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Hadiths Encouraging and Dissuading Terghib and Terhib Concise

Product Code : T28681
: 9786059495219
425.00 TL
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Hadiths Encouraging and Dissuading Terghib and Terhib Concise - Hafiz Münziri

Hadiths Encouraging and Dissuading Terghib and Terhib Concise

Product features :

Publisher : Çelik Publishing House
Translation : Hanifi Akin
Cover Quality: Cardboard Cover
Page Quality : Imported Paper
Number of Pages: 812
Size : 15 X 22 cm
Weight : 800 gr
Barcode : 9786059495219


Introducer's Foreword 27
Encouragement to Be Sincere, Righteous and Goodwill 43
Encouraging to Follow the Book and the Sunnah 57
Avoiding Abandoning the Sunnah and Following Bid'ahs and Sufficient Desires 61
Promoting Good Breakthrough and Avoiding Pioneering Evil 62
Knowledge, Demanding Knowledge, Learning Knowledge, Teaching Knowledge
Encouraging and the Virtue of Scholars and Students 67
Encouraging Traveling to Seek Knowledge 72
3 Listening, Translating (Others), Compiling and Reproducing Hadiths
Encouraging and Avoiding Lying in the Name of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) 73
4. Encouraging Respect, Respect, and Valuing Scholars 74
5. Avoiding Acquiring Knowledge for Any Purpose Other than Allah's Consent 75
6. Charity, Encouraging Leadership of Good 77
7. Avoiding Hiding Knowledge 80
8. Acting Knowledgeably by Not Acting With Knowledge and
Avoid Saying You Didn't Do 80
9. Avoiding Being Assertive in Science and the Qur'an 82
10. Avoiding Arguing with Argument and Establishing the Right and
Encouraging the Defender of the West to Abandon Such Behaviors 83
1. To the Roads, Shades, or Water Sources where people come and go
Avoiding Wudu, (While Breaking Wudu)
Encouraging to Avoid Turning and Turning One's Back to the Qibla 89
2.Water, Bathing Place and (Animal and Vermin) Holes
Avoiding Breaking Small Wudu 91
3. (While Performing Major Ablution or Small Ablution)
