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Praise be to our Lord, who has made us from nothing and honored us with his numerous blessings. Salât and salute to the prophet Muhammad Mustafa (Sallallâhü Aleyhi and Sellem).
It is possible to know and know God's names and adjectives. There are many honorable and valuable names of Allah. Mevla Teâlâ personally declared the value and importance of ism-i sharifs with his verses:
He said, "There is no god but Him. Only He has the best names." 1 "Those most beautiful names belong only to Him." 2
Some of these names are mentioned in the Qur'an and some of them are declared in hadiths. Although the exact number of ism-i sharifs of Allahu Telâ is unknown, the most famous reported in the Esmâu'l Husnâ hadith-i sharif are 99. and the Acirc;limler declared that all other sheriffs were also hidden in the meanings of these names.
The Prophet says, "Allah has ninety-nine names. Whoever prays for these names will enter Paradise." 3
1-Surah: 8
2-Hashr Surah: 24
It is also stated by verse that the prayers with Esmâü'l Husnâ will be closer to acceptance in terms of invention:
"The most beautiful names belong only to God. So beg Him with them. And leave those who deviate directly from His names. They will be retasses for what they used to do." 4
Although there are various studies on Esmâü'l Husnâ, we wished to make use of the explanations of the ism-i sharifs of Allahu Telâ, the verses he passed through and the virtues and cannabis of prayer and remembrance with those beautiful ism-i sharifs.
Our wish from you Muslim brothers and sisters; to take advantage of the beauties in this work prepared in a weak way and to inform us of the errors and deficiencies you see in the work.
All the beauties in this book belong to Islam, and the mistakes belong to the poor who wrote this book. May Allah bless us in servitude to him, in the community of Rasul (sallalahu) and sellem, in the hadith of his Qur'an, in befriending his friends. ( and Acirc; MÎN)
14 Receb 1433 – 04 June 2012
3-Buhârî, Daavât: 68; Muslim, Remembrance: 5; Tirmizî, Daavât: 87
4-A'râf Surah: 180
ESM comes Acirc; Ü'L HÜSN comes Acirc; 15
Allah 29
er-Rahmân 34
er-Rahîm 38
el-Melik 44
el-Kuddûs 49
es-Selâm 53
el-Mü'min 57
el-Müheymin 60
el-Azîz 63
el-Cebbâr 70
el-Mütekebbir 73
el-Hâlik 76
el-Bâri 82
el-Ğaffâr 88
el-Kahhâr 93
el-Vehhâb 98
er-Rezzâk 101
el-Fettâh 104
el-Alîm 107
el-Kâbid 111
el-Bâsit 114
el-Hâfid 117
er-Râfi 120
el-Muizz 123
el-MüzilI 127
es-Semî 130
el-Basîr 134
el-Hakem 138
el-Adl 141
el-Latîf 144
el-Halîm 154
el-Azîm 162
eş-Şekûr 167
el-Aliyy 171
el-Kebîr 176
el-Hafîz 181
el-Mukît 184
el-Hasîb 187
el-Celîl 191
el-Kerîm 194
er-Rakîb 197
el-Mucîb 201
el-Vâsi1 204
el-Hakîm 210
el-Vedûd 214
el-Mecîd 217
el-Bâis 220
eş-Şehîd 223
el-Hakk 228
el-Vekîl 232
el-Kaviyy 236
el-Metîn 240
el-Veliyy 243
el-Hamîd 247
el-Muhsî 252
el-Mübdi 255
el-Muîd 257
el-Muhyî 260
el-Mümît 264
el-Hayy 266
el-Kayyûm 271
el-Vâcid 275
el-Mâcid 277
el-Vâhid 280
es-Samed 283
el-Kâdir 286
el-Muktedir 289
el-Mukaddim 293
el-Muahhir 296
el-Evvel 299
el-ve Acirc;hir 301
ez-Zâhir 304
el-Bâtın 307
el-Vâlî 310
el-Müteâlî 313
el-Berr 316
et-Tevvâb 319
el-Müntekim 323
el-Afüvv 326
er-Raûf 331
Malikü'l Mülk 335
Zü'l Celâli come'l İkrâm 338
eL-Muksit 341
el-Câmi 343
el-Ğaniyy 346
el-Muğnî 350
el-Mâni 352
ed-Dâr 355
en-Nâfi 358
en-Nûr 360
el-Hâdî 364
el-Bedî 368
el-Bâkî 371
el-Vâris 374
er-Reşîd 378
es-Sabûr 380