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Havas-ul Kur'an Kenz-ül Havas

: 9789756354094
729.00 TL
Featured Information

The verses of the Quran and the esmâ-i hüsnâ-i sharîfa: Acceptance of the migrants, the identification of the morbid, the summons of interests, the discovery of the ghayb and the exhilaration of the hearts are married to the mubaret havass-i sherifas. I kirâm ve mâyih-ı izâm qaddesallahu ta'ala esrârehum hazerât, and the ta'îf-i katı '- sharp sword-kılınç, which are the examples of the ta'âm-i katı' (sharp sword).

Havas-ul Quran Kenz-ul Havas - Turkish Annotated - 4 Volumes One Book

"In this book, prayers, verses, vefks, talismans are included together with the airs of Arabic and Turkish recitations. Ebced Vefk and the talismans are drawn in Arabic and what they are useful for, their virtues are located at the bottom.

Product Specifications :

Author: Es Sayyid Suleiman Al Husseini
Simplifying and Translating: H. Mustafa VARLI
Category: Prayer and Havas Books
Pages: 1136
Size: 14 x 21 cm
Place of Publication: Istanbul
Cover Type: Hardcover
Paper Type: Book Paper
Language: Turkish - Arabic
Weight : 912 gr


Verse-i Galilee-i Kuranivye and Esmai Sharife-i Hûsna; Acceptance of needs, healing of diseases, subpoena of interests, rosary of hearts, such as the airy marike-i mecriyeya Kiram and Meshayh-ı İzam (K.S.) Some Vefk-i and Havatim-i Mubarakeyi mündemic, composed of Evrad-ı Galilees, whom his Holiness had ordered and determined to be as sharply influenced as a sword, is a work that has never been seen before.

His Holiness Hak and Feyyaz-I Absolute, Who made the Kevnu Place folk, who changed the state and time in his own body without any help, the unending Hamdu Sena and his Messenger Vanity, Habib-i Huda, Mefhari Mevcudat Bais-i Tekvin, Kainat-i Aliyye, Ekmelü't Tahiyyat With the Longings of our Lord Ali and Ashab-I Kiram Ridvanullahi Teala Aleyhim Ecma to the Hazarat, after giving salutation to the Hazarat, this helpless scathing is to enter into the word and to act :

Hazrat Allah Celle Jalaluhu and amme nevaluhu (Refe fehalaktü'l halka leu'ref). That is, "I was a hidden treasure, I wanted to be known, now I have made the people the people for my obliqueness" and declared the divine wisdom and purpose of the universe in the people and ibda, and in the universe, the people and the people as creatures. With the address "Inni cailün fi'l-ardıhali-feh" i.e. "I will make a caliph in supply", he explained the honorable authority that the human being would give on the cubthlete with the words "inni a'lemu ma la ta'lemun", or "I know what you do not know", so that people would understand the uluvü kadri.

(Inna aradne'l escrow) and the secret of the secrets of revelation, the heavens and the heavens, although they feared the destruction, by saying that man had been loaded, made clear the secret that the human being was equal and planted.

Here is the denial that Ademoglu, who has been the secret of the secrets of the revelation, saved the whole realm through the preservation of human rights and the understanding of the human beings.

The trueness of enbiya-ı Izam and Evliya-yi Kiram hazerat is a weak work of this saving to known miracles and deeds.

Every verse of the Qur'an, which is the subject of all healing and mercy, In fact, it is an inexhaustible Treasure of Eve that does not find words and letters bad, and that they have been resigned and benefited from for 1300-odd years, and thus great and tenacious wonders have been created, and prophets and priests have been able to present verses of the Torah and the Bible before the revelation of Islam, which is known in this erb.

From the descent of Adam A.S. to our time, the Eve of the verses and the sheriffs were engaged with evrad and the oppressors, and the determination and seriousness were always recited and written with a full faith and a pure heart.

Although the survival of the soul was about to fall in the world, these were denied as the work of some men who had the idea of refuting all the sacred and eliminating religions in the last century. However, the knowledge of "ervah and relationship", which has an exceptional significance today, has reconfirmed and reconfirmed that the faith and opinion of a century ago were true and true.

Today, Europe, especially in America, is nothing more than the scientific eve and the rosary that we have known for so many years.

Europeans say in their books that the power of will, thanks to that force, is able to win and dominate everything (MAGNETISM). It's the same thing we say in the Eve country, "I need faith and seriousness." "MAGNETISM" and "CALMJESTİON", i.e. ilga-i idea and desire, are nothing more than our eve and our heart and idea. In "CONSULTATION", is the subpoena of the almighty, the recompensation with them, even the consultation of them, anything other than our way of inviting spirits with air?

We have charlatans of "MAGNETISM" and "ISPISM" in Europe as well as those who go out with a number of charlatans and perform the people.

So, after rejecting and denying the knowledge of havas and the knowledge that has been known to us since ancient time for a century or so, today it is accepted and approved in Europe and America. Our purpose in declaring them is to infirm the opinions of some of the deniers. Otherwise, the religious man has no doubts about havass-ı Kurâniyye and the te'sirat of evrad, which is broken with itikad-i tam.

The te'lif and the order from the sides of Ulema and Meshayih-ı Izam have been lost since time and time, and it has become incomprehensible as the ignorance and error of the resting parties, I brought this book to the body with the spirituality of the Prophet Muhammad and the name of "KENZ'UL HAVAS" by wishing to collect the great works that have been reclusive in the books of cer and îfal in the hands of a number of people and whose sentences are mucerreb and muhakkik, and to heirloom to my brothers and sisters of religion by translating them into Turkish. I did. It is demanded and desirable for them to remember us with charity from my rent, which will be debated and will benefit and hoard from it.