Avoiding Talking in the Toilet 91
4. From the Urine Touching the Dress and Something Else and
Avoiding Failure 92
5. Men's bath without loincloth, postpartum and
Avoiding Non-Sick Women Without Loincloth 92
6. Avoiding Delaying Ablution Without Excuse 94
7. Encouraging Wudu and Full Wudu 94
8. Encouraging Consistent Wudu and Renewing Wudu 99
9. Encouragement to Use Miswak and The Virtue of Miswak 99
10. Encouraging the Complete Ablution and When Anything From the Obligatory Amount Is Not Completed
Avoiding Abandoning Her 100
11. Encouraging Prayer After Wudu 101
12. Encouraging Two Rak'ats to Pray After Wudu 102
1. Encouraging Adhan and Its Virtue 106
2. Encouraging to Respond to the Muezzin, How to Respond, and
Encouraging Prayers After the Adhan 110
3. Encouraging to Bring Iqamah (Before Fard Prayer) 113
4. Avoiding Exiting the Masjid After Adhan Without Excuse 114
5. Encouraging Prayer Between Adhan and Iqamat 115
6. Encouraging the Construction of Masjids Where Needed 116
7. Encouragement to Keep Masjids Organized and Clean 118
8. Avoiding spitting in the mosque, spitting against the Qibla and
Avoiding Posting Missing 119
9. Encouragement to Walk to Masjids, Especially in the Dark
To Do and Its Virtue 120
10. Encouraging Permanent Attachment and Residence to Masjids 125
11. Onions, Garlic, Leeks, Radishes and Similar Ugly Smelling
Avoiding Anyone Who Eats Things From Coming to the Masjid 126
12. Allowing Women to Pray at Home and
Encouraging Its Continuity 127
13. Encouraging the Five Daily Obligatory Prayers and Making them Continuing 128
14. Encouraging Prayer and Bowing Absolutely,
The Virtue of Prostration and Awe 132
15. Encouraging Prayer at its First Time 134
16. Encouraging Congregational Prayer 134
17. Encouraging a Large Congregation 136
18. Encouraging Prayer in the Countryside 137
19. Especially to stay in congregation for the morning prayer and the night prayer.
Encouraging and Avoiding These Two Prayers Without Congregation 138
20. Avoiding Quitting Joining the Congregation Without Excuse 139
21. Encouraging Nafil Prayer in Houses 141
22. After Praying (Other at the Place of Prayer)
Encouraging Waiting for Prayer 142
23. Encouraging the Continuation of Morning Prayer and Asr Prayer 144
24. After Praying the Morning Prayer and the Afternoon Prayer
Encouragement to Sit in Prayer. 145
25. Morning Prayer, Afternoon Prayer and Evening Prayer
Encouragement to Recite Afterwards 146
26. Avoiding Late Afternoon Prayer without Excuse 147
2". Encouraging to be an Imam by following his manners and
Refraining from being an Imam when it is not in accordance with his manners. 148
25. To Stand in the First Line, Straighten the Lines, Tighten and
Encouraging the Virtue of the Right Side 148
29. Encouraging Filling the Lines and Filling the Gaps 151
30. Men's Rows Behind and Women's Rows Ahead
31. Saying "Amen" Behind the Imam (When Praying in Congregation) and Prayer (The End of the Prayer)
Encouraging Prayer 154
32. Wake Up to the Imam (Ma'mum) During Ruku and Prostration
Avoiding Raising His Head Before the Imam 156
33.From Performing Ruku and Prostration Incompletely and Between Ruku and Prostration
Avoiding Keeping the Waist Straight and Performing the Prayer with Awe 156
34. Avoiding Raising Eyes to the Sky While Praying 160
35. Avoiding Turning the Head Right-Left During Prayer 161
36. (In Prayer) Pebbles and Similar Things on the Place of Prostration
Avoiding Manual Correction 161
37. Avoiding Putting Hands on the Side in Prayer 162
38. Avoiding Passing In Front Of Anyone Who Is Praying 163
39. Deliberately Abandoning Prayer and Ignoring It
Avoiding Wasting Time in Prayer 165
1. Encouraging to Perform Twelve Rak'ats of Circumcision Continuously During the Day and Night.... 173
2. Continually before the Fard of the Morning Prayer
Encouraging the Two Rak'at Sunnah Prayer 174
3. Before and After the Fard of the Noon Prayer (Nafil)
Encouraging Prayer 174
