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Envarül Aşıkin / Full Text Ahmet Bican Yazicioglu-1522

: 9789757161059
525.00 TL
Featured Information

It is a Sufism Book that Describes the Religion and Law of Islam Written in Clear Fluent Turkish


  • Simplifying: Mahmoud Serdaroglu
  • Simplifying: Lutfi Aydin
  • Release Date 2016-01-01
  • Isbn
  • 9789757161059
  • Print Count Printing
  • Language ENGLISH
  • Pages 723
  • Skin Type Bind
  • Paper Type Book Paper
  • Size 17 x 24.5 cm

After being honored with Islam, the Turkish nation has enabled the spread of this great religion, first in Central Asia, then in Central Asia and Anatolia, and finally on three continents, including Europe and Africa, while the sa-yearless Crusaders, which continue to this day, have stopped in their chests full of faith.

This service has lasted for centuries. Meanwhile, starting from Central Asia, Ahmet Yesevî, Abdulkadir Geylânî, Imam-ı Gazalî, Suhreverdî, Abu'lleys Saserkandî, Besides many Islamic scholars such as Bahaeddin Nakshibendî, mevlâna Celâleddîn, Yunus Emre, HaciBektas-ı Velî, Somuncu Baba, Geyikli Baba, Ahi Evran, Karaca Ahmet, Haci Bayram-ı Velî, Ibrahim Tennurî, Emir Ahmed Bukharî and Akşemseddin. Like Ibn-i Sîna, the greatest of the World Medicine science, who found meridian and parallels to the caravan started by scientists such as Astronomy bil-gini and the head of the state, Uluğ Bey, The scholars who detected the microbe a thousand years ago, who served humanity with their inventions in ce-one, trigonometry and matamatic science, geographers who drew the world map like Pîrî Reis, many scholars, poets, edips, tafsirists and hadithists who found the note in music about a thousand years ago, such as Abdulkadir Meragî, are the pioneers of service among the backward Islamic countries today.

Many friends of Allah have served and served for centuries in the name of keeping the religious life and the deeds of this nation alive.

The owner of the work in your hand is one of the friends of Allah who joined this caravan of services with his clear and fluent Turkish during his time.


The Yazicioglu brothers, also called Ahmed and Mohammed Çelebi, lived in Gallipoli in the 15th century. Yazicioglu Muhammad Bican, who also presented a very valuable work called Muhammadiye, which is one of the beautiful examples of Turkish, received feyz from Haci Bayram-ı Velî. Envârü'l and Acirc;şıkîn / and Acirc;şık's Nurswere written by his brother Ahmed Bican. En-vârü'l and Acirc; Mohammed Bican's(Megarib'ul Zeman)arabic-language work is translated into Turkish by his brother Ahmet Bican. The work is multifaceted. One important part is that it also gives "History of Prophets" with a beautiful style and a different methodology within its structure.

These two beautiful and very important works of the Yazicioglu brothers; The Nursof The Greats , and Envârü'l and Acirc;şıkîn / and Acirc;

Our esteemed researcher and poet brother Ahmet Metin Şahin Bey reconsidered the work with meticulous work in Ottoman. While it remains in place to undertake the task of preparing and redaction for publication without being our place, we would like to express our gratitude to Ahmet Metin Şahin Bey, who brought the works of Mohammed Iqbal to our language with aruz vezni and who did not spare us the help of mevlâna's Mesnevî in taking a break from his work and re-presenting the work to Turkish readers.

The shortcomings are from us, and help is from Allah.


