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Delailü'l Hayrat - Salavat-ı Şerifs - Bag Boy

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Delailü'l Hayrat - Salavat-ı Şerifs - Bag Boy

Delailü'l Hayrat - Salavat-ı Şerifs - Bag Boy

Product features :

Prepared by: Fahri Altunkaynak
Publisher: Haktan
Cover Quality: Hardcover
Page Quality: Şamua
Number of Pages: 459
Size: 12.50 x 17.50 cm
Weight: 414 gr


The Lord of the heavens and the earth, Almighty Creator, in our holy book, the Quran, "Allah and His angels bring a lot of salawat to the Prophet. O believers! Bring salawat to him and salute him with complete surrender." (33 / Surat al-Ahzab, verse 56).
Our beloved Prophet Hz. Muhammad (S.A.V.) showed the way to all people: "The one who will be closest to me on the Day of Judgment is the one who brought me the most salawat." (Ibn Mâce, İkâme, 25).One of the great saints of Shazeli, who is walking on the path of Allah and His Messenger, His Holiness Cezlî (k.s), gathered all the salawat known in the hadith books and the prayers of many saints in this work! has brought.
The goal is one, the goal is one: to be close to the beloved of God, to feel him> with him at all times, to be the only love in front of Him | To be able to say "Hello ...".
There is no guardian who does not appreciate his Holiness. Therefore, they read "Hayrat Delail", read it and recommended it. To reach the source of the conversation, Muhammed Mustafa (S.A.V.).
How Should We Read?
Every saint, every day or on certain days of the week, has determined a unique method to recite more blessings. A The J elders of the Naqshbandi road, which is called sadât-ı kiram, generally followed the following way in reading "Delail'i Hayrat":
On certain days of the week, they preferred to read the designated places.
They also read these specific places with ablution, in a comfortable sitting arrangement.
In the Islamic day concept, since the nights are subject to day, let's say that Thursday evening, the evening of that day is called J 'evening, usually after the evening prayer, they started to read "Hayrat of Delail".
Until the evening prayer of the next day, read these certain places | ) have finished.
When Should We Start Reading?
It is always possible to read "Delail's Charity". However, it is possible to give a few examples about the reading time as follows:
Suppose we start reading for the first time on Monday, then the reading method should look like this:
We read the "Beginning Prayer" immediately. Then, we read the prayers of "Intent and Iftitah", "Names of Allah" and "Prayer of Tawfi" respectively. After reading "the names of our Prophet (S.A.V.)", we finish reading the part belonging to Monday.
On Tuesday, we only read the part that belongs to Tuesday.
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday:Such is the case on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. We only read the places that belong to those days.
However, until Monday evening prayer - even after the evening prayer on Sunday - we also read the part of the book at the end of the book.
And ... Thus, we complete the weekly "Charity Delail" course. Every Monday, re-read "Delail" Hayrat "and note; we start to brew like this.
For example, to read "Hayrat Delail" for the first time on Wednesday | For the beginner, the method should be:
We immediately read the part that belongs to that day. Until Monday. On Monday, we start reading "Delail'i Hayrat" just like the first time. In the days that follow, we are again | We are reading the part of the day.
However, we can read every day as we first started reading on Monday. This is also possible.
It is possible to read "Delail'i Hayrat" with other methods than the sample reading methods shown above. A lot more can be said about the reading method. However, let's remind that the important thing is to be able to read constantly ..
and emsp;

Muqaddime 4
Commencement Prayer 44
Prayer of Intention 46
Prayer of Slander 50
Prayer of Attitude 64
Monday 92
Tuesday 134
Wednesday 178
Thursday 222
Friday 268
Saturday 320
Sunday 370
Monday 416
Hatim Prayer 438
Preface 456
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