4. Before the Fard of Asr Prayer and with Maghrib
Encouraging Prayer Between Isha (Nafilah) 176
5. To Pray After the Fard (Nafilah) Prayer
Encouraging and those who do not perform the Witr prayer 176
6. With Intention to Spend the Night in Worship
Encouraging Sleep With Ablution 177
7. Encouraging One's Bedtime Prayer 177
8. Encouraging One to Pray When Waking Up During the Night 180
9. Encouragement to Spend the Night in Worship (Night Prayer) 181
10. Avoiding Praying and Reading the Qur'an While Sleepy 182
11. A Person's Sleeping Until Morning and Night Worship
Avoiding Abandonment 183
12. Encouraging Morning and Evening Verses and Recitations 183
14. Encouraging Duha Prayer 186
15. Encouraging and Praying Istikhara
The Person Who Abandoned the Istikhara Prayer 187
1. To rush to Friday prayer and Friday prayer (to catch up)
Encouraging and The Virtue of the Friday and Friday (One-Day) Hour 194
Encouragement of Ablution on Friday 2nd 197
Encouraging Early Attendance for the 3rd Friday Prayer 198
Friday 4th (Disturbing the Congregation to Get Front)
Avoiding Jumping on Your Shoulders 198
5. Avoiding Speaking and Encouraging Silence While the Imam is Giving a Khutba 199
6. Avoiding Leaving Friday Without Excuse 199
7. Encouraging Reading Surah Kahf on Friday and Night 200
1. Encouraging Zakat to Give and Confirming that Zakat is Obligatory 204
2. Avoiding Zakat 207
3. Zakat of Ornaments 210
4. Encouraging the Officer in Charge of Collecting Zakat to Fear Allah and Exaggerating Regarding Zakat Property,
Avoiding Betrayal and Unconfident
It Is Mustahab For Anyone To Avoid Taking This Duty 212
5. Avoiding Begging, It Is Forbidden To Beg For A Rich Person, And Corruptcy Is Spoiled; To be chaste,
Encouraging Conscientiousness and Eating Your Own Profit 215
6. Avoiding Taking the Charity of Anyone Who Doesn't Give With Heart 222
T (If Needed) Accept Something That Comes to Him Unwillingly
Encouragement and Prohibition of Receiving If Rich 222
Q. Avoiding a Beggar from Asking (For Allah's Sake) and Avoiding Not Giving What is Requested from Him "For Allah's Sake" 223
9. The Virtue of Giving Alms, Encouraging Giving Alms, In order to be in a position to give alms to the poor) Study and
Anyone Who Doesn't Have to Give Charity 223
10. Encouraging Charitable Giving 226
11. Giving Charity to Spouse and Close Relatives and
Encouraging Them To Prefer Others 226
12. Asking Someone's Master or Relatives to Request Something From His Surplus Property and That Person to the Person Who Requested
Avoiding Being Counter-Stingy 228
13. Encouraging Lending and The Virtue of Lending 228
14. Giving Ease to Anyone in Trouble, Allowing Time and
Encouraging Discounts on Paying off Debt 229
15. Encouraging Generous Giving in Charity Ways and
Avoiding Accumulating by Being Overly stingy with stinginess 230
16. Encouraging the woman to give alms from her husband's property when she gives permission and from her husband's property when she does not allow
Avoiding Giving Charity 231
17. Encouraging Eating and Drinking and
Avoiding Withdrawing from Such Things 233
18. Thanking the Good, Giving Reward to the Doer of Good, and Giving Him
Encouraging Praying and Anyone Who Doesn't Thank for Goodness 235
1. Encouraging Fasting Absolutely and
The Virtue of the Fasting Person's Prayer 241
2. Keeping the Ramadan Fast with Hope (from Allah) and
Encouraging Ramadan Nights to Worship 243
3. Avoiding Breaking the Fast During Ramadan Without Excuse 244
Fasting for Six Days in the 4th Month of Shawwal 244
5. Encouraging the Fasting of Anyone Not in Arafat on the Day of Arafat, and
It is forbidden for anyone who is in Arafat as a pilgrim to fast for Arafa 245
Encouraging Fasting in the Month of 6th Muharram and on the Day of Ashura 246
7. Encouraging Fasting in Sha'ban 247
8. Encouraging Fasting for Three Days in Each (Lunar) Month 249
Encouraging Fasting Monday through Thursday 250
10. Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday
