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Esmaü'l Husna Sherhi - Ali Osman Freshwater-1267

: 9786054322725
239.00 TL
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It is the Introduction and Sales Page of the Book of Esmâü'l-Hüsna Commentary

Esmâü'l-Husna Sherhi

Ali Osman Freshwater - Mufti of Fatih Dersams

Pages: 270

Door Publications - March 2017

"Ninety-Nine Names of God That Open Hearts and Nurture Ideas"

The great man we call God is the one who created, held, and observed this immense being. He has power without borders, and if he wants to, he will create many likenesses of those who were created. Yet there is not a shred of its power. He is the Lord-bu'l-Alemin, but he has such blessings and offerings to his servants who are familiar with him that no one has the power to say or count them. Therefore, the greatest possible gain for a human being is to know Him, and the greatest loss is to be obscure from Him.

Suppose there is a generous, kind, elegant, compassionate person whose manners, knowledge is wide, wealthy, remembered and influential, and everyone, not him, has such a "genius-yi chat" that it is an honor to even get a compliment like this on the way. He is therefore a pleasure and a pride. He willingly endures great sacrifices to win his friendship... Let's face it, we've won this friendship. I wonder if we'll be able to get rid of the need to look for other friends for our wishes. They have such a variety of pilgrimages to the body, heart, soul that they change constantly with time and go away without interruption.

It is a clear fact that no one is able to end these myriad pilgrimages that are renewed at any moment other than Allah u Zu'l-Jalal All and Tekaddes. God has opened the door of mercy to those who have come true. There's no curtainer at the door, no shrine to get to him. As the wishes multiply, the grace and the grace multiply; as the volumes increase, the lyceny increases in phases; It is He who delivers the greatest and the smallest of all kinds of material and spiritual blessings to the creature and protects them from all kinds of harm and loss. In that case, god is the only one who will be learned and friendship will be gained. To win His friendship is to win everything. But to gain all but Allah is to gain nothing. To have the blessing of God; it is achieved by knowing itself and obeying their will. To know God is the highest possible honor for a human being, and to obey their will is the highest gain. An honest knowledge of God saves man from all kinds of superstitions and superstitions in his own world of mind. Obeying god's commandments also brings into the true bliss and fortune of man, cleanses and raises him in spirit, and makes him worthy of god's conversation. Indeed, God has given him a brilliant honor in keeping man accountable, and how much he has raised him. In this way, man has survived worshipping god, trembling and trembling in the face of any living inanimate force, weeping and begging for futile mercy from them, and in one move he has achieved a complete and genuine freedom, such as being afraid of God alone, loving God alone, and being a servant to God alone.

Islam is the only religion that teaches His Holiness in the most advanced order accessible to human decency and gives the most real feelings about Him and informs them of his will. There is no reason why the human beings are miserable when the Islamic sun shines before it sets with its abundant loss in cloudless skies. Only if they do not close their eyes and their hearts against it. Islam is a religion; Allahu introduces Him by teaching his names and adjectives in the Qur'an and hadith, endears his unaccountable blessings by counting them as my blessings, shows them ways to increase and ebed them by using them well, and scares him from being deprived by misuse.

Today, it is possible to divide the people of the world into three classes in terms of the knowledge of Allah:

  1. Those who have a full and true knowledge are the most precious people who believe in God with a true feeling. Because he does not leave fairness in everything, he does not harm anyone, he tries to do good to everyone, he does not worship man, no matter how big, he knows everyone as a brother, he does not submit to anyone, he does not lie, his heart is spacious, his eyes are not darkened by the ambition of the world, he does not leave the right path...
    Oh, if all men could learn the truth and the great being! Then how much they would love each other, how much they would hate to fight each other!
  2. While those who deny all existence are as absurd and delusional as denying the existence of God and denying a hypocritical idea, even at this time when we pride ourselves on the transfer of knowledge, denial with the shirk continues to be a bleeding wound of the human being. Ironically, many of these reclusives are fans of beautiful works, and while they applaud the painter when they see a painting that has been drawn, for example, "Sir, it's great, it's great," they're in awe of that great power-holder who shows millions of paintings in this tiny world. It is incapable of suffering deeply in the name of humanity.
  3. There are many people who believe in his existence, but do not know it, and they do not know it, and they have not been able to avoid shirking Him even though they believe in the existence of God, that is, to give him a share of greatness, or to think that he may be an equal or a partner to God in any of the adjectives of greatness, or to attribute any adjective of the nature to Halik. People of this class are more common. On the one hand, "reclusiveness", which appears at any point in the world and means a terrible disease of ideas, is spreading among people like a cholera epidemic.

