib Night 99

Sustenance Shortage 143

Rûm Sûresi 185

234 after morning prayers

Sad Sûresi 185

Pure Sûresi 188

Prayers in Safer Month 96

Saffât Surah 185

Salât-ı Nariye (Salât-ı Tefriciyye) 49

Salât-i Caae 70

Salât-i Münciye 48

Salât-i Ummiye 70

Salat-i Fethiye Hatmi 85

Salat-i Tefriciye Nariye Hatmi 85

Salevât-i Sharife 47- 224

Sebe'Sûresi 185

Prayer with Prostration and Acirc;yet 40

Prostrate Sûresi 185

Prostrate and Tebareke Surahs 174

Sekinet And Dignity Requesters 121

128 to Reach The Peace

Virtue of seyyidül consultation 226

Adjective-i-Zâtiye 12

Afiât-i Sub-Sufi 12

108 to Let The Trouble Go

Malaria, Fever And Fever Extinguishers 124

Magic and Magic Shisha 215

Magic vers other than magic 215

123 to Break the Spells

Series sadat names (k.s.) 323-2

Passing the Word 116


Prayer for The Circumcision Ceremony 247

101 in Sha'ban-i Sharif Month

Shams Sûresi 191

127 for the Transformation of Evil into Good

118 for Violence and Distress

285 for severe disease

285 for severe distress

Prayer for healing 112

Healing Verses 203

Shuarâ Sûresi 184

Shura Surah 186

Tâhâ Sûresi 184

Tahrîm Surah 188

Talâk Surah 188

Târik Sûresi 190

Tebareke Surah 175

Greeting sûre 193

Tecdîd-i faith Dream

Tecdîd-i Wedding Duâ 36

Sûre of The Subject 188

Teheccüt-duha-evvabin 37

Tekâsür Surah 192

Tekvir Surah 190

Tekvir, 176

Prayer of Suggestion 73

Prayer with Prayer of The Rosary 39

Prayers of Repentance 35

Repentance Sûre 182

Trust and protection prayer 230

Tîn Sûresi 192

Repentance - Consultation Tecdîd-i faith Genre Surah 187

109 -139 for forgetfulness

Prayer for Anyone Who's Afraid in Sleep 133

When Waking Up 114

115 for Those Who Can't Sleep

To Relieve Sadness 122

Vakia - La Uksimu Surahs 174

Vakia Surah 187

Vâkia Sûresi Prayer 205

Vallahu Gaalibün Hatmi 81

124 for Plague and Taundan

Rain Prayer 136-268

Rainy 123

Prayer of Mourning 240

Yasin Sûresi 173-185

Yasin-i Sharif Hatmi 86

114 to Read while Lying Down

Prayer to Be Read while Lying Down 45

Seven Salevats 48

Food Prayer 54

Prayer for a Newborn 255

Yûnus Surah 183

Joseph Sûresi 183

Blinding the Cruel Enemy 126

To Get Rid of the Tyrant 118

Winning over the Tyrant 119

Zâriyat Sûresi 187

Prayer to Get Rich 112

Zilhicce Month 104

Zilzâl Surah 192

Zilzal Sûresi 176


Zuhruf Surah 186

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