Encouraging Fasting 250
11. Encouraging One-Day Fasting and One-Day Non-Fasting 252
12. A Woman's Husband Without His Permission
Avoiding Supererogatory Fasting 253
13. When the Passenger Is Unbearable
Avoiding Fasting 253
14. Encouraging Eating Dates, Especially at Suhoor 254
15. Encouraging Fasting and Late Suhoor 255
16. Encouraging Iftar with Water if He Can't Find Dates 256
17. Encouraging Food to a Fasting Person 256
18. People who are not fasting are next to the fasting person
Encouraging Eating 256
19. Fasting Person; Backbiting, Avoiding Ugly Words and Lying 257
20. Encouraging the Fitr Charity 258
1 From Torturing The Animal And With No Intention To Eat It
1 Avoiding Knitting and Doing the Killing and Cutting Beautifully 262
Encouraging Hajj and Umrah 269
Encouraging Spending (For Allah's Pleasure) During Hajj and Umrah 275
Encouraging Umrah During Ramadan 275
Encouraging Modesty During Hajj 276
5 Trying to Hairdressing, Bringing Talbih, and
Encouraging to Raise the Voice When Bringing Teibiya 276
- To Tawaf, Hacerul-Esved and Rukn-i Yemani
>Encouraging Advertising 278
Doing Good Deeds in the First Ten Days of Dhul-Hijjah
Encouragement and the Virtue of Dhul-Hijjah 279
Encouragement to Waqf in Muzdalifah with Arafat and
The Virtue of Arafa Day 280
- Encouraging Devil Grinding 280
Encouraging Head Shaving in IIMina 281
11 Encouraging the Drinking of Zamzam Water and the Virtue of Zamzam 281
12. Anyone Who Doesn't Perform Hajj Although He Can
5u Behavior) 282
13. Al-Masjid al-Haram, Masjid-i-Nabawi, Masjid-i-Aqsa and
Encouraging Prayer in the Cuban Masjid 282
14. Encouragement to Remain in Medina Until Death and Medina,
The Virtue of Ttiud Mountain and Agate Valley 283
15. Avoiding Scaring or Doing Evil to the People of Medina 286
1. Encouraging Vigilance in the Way of Almighty Allah 293
2. Encouraging the Night Vigil in the Way of Allah 295
3. To Donate in the Way of Allah, Equip Veterans and
Encouragement to Help Their Left Behind Families 297
4. To Devote Horses to Jihad Without Riyah and Showing Off
Encouragement and Its Virtue 297
5. Encouraging to be in the way of Allah in the morning and evening and in the way of Allah
The Virtue of Walking and Staying in Dust-Soil 298
6. Encouraging Desire for Martyrdom in the Way of Almighty Allah 299
7. Encouraging Shooting and Learning to Shoot in the Way of Allah and
Avoiding Abandoning Shooting After Learning to Shoot 300
8. Encouraging Jihad in the Way of Allah and During Jihad
The Virtue of Praying at the Moment of Wound, Line and Strike 301
9. Encouraging Sincerity of Intention in Jihad and Receiving Reward,
The Situation of Anyone Who Fights for Loot and Fame 305
11. Refraining from stealing booty and behaving severely in this matter... 306
12. Promoting Martyrdom and the Virtue of Martyrs 309
13. Without Jihad and Intention to Jihad
Avoiding Her Dying 311
14. Types of Martyrs and Taun (Plague) as One of them 311
CHAPTER eleven
1. Encouraging the Reading of the Qur'an in Prayer and Outside of Prayer, and
The Virtue of Learning the Qur'an and Teaching 316
2.(Learned) Repetition of the Qur'an and with a Beautiful Voice
Encouraging Quran Reading 318
3. Encouraging Reading Surah Fatiha and the Virtue of Surah Fatiha 318
Encouraging Reading Surah Al-Baqara and Its Last Two Verses 320
5. Encouraging Reading Ayete'TKürsi and The Virtue of Ayete'l-Kursi 320
6. Encouraging Reading Surah Al-Kahf and the First Ten Verses of Surah Al-Kahf 321
7. Encouraging Reading Surah Mulk 321
8. Encouraging Reading Surah Taqwir and the Surahs Mentioned With It 321
9. Encouraging Reading Surah Ihlas 322
10. Encouraging Reading Surah Falak and Surah An-Nas (Surah Muavvizateyn).. 322
1. Encouragement to Mention Allah Often and Continually, Secretly and Openly 326
2. To be present in dhikr assemblies and to remember Almighty Allah
Encouraging Gathering • 328 5 Human Being Without Mentioning Allah and His Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)