In fact, it is a very sad void that man cannot obtain an honest knowledge about the person who created him. In order to eliminate this ignorance, it is necessary to learn the names and adjectives of Allahu All. I wanted to serve my citizens from this point, not looking down on me. I wrote it under the name Esmâü'l-Husnâ Sherhi by decree of the famous hadith that declares the ninety-nine names of Allah. In my words, I tried not to dive into the divine abuse, not to engage in philosophical evils, and to address them in as simple and clear expressions as I could.
I hope that when these ninety-nine sources of light are opened with a heart, the clouds of shirk and denial that cloud the knowledge of Allah will dissipate there, the truths will be perceived, and the light of safety and comfort will be sprinkled.

Repentance and guidance are only from God.



Praise to Allah and Plea 1
Allah 10
Er-Rahman 20
Er-Rahîm 23
Al-Melik 29
Al-Kuddûs 32
Es-Selâm 37
Al-Mu'min 42
Al-Muheymin 45
Al-Azîz 46
Al-Jabarak 48
Al-Mütekebbir 51
Al-Isik 53
Al-Bâri' 55
Al-Musavvir 56
Al-Gaffâr 59
Al-Kahhâr 61
Al-Vehhâb 63
Er-Rezzâk 65
Al-Fettâh 67
Al-Alîm 69
Al-Qabid Al-Bâsıt 72
Al-Haid 74
Er-Râfi' 75
Al-Muizz Al-Musicill 77
Es-Semî' 79
Al-Basîr 81
Hand-Referee 83
Al-Adl 84
Al-Lâtîf 89
Al-Habîr 91
Al-Halîm 93
Al-Azîm 95
Al-Gafûr 98
Ash-Shkûr 100
Al-Aliyy 103
Al-Kebîr 105
Al-Hafiz 108
Al-Mukît 110
Al-Hasîb 113
Al-Jalil 116
Al-Kerîm 118
Er-Rakîb 120
Al-Mucîb 122
Al-Vâsi' 125
Al-Hakîm 127
Al-Vedûd 129
Al-Mecîd 132
El-Bâis 134
Ash-Shehzad 138
Al-Hakk 141
Al-Vekîl 143
Al-Kaviyy 149
Al-Metîn 150
Al-Veliyy 151
Al-Hamîd 153
Al-Muhsî 157
Al-Mubdî' 159
Al-Muîd 162
Al-Muhyî 164
Al-Mumît 166
Al-Hayy 168
Al-Kayyûm 171
Al-Vâcid 173
Al-Mâcid 175
Al-Vâhid 176
Es-Samed 179
Al-Qadir 182
Al-Able 183
Al-Holy See 185
Al-Muahhîr 187
Al-A-Before 189
Al-Acirc;hir 190
Ez-Zâhir 192
Al-Bâtın 195
Al-VâlT 199
Al-Müteâlî 202
El-Berr 204
Et-Tevvâb 205
Al-Munich 207
Al-Afüvv 210
Er-Rauf 213
Maliku'l-Property 216
Zu'l-Cecâli Ve'l-Ikrâm 218
Al-Muksit 221
Al-Câmi' 224
Al-Ghanyy 228
Al-Mugnî 231
Al-Mâni' 235
Ed-Dârr 238
En-Nâfi' 239
En-Nûr 246
Al-Khadî 250
Al-Bedî 253
Al-Bâki 256
Al-Heir 258
Er-Rashid 260
Es-Sabür 263
Last Word and The Only Way out for Suffering Humanity 266

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