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Hadiths and Sciences and Wisdoms - Mosque'l-Ulum Wa'l-Hikem

Product Code : 29386
: 9786055104641
679.00 TL
From the Promotional Newsletter
The book "Hadiths and sciences and wisdom" is considered one of the most wonderful books written by Allama Hafiz Ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (rahimehullah). In this work, in his explanation of the prophetic hadith sharifs, he surpassed the others, gained an advantage and revealed wonders. His book has been the healing of the sick, the water of the thirsty. Besides adding pearls from the interpretation of the Qur'an-karim, the Sunnah of the master of the messengers and the works of his predecessor Salih, the author has made explanations about fiqh faides, procedural rules, literary explanations, language-related subtleties, behavioral secrets and education.

Number of Pages: 424
Translator: Mehdi Canpolat
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Language: Turkish
Paper Quality: Book Paper
Cover Type: Hardcover Hard Cover
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