Refraining from Sitting in an Assembly Without Bringing Revenue 330
4 Encouraging the Saying of "La Ilahe Illallah" and Its Virtue 330
5. Encouraging Continuation of Tasbih, Takbir, 'Tehlil and Tahmid' 332
6. Encouraging to recite Takbir with Tasbih, Tahmid, Tahlil 336
Encouraging the Saying of “La Hawle ve La Quwwa, Illa Billah” 338
3.Night and Daytime, Regardless of Morning and Evening
Encouragement to Recite Dhikr 338
9. Encouraging Reciting Verses and Dhikr After Fard Prayers 339
10. Anyone who has a dream they don't like in their sleep
Encouraging Prayer to Do and Read 341
11. Anyone Who Doesn't Sleep At Night or Who Is Afraid
Encouraging Prayers to Read 342
12. A person leaves his home to go to the mosque or elsewhere.
Encouraging Prayers When He Exits and Enters 343
13. It should be read by a person who comes to him in prayer and outside of prayer.
Encouraging Prayer 344
14. Encouragement to Ask Forgiveness (Forgiveness) 345
15. The Virtue of Encouraging Plenty of Prayer and of Practicing Prayer 346
16. Encouraging Prayers to Be Recited at the Beginning of Prayer and
Some Rumors About Allah's "Ism-i Azam" 347
In the 17th Sajda, the (Fard) Prayers Followed and the Night
Encouraging Prayer in the Final Chapter 348
18.Being Impatient in the Acceptance of Prayer
Avoiding Saying "It Didn't Happen" 349
19. From Raising His Head To The Sky While Praying And
Avoiding Praying When One Is Heedless 349
20.Person; To Himself, His Children, His Servant, and
Avoiding Cursing One's Property 350
21. Encouraging to Bless the Prophet (pbuh) and
Avoiding Leaving Salavat When the Name of the Prophet (pbuh) is mentioned 350
CHAPTER Thirteen
1. Encouraging Earnings Through Shopping and Other Things 359
2. A Good Way to Be Balanced and to Ask for Sustenance
Encouraging Watching and Dispelling Love for Merchandise with Ambition 360
3. Demanding Halal (Rızık) and Encouraging Eating Halal (Rızık) and
Earning Haram (Supply) and Avoiding Eating Haram (Supply) 361
4. To Vera and Suspicious Things and Issues That Disturb the Conscience
Encouraging Abandonment 362
5. Tolerance in Shopping and Borrowing
Encouraging Good Behavior 364
6. Remorseful Person Cannot Break the Contract of Sale
Encouraging Acceptance 365
7. Avoiding Underestimating and Weighing 365
8. Avoiding Cheating and in Shopping and Other Things
Encouraging Advice 365
9. Avoiding the Black Market 368
10. To Encourage Traders to Be Truthful and From Truth-Speakers
Keeping Them From Lying And Swearing Even If They Are 369
11. Preventing One of the Partners from Betrayal of the Other 371
12. To Avoid Debt and to Be Loyal to Anyone Who Marries the Debtor and
Encouragement to Engage in Paying Off a Dead's Debt 372
13. Refraining from Extending the Debt of Anyone With the Possibility of Payment and
Encouraging Lenders to Please Pleasure 375
14. For the Debtor, the Saddened, the Grieved, and the Captive
Encouraging Prayer Reading 376
15. Avoiding False Oaths 377
16. Avoiding Interest 380
17. Avoiding Extortion of Land and Other Things 381
18. Avoiding Building More Buildings than Necessary for Pride and Bragging 382
19. Avoiding Interfering with the Worker's Wage and
Ordering to Be Hasty in Paying Claims 385
1. Encouraging the Eyes to Avoid the Haram and Releasing the Eyes (Looking at the Forbidden Things), (No Marriage)
Avoiding Being alone with and touching foreign women 392
2. Encouraging Marriage with a Religious and Fertile Woman 394
3. Husband in Fulfilling His Wife's Rights and Wife Behaving Loyally in Fulfilling Her Husband's Rights
- -:mek and his wife from nullifying these rights of her husband and
Avoiding Treating Him 'T_halif 396
4.~G_ “From Preferring One Of Them And Justice Among Them
Avoiding Flex 399
3 Encouraging and Helping Karama and His Family Members to Donate
"Avoiding Nerd 400"
x jezd by Encouraging Naming and Banning Ugly Names
Change sweat names 402
Attributing the Staff to Someone Other Than His Own Father, Or
i Tc Plenty for Anyone Who Has Two Or One Child Has Died
Encouraging IeI IR Violence 405
1 • ermine Against Husband and Servant Against Master
:• Avoiding Mummy 406
M Avoiding A Woman's Wanting to Divorce Her Husband for No Reason 407
I i Kadir Odor Spreaded and Decorated
Avoiding Going Out of the r 408
I Avoiding Revealing the Secret Between Husband and Wife 409
Encouraging Wearing a White Dress 413
1 Encouraging the Wearing of a Shirt and Retarding the Shirt Or Something One Is Wearing To The Floor And Arrogantly Arrogant
L: Avoiding Dragging a Worker's Skirt (Or Trousers) on the Ground 414
: Encouraging Prayer for Anyone Wearing a New Dress 415
Avoiding Women from Wearing Dress So Thin as to Show the Body.. 416 5 From Men's Use of Silk to Something That Has Silk On It
from Mana and Using Things Embellished with Gold.
