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Delail-i Hayrat Şevarkı'l Envar Salavat-ı Şerifeler

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269.00 TL
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Delail-i Hayrat Şevarkı'l Envar Salavat-ı Şerifeler

Delail-i Hayrat Şevarkı'l Envar Salavat-ı Şerifeler

Product features :

Publisher: Esma Publications
Translation: H. Mustafa Varlı - Feride Varlı
Cover Quality: Soft Cover
Page Quality: 2. Dough
Number of Pages: 278
Size: 13.5 x 19.5 cm
Weight: 276 gr

Elhamdı Lillahi Rabbil'lamin. Prophet Muhammad alah Sayyidina Muhammedin Hâtemil- Anbiyai wal Mürselin and ala âlihi and sahbihi- ajmaîn.
Praise and Acirc; to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds ... Peace and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the Last of the Prophets, and his family members and all his companions ... And all those who follow him.
All who are in the heavens, on the earth, between them and under the earth belong to God. No matter how closed it may be, nothing is hidden from God.
Whether you speak the word openly or secretly, it is surely the one who knows both the secret and the lover well.
In order for human beings, who are the most honorable creatures to be true servants of Allah, they must obey His orders and avoid his prohibitions.
The duty of man; The guide of guidance and the prescription for salvation sent for the arrangement of the life of this world is to comply with the Quran and to live by adhering to the sunnah of the supreme leader, our beloved Prophet. The Quran and Sunnah will continue to illuminate the path of Humanity until the Day of Judgment. And the only Divine order that will regulate the life of all humanity until the Day of Judgment is the Holy Qur'an. It is the sunnah of our Prophet.
All Muslims are obliged to regulate all their actions and behaviors according to the Quran and Sunnah throughout their lives. As a matter of fact, when a believer who believes in sincerity says that I believed and surrendered, "O Lord! There is no god (legislator) other than you. You arrange all life and the universe. Your dear prophet Muhammad (pbuh) is your messenger and the leader of all humanity." He said.
O Believer! The last Prophet of Allah throughout his life, Hz. You must follow Muhammad (pbuh), take him as a guide! Before his death, the Messenger of Allah says: "I leave two things to you, obey him, if you follow him, you will achieve salvation. If you do not follow Him, you will fall into error. One of this trust is the Book of Allah. The other is my sunnah."
Again, Allah (swt) said: "Take whatever the Prophet commands you. Obey him. Avoid whatever he forbids." Yes, we will be able to use the creatures created by Allah as a means and reason. If such paths were opened in the past, we will seek ways to destroy them. Muslims are obliged to cling to the Quran and the Sunnah in order to solve the problems of life and the problems between them. hug. 'he sleeps. Therefore, it is necessary not to be tempted and leave a bad habit while using the reasons and means. If a bad behavior is left behind, it is necessary to make an effort to remove it. It is necessary to publish some works made with great effort for the benefit of people. Here is the patron of this work, Hz.
Muhammed bin Süleyman Cezli, one of the grandchildren of Hasan "r.a." Delailû'l-Hayrat is a great person who owns it. He is a member of the Şazeli sect and lived in the city of Merrakus in Morocco until the 870th year of the century. When the grave of this person was opened 88 years after his death, his body was as solid and fresh as the first day, which terrified the people of that day. Around this person, they would read the book Delaiül hayrat selatü selam "Merrakeş". We have translated this precious work into modern Turkish so that everyone can read it for you, and we have written it to make you a shareholder of this valuable work. May God Almighty protect our sentence from the abolition of the soul and devil. (Amine)
H. Mustafa VARLI-Feride VARLI 1997 RAMAZAN
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