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Celcelutiyye Prayer Havas and Esra

Product Code : T25523
: 9789752943766
119.00 TL
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Celcelutiyye Prayer Havas and Esra

Celcelutiyye Prayer Havas and Esra

Product features :

Publisher: Pamuk Publishing
Author: Imam-i Ghazali
Cover Quality: Soft Cover
Page Quality: 2. Dough
Number of Pages: 120
Size: 13.5 X 19.5 cm
Weight: 98 gr
There are characteristics of the beautiful names and prayers of Allah Almighty mentioned in the Quran. Havas science explains these features better.
Taşköprüzâde: "We should know very well that the fact that your soul is engaged in the Quran, the beautiful names and prayers of Allah Almighty will lead it to a holy direction. Everything has an air, and the reasons that create this atmosphere and secrets are hidden.
Havas science has several sections. One of these chapters is the mood of Allah Almighty's Asmâ-i Hüsnâ. At this point, it is necessary to know the rules of the science of havas, which is related to letters.
The effect of Asma, who is recited in the language of a righteous servant, will be completely different. If such righteous servants of Allah read these words, it will relieve the suffering of many helpless servants.
Our Prophet (s.a.w.): "Someone believes in his influence, God Almighty
If he read the names of God or the prayers on this issue to a mountain, the mountain would have disappeared. ”It is permissible to read it in our religion.
readings are evidence for us. Haşanı Basri, Mujahid, Awzai, Imam-i Shafii and the great commentary and hadith scholar Kurtubi said that there is no harm in making a wish for healing by reading the Quran, prayer or the name of God Almighty.
Many annotations were written by scholars about Kasîde-i Celcel Celtiyye attributed to Imam Ali (k.v.). However, we had this translation prepared by the translation of Gazâli's work named Behcetü's-Seniyye.
I salute my Lord, who bestowed such an opportunity on us, praise from time to time and blessings to his Habib.
Arif Pamuk

Solve connected jobs 96
To Reconcile 15
100 for headache,
Against dizziness 111
Protected from troubles 13
Protected from drowning 92
96 for abundant sustenance and wealth
106 crushed under debt burden
89 for those who suffer from debt
102 in nosebleeds
17 for celb
Celcelûtiyye Prayer (Arabic Reading). 34 Celcelûtiyye Prayer (Turkish Reading). 64 Celcelûtiyye
explanation of words 29
From demons and devil's haunt
17 for protection
To be sure of the evil of the jinn 12
For the reconciliation of resentments 83
To relieve the narrowness 78
13 for wishes
12 for easy birth,
He does not forget what he hears 81
The enemy's tongue is bound 107
For the corruption of the enemy's army ... 25
His enemies are defeated 93
He overcomes his enemies 12
88 in thought disorder
94 If his item is stolen
To protect the house 12
Unmarried 16
For those who are married off 89
In paralysis 103
11 to stop the storm
Understands the secrets of the unseen 82
20 To know something hidden
89 in eye pain
For Hacet
101 to be loved in public
To escape from prison ....... 25
To be protected from the evil of envy. 12
It gets rid of diseases 15
21 to find cure from illness,
Afraid of thief
20 To Find The Thief
Protected from fraudsters 93
To receive respect and acceptance 77
11 for divine blessings
Here for abundance
19 for acceptance
His heart is cleared of discord 85
Knowledge and wisdom come out of your heart 77
To Reconcile Husband and Wife 17
If the girl's fortune is closed 110
Doesn't need anyone 92
Those who want to do evil are tongue-tied 99
111 for swelling and bowel pain
Ascended to office 87, 108
97 to avoid damage to property
Abundance comes to your property 92
Its customer increases 95
Protected from the evil eye 82
Cold 89
Consent reaches his way 90
For the increase of sustenance 12, 79
Against Rih-ı Ahmer's diseases 103
103 in jaundice
84 for love
Reunites with her boyfriend 13, 14
To get rid of magic 89
His word is valid 15, 81
100 for healing
97 for fertility in the field
94 in an incurable disease
To get rid of laziness 21
19 for profit in trade
103 in shaky body
88 To get rid of forgetfulness
Protected from Ümmü Sıbyan 91
Protected from delusion 14, 83
If it is not raining 9
Protection from fire 11
To protect from fire, witch. 79
Protected from snake and scorpion 80
To avoid trouble on the journey. 19
17 To repel the cruel
16 To remove a harmful person
80 for clarification of intelligence
104 for wealth
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