and Encouraging Women to Use Silk and Gold 417
Enam, Man to Woman in Speech or Movement and
Avoiding Women's Resemblance to Men 419
7. Showing off and Encouraging to Abandon Arrogance in Clothing,
Avoiding the Garment of Confidence and Pride 419
-Promoting and Whitening White Hairs
It is Makruh to Pull the Hairs 422
9. Avoiding Coloring the Beard Black 422
10. The One Who Adds Makeshift Hair And The Adder, The One Who Gets Tattoo On The Skin, And The One Who Gets It
The One Who Plucks Its Feathers and Plucks It, (So It Looks Beautiful) 423
11. Encouraging Men and Women to Ride with Ismid 426
1. Encouraging Basmalah to Begin a Meal and
Avoiding Basmalah 429
2. Avoid Using Gold and Silver Containers 430
3. Avoiding Eating and Drinking Something with the Left Hand, Blowing into the Water Container,
From the Water Bag and the Glass That Cannot Be Closed
Prohibition of Drinking 430
4. Encouraging Food to Eat from the Side of the Bowl, Not the Middle 431
5. Encouraging the Eating of Vinegar and Olives 431
6. Encouraging Mass Eating 432
7. From Filling Their Stomachs and From Evil and Arrogance
Avoiding Waste in Food and Beverage 433
8. Anyone Invited to the Dinner (From This Invitation) Without Excuse
Avoiding Avoidance and Responding to Invitation 434
9. Encouraging Finger Licking Before Wiping for Blessings 436
10. Encouraging Praise of God After Meal 437
11. Food Smell on One's Hands Without Washing Hands
Avoiding Sleeping While There Is 437
1. Especially to Anyone Who Doesn't Trust Himself, Head of State, Civil Service and
Avoiding Taking the Position of Judge and Not Desiring These Positions 443
2. To Encourage My President Or Other Executives Who Take On The Affairs Of The Muslims To Be Just And Against The People
Avoiding Challenges 446
3. Responding to Bribery, Bribery and Bribery
Avoiding Being an Intermediary Between the Giver 449
4. From oppressing, taking the curse of the oppressed, and taking it without help
Avoiding Quitting and Encouraging Helping the Oppressed 450
5. Refrain from Entering the Presence of Cruel People, Certifying Them and
Avoiding Helping Them 453
T Aiding, Helping Anyone Doing Business, and Preventing One of the Had Penalties Determined by Ifcc
Avoiding Being Incapacitated 455
Equal and His Other Officials Will Wrath Almighty Allah
imeie Avoiding Pleasing People 457
To Allah's Creations, Children, Slaves, and Similar Persons;
To Encourage Slaves, Animals, and Similar Persons with 5 Supplements and Opposite Things
Avoiding Treating Kars Seri Without a Reason 458
A Prohibition of hitting and cauterizing animals in the face 465
§ Head of Business and State Executives; Forward-Sighted Assistant and
. -Y_ I-Big Advisor Acquisition 466
Avoiding False Witnesses 467
CHAPTER Eighteen
1 Encouraging the Encouragement of Good and Prohibition of Evil, and
1 Ordering the urgency, Prohibiting Evil, and Promise
i -i-'-Avoid Dating 483
Encouragement to Cover the Shame of a Muslim and Avoid Harming or Investigation of His Shame 483
- Neutralizing Hadd Penalties and
Avoiding Legally Chewing 485
Encouraging the Implementation of 5 Had Penalties and
I - Avoiding Laxity in Matter 486
-From Drinking, Selling, Buying Liquor (Used in Making Liquor)
488 Avoiding Juicing, Transporting and Eating Money
Avoiding Adultery, Especially With Your Neighbor's Wife (Adultery) 492
-From homosexuality, Animal Sexual Contact, and
9. Refraining from Killing One's Life Unjustly Forbidden by Allah 497
1 D. Avoiding Killing Oneself 499
11. Encouraging the Oppressed to Forgive (Perpetrator) 505
12. From Committing Minor Sins and Considered Sins
Avoiding Contempt for Deeds 505
1. To treat parents well, to maintain kinship bonds with them,
To Reinforce Their Obedience, To Benefit And To