About the work and its author 5

ENV and Acirc; RÜ'L and Acirc;ŞIKÎN / and Acirc;The Nurs of the stylish 7

Reasons why I wrote the book 9


Layout and Layout of Assets 13

Sorting of assets 16

What is said about the heavens, the earth and the miniasers 24

Declaration of words reported by Allah 31


Allah Tealâ's call to the Prophets 35

and Acirc;dem Blowing rûh to Aleyhisselâm 37

and Acirc;dem's repentance 50

God taking words from people 51

and the deaths of Acirc;dem and Havvâ 59

Prophet of Şit Aleyhisselâm 61

Prophet of Idris Aleyhisselâm 61

Prophet of Nûh Aleyhisselâm 63

Prophet of Hûd Aleyhisselâm 67

Prophet of Salih Aleyhisselâm 68

Prophet of Ibrahim Aleyhisselâm 70

The kaaba's 76

Death of Abraham 82

Prophet of Ismail Aleyhisselâm 83

The prophetism of Isaac. 87

Prophet of Yâkup and Yûsuf Aleyhisselâmlar 88

Deaths of Yâkup and Yûsuf Aleyhisselâmlar 100

Prophet of Eyyub Aleyhisselâm 101

The propheticity of Shuayb Aleyhisselâm. 107

Prophet of Mûsa Aleyhisselâm, son of Moses 109

Hızr Aleyhisselâm 110

Prophet of Moses Aleyhisselâm 110

-The lowering of the Torah and the desire of Moses to see Allah 118

-Written words in TEvrat 130

Yusha bin Nûn's prophetism 139

The propheticity of Ilyas Aleyhisselâm 139

Prophet of DâvudAleyhisselâm 144

-Prophet Dâvu's prayer 150


-God's revelations to David 154

-Hz. Dâvud'u Allah's encouragement 156

Dâvud Aleyhisselâm's death 159

Prophet of Suleiman Aleyhisselâm 161

-The make of Beyt'i Mukaddes 165

-Waist paralys paralys 166

-Hz. Lokman bet 172

Prophets of His Wife and Ermiyâ 177

Prophet of Uzeyr Aleyhisselâm 181

Prophet of Metta son Yûnus Aleyhisselâm 182

Prophet of Hazrat Zekeriya and Hazrat Yahyâ 185

-Death of The Prophets of Zekeriya and Yahyâ 188

The prophetism of Isâ Aleyhisselâm 190

-The qualifications section of the Bible 196

-Lowering the table from the sky 201

-Hz. Isâ's rise to the sky 202

Prophets' turn 206

Prophet Muhammad Mustafa's prophetism 219

-Quran 226

-Mi'rac bet 229

-Our Prophet's see of Allah 241

-Secrets of revelation 243

-Blessed words 250

-Divine hadiths 257

-The prophet's emigration from Mecca to Medina 272

-Jihad of the Prophet 280

-Death of our Prophet 287

-Virtues of ashab and the death of Hz. Fâtıma 297

-Death of Abu Bakr- 298

-Death of Hazrat Omar 299

-Hz. Osman's death 300

-Hz. Ali's death301

-Deaths of Hz. Hashan and Hussein 302


Words god has revealed to angels 307

-Section 308 on Gabriel

-Various issues 321

-Chapter 329 on the angel of death

-Authorities of the spirits 334


The address of Allah on the Day of Doom 339

Section 348 on different beliefs

Section 350 on the deeds

Friday section 367

Section 372 on mosques

Chapter 373 on Zakat

Chapter 374 on fasting

Episode 379 on the night of Almighty

Hajj section 382

Chapter 386 on jihad

Chapter 391 on the Qur'an

Chapter 399 on the chant

Chapter 404 on patience

Chapter 406 on alms

407, the authority and range of those who are in the way of Allah.

Chapter 411 on the virtues of the province

and the virtues of Acirc;lims 413

Chapter 418 on advice for good and men of evil

Section 419 on the virtues of the poor

World-related section 423

Chapter 427 on kabir and the dead

Prayer section 429

Repentance and amnesty section 432

-Section 433 on repentance

Takva section 435

Apocalyptic omens 439

Apocalyptic omens 441

-Antichrist's exit 442

-Isâ's sky-to-earth landing 443

-Dabbet'ul Arz's output 444

-Sunrise from the west 445

-Knocking on the door of repentance 445

-Myringes starting on earth 446

-Blowing of Sûr 447

-Section 450 on hashed

-Change of place and sky 454

-Doomsday stops 459

-Great fear 462

-Livâ'ul hamd 464

-Bringing hell in the mahsery 467

-Account in the mahser 468

-Intercessing in the Mahser 472

-Chapter 474 on the Kaaba

-Intercessing of the Prophet 476

-Account-related section /1 478

-Account related section / 2 480

-Those who will enter paradise without accounts 484

-(Book) Book of Deeds 491

-Mizan 493

-Hostilities and courts 496

-Other strange jobs on doomsday 499

-Allah talking to angels 501

-Hell and down grades 504

-They will enter the Fire (hell) 507

-Status of those in heaven 514

-Havz section 515

-Rank 516


Words of Allah in the supreme office 523

-Entering heaven 527

-Purgatory 532

-Seeing Allah Tealâ 534

-Four Râsid Caliphs' places in heaven 538

-The status of the great sinners 538

-Wisdom of fire 541

-Section 542 on gins

-Strangle of death 544

-Tûbâ tree 544

-Hûriler 544

-Vildan section i- 547

-Tickles 547

-Rivers of heaven 548

-Ranks and great values of the people of Paradise 549

-Martyrs 556

-Blessings of the people of Paradise 557

-Ranks of the people of heaven 564

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