Encouraging Kindness to Their Friends After Their Death 511
2. Avoiding Disobeying Parents 516
3. To Take Care of Relative Even If He Breaks Relative Relationship
Encouraging and Avoiding Relative Relationship 517
4. Encouraging Orphan Care and Compassion 521
5. Avoid Tormenting the Neighbor and Protect the Rights of the Neighbor
reinforce 521
6. Encouraging Brethren and Righteous People to Visit (Religious) 525
7. Encouraging Banqueting, Treating Guests, and Trying to Stay in a Way That Makes My Household Sinful
Refraining from This Behavior of the Guest 525
8. Encouraging the Planting of Crops and Fruit Trees 526
9. Being Tight Hands and Avoiding Extreme Miserliness and
Encouraging Generosity and Openness 527
10. Preventing People from Returning from a Grant 529
11. To Meet the Needs of Muslims and
Encouraging Them to Rejoice 531
1. Encouragement of Haya, Virtue of Haya,
Avoiding Obscene and Ugly 539
2. Encouraging and Avoiding Violence 545
3. To be mild-tempered, prudent, and
Encouraging Sobriety 549
4. Encouraging Smiling and Speaking 553
5. Encouraging the Spreading of Greetings and
Avoiding (People) from Wanting to Honor Him 555
6. Encouraging Handshaking/Handshaking and
Avoiding Greeting with Signs and Not Greeting Disbelievers 560
7. A Person's In (Someone's) House (Not Shown) Without Permission
Avoiding Trying to Look 564 t. :c .: The Greatness Doesn't Want To Be Heard
Avoiding Trying to Moan 565
-He Who Can't Help Himself From Evil Among People
Encouragement of Suspension 565
I Avoid Anger, Away From Anger, and
Encouraging Conquering and Things to Do in Anger 568
Avoiding Eating, Discord, and Enmity 571
Refraining from Saying the Word 'O Infidel!' to the Manager 575
From the Addendum/Speaking Hard, Especially To A Certain Person,
Avoiding Cursing Similar Things, and
Some Things to Come About the Prohibition of Cursing the Wind 578
Avoiding Cursing Ihmana (To Dehr) 582
from frightening the Flemish and giving him Weapons and
ferafTİ Avoiding Pointing at Something 583
Encouraging People to Reconcile 585
Avoiding the Sand 586
Avoiding Slander with Backbiting
Meat and Encouraging Avoidance 587
1-Don't be silent in environments where good things are not spoken
Doing and Avoiding Talking Too Much 594
The Virtue of Avoiding Envy (Jealousy) and Peace of Mind 598
I Encourage Humility and Out of Arrogance, Self-Conceit,
- Avoiding Elimination 602
II Encouragement and Avoidance of Lying 605
II Avoiding Hypocrisy and Bilingualism 609
I-Taking an oath from other than Allah, especially in trust, and
Avoiding Talking (Like) 'You Are Far From Islam' 611
II Avoiding Contempt for a Muslim and
I Love Has No Superiority to Anyone Other Than Taqwa 614
26. Encouraging the Throwing Off Language Torturing Things 616
Provincial Promoting the Killing of Venomous Pied Lizards and Killing Snakes 618
1S .To Encourage Loyalty, Observance of Trust and Failure to Fulfill the Promise, Betrayal, Disloyalty, Negotiation
I Avoiding Persecution or Persecution of the Negotiator 622
19. Encouraging Love for God, Bad Persons and
Avoiding Loving Bidatists 625
30.From Magic, Going to the Soothsayers, Purgatory and
Avoiding Certifying Them 630
31. Avoiding Depictions of Animals and Birds in Homes 632
32. Avoiding Playing with the Nerd 644
33. Encouraging Sitting With The Righteous Person,
Avoiding Sitting with a Bad Person and Assembly Manners 646
34. Avoiding Sleeping Prone Without Excuse 648
35. Avoiding Sitting Between Shadow and Sun and
Encouraging Sitting to Face Qibla 648
36. Avoiding Believing in Bad Luck 649
37. Avoiding Keeping Dogs Except for Hunting Dogs and Shepherd Dogs 649
38. Avoid Traveling Alone or With Someone Else, and
The Best of the Companions in terms of Number 651
39. Avoiding a Woman Traveling Alone Without an Intimate 652
40. Encouraging the Rider to Remember Allah 654
41. Burning While Traveling Or In Any Other Situation
Avoiding Getting Dogs and Rattles to Animals 654
42. Encouraging Night Journeys and Avoiding Evening Journeys, Stopping on the Road, and
Avoiding Separate Sitting in Accommodation 656
43. Encouraging Anyone Who Stumbles to Remember Allah 658
44. Encouraging a Resident to Pray 659
45. To His (Mumin) Brother in His Absence, Especially to the Passenger
Encouraging Prayer 659
46. Encouraging Dying While Abroad 660
1. Encouragement to Repentance and Attempt to Repent 668
2. Giving (Oneself) Worship, Turning to Almighty Allah
Encouraging and Avoiding Caring for the World 674
3. Encouragement to Do Good Deeds When Time Is Distorted 677
4. Encouragement to Act, Even a Little 677
5. Encouraging Adaptation to Poverty (In Life Lived) and Fewer Manual Workers; The poor, the destitute,
The Virtue of Mustaz'afs, Loving Them and Making Friendship With Them 678
6. Encouraging Crying Out of Fear To God 683
I Âmu In An Attempt To Consider The Shortness Of Deeds, To Perform Good Deeds
Encouraging the Hunting
The Virtue of Cer'implication and the Prohibition of Wishing for Death 684
Encouraging God's Fear and The Virtue of God-Fear 689
Praying to Allah, Especially to Almighty Allah
Husn-i Zan Feeding on My Bee 690
1 » Encouraging Aah to Ask For Forgiveness and Well-Being 695
1 Prayer to be read by a person who sees a person who has been complacent 696
? To be patient (against disasters), especially one's own life and property
Encouraging Patience of Anyone Who Has Been Troubled About, and
The Virtue of the Film, the Sickness, the Feverish Sickness, and the Blind One 696
that anything in the water gives it pain
Encouraging Anyone to Pray 698
Avoiding Hanging Amulets and Charms 699
How to Encourage Bloodletting and When to Have Blood Drawn? 700
Encouraging Patient Visits and Doing It Often, and
Encouraging the Patient to Pray 702
- Encouraging the Patient to Pray and Pray 704
-To Encourage Making a Will, Being Just in the Will, and Abandoning the Will, From Harmful Things in the Will
Freeing a Slave at the Time of Atonement and Death and Alms Giver 705
i1 Avoiding People's Views of Death as Ugly and
In the Nature of Offering Love to Almighty Allah When Death Comes
Encouraging Her to Rejoice with Consent 707
11. Encouraging the Funeral Person to Pray 708
12. Encouraging the Digging, Washing, and Shrouding of the Dead 709
13. Encouraging Farewell to the Dead and Attendance at the Burial 709
14. Encouraging Many People to Perform Funeral Prayers 709
15. Encouraging Haste to Bury the Body 710
16. Encouraging Praying and Remembrance of the Dead, and
Avoiding (Person) Things That Are Other Than This 710
17. From crying out to the dead, from plucking hair-heads, from hitting the cheek,
Avoiding Scratching the Face and Tearing Collars 713
18. A Woman's For Anyone But Her Husband
Avoiding Grieving More Than Three Days 715
19. Encouraging Men to Visit Graves; women
Avoiding Visiting Graves, Pursuing Funerals 716
20. Of the oppressors who are heedless of the calamity that befalls them
Avoiding Walking Towards Their Graves, Lands, and Abodes 723
21. Torment in the Grave 723
22. Sitting on the Tomb and
Avoiding Breaking the Bone of the Dead 726
2. Gathering at the Place of Judgment 733
3. (Judgment Day) Accountability 738
4.(Kevser) Pool, Mizan, Sirat 743
5. Intercession 745
1. Desiring to Enter Paradise and Avoiding Hell Fire
Promoting (to Allah) Asylum 757
2. Avoiding Hellfire 758
3. Encouraging Heaven and Heaven's Blessings 763
Bibliography 773
Word and Place Index 787
dictionary 795
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