And billâhi't-tevfik.



Hajj the accident, which is from the airy sentence of the verses and the divine in the Qur'an, The subpoena of the hearts, the promotion of men and animals, the preparation of spirits, the invitation of the jinn, the reward with them, the discovery and consultation of the casualties, the ability to walk long distances, the multiplicity of trade and interest in care and merit, the healing of diseases, the cancellation of feelings and many other secret secrets will include the most accurate and accurate ma'lumat and explanations and instructions about them.

However, we specifically ask our brothers and sisters of religion who discuss our book, who wish to be exceptional, to consult on matters that are airy and legitimate, and not to use them in the illegitimate world.

Because it's a great sin to use the havass-galilee outside the site. The damage of the hand gun is the same as the damage of the tongue and pen gun. It has been seen how reassurateful and greatly damaged those who serve the suffering of their souls with havass-i celîle.


Author's foreword to subpoena and rosary 2
Holy Book 3
A little clarification on the book's reclusive 6
Said and Nahs are the ones who have succeeded in good deeds and evil from them 6
Sunday 7 p.m.
Monday 8 p.m.
Tuesday 9
Wednesday 10
Thursday 11
12 on Friday
13 on Saturday
Chapter 15
The air of allah's name ism-i celil 28
Name a'zam azimeti 40
Er-Rahiym ism-i celili 52
Al-Melik ism-i sharif 53
That's the Zikri Sharif 55
Al-Kuddus ism-i celili 56
Esselam ism-i sharif 58
Al-Mumin ism-i celili 60
Al-Muhevmin's name-i-sharif 61
Al-Aziz ism-i celili 64
Al-Cabbâr ism-i sharif 65
Al-Muekebbir ism-i celili 68
Al-Khalid ism-i sharif 69
Al-Bari ism-i sharif 70
Al-Musavvir ism-i sharif 70
Infringement Offset 71
Al-Gaffar ism-i sharif 72
Al-Kahhar ism-i sharif 73
Injunction Offset (Special notice) 74
Al-Vehhab ism-i celili 74
Er-Rezzak ism-i sharif 75
Al-Fettah ism-i celili 76
Al-Alim ism-i celili 77
Al-Constipated ism-i sharif 78
Infringement Offset 79
Al-Bâsit ism-i celili 81
Al-Hafiz ism-i sharif 84
Er-Rafi ism-i celili 85
Al-Muizz ism-i sharif 86
Al-Musill ism-i celili 86
Es-Semi ism-i sharif 87
Al-Basir ism-i celili 89
Al-Hakan ism-i sharif 89
Al-Adl ism-i celili 89
Al-Latif ism-i sharif 91
Al-Habir ism-i celili 101
Al-Halim ism-i sharif 103
Al-Azim ism-i celili 103
Al-Gafûr ism-i sharif 104
Ash-Shekiur ism-i celili 105
Al-Aliyy ism-i sharif 105
Al-Kebir ism-i celili 107
Al-Hafiz ism-i sharif 107
Al-Mugis ism-i celili 109
Al-Hasip ism-i celili 110
Al-Jalil ism-i sharif 111
Al-Kerîm ism-i celili 112
Er-Rakîb ism-i celili 113
Al-Mucib ism-i celili 114
Al-Vâsi ism-i sharif 117
Al-Vedûd ism-i sharif 118
Al-Mecîd ism-i celili 119
Al-Bâis ism-i sharif 120
Ash-Shahid ism-i celili 121
Al-Hak ism-i sharif 122
Al-Vekîl ism-i celil 123
Al-Kavi ism-i sharif 123
Al-Metin ism-i celili 124
Al-Veli ism-i celili 125
Al-Hamid ism-i celili 125
Al-Muhsi ism-i sharif 126
Al-Mubdi ism-i sharif 127
Al-Mu'iya ism-i sharif 127
Al-Muhyi ism-i celili 129
Al-Mmit ism-i sharif 130
Al-Hak ism-i celili 132
Al-Kayyüm ism-i sharif 132
Al-Vacîd ism-i sharif 135
Al-Macid ism-i sharif 135
Al-Wahhabi-Ehad ism-i celili 135
Violation-i Sharif vefki 138
Ash-Samed ism-i celili 139
Al-Qadir ism-i sharif 139
Al-Muktedir ism-i celili 140
Al-Mukaddem ism-i sharif 142
Al-Mujahid ism-i celili 143
Al-Am.-i Sharif 144
Al-Ahîr ism-i celili 144
Ez-Zahir ism-i sharif 147
Al-Qaeda name 148
Al-Vali ism-i sharif 149
Al-Müteâl ism-i celili 150
Al-Birr ism-i celili 151
Et-Tevvab ism-i celili 152
Al-Müntakim ism-i celili 153
Al-Afüvv ism-i celili 154
Er-Raûf ism-i sharif 155
Mâliku'l-Property ism-i celili 156
Zu'l-Jalali ve'l-ikram ism-i sharif 156
Al-Muksit ism-i celili 160
Al-Camî ism-i celili 161
Al-Ghani ism-i sharif 162
Al-Mugni ism-i celili 164
Al-Mânî ism-i sharif 166
Ed-Dârr ism-i celili 167
En-Nafi ism-i sharif 168
En-Nûr ism-i celili 170
Al-Hadî ism-i celili 171
Al-Bedî ism-i celili 172
Al-Bâki ism-i celili 173
Al-Varîs ism-i sharif 174
Er-Rashid ism-i celili 175
Es-Sabûr ism-i sharif 175
Kevakibin honors 176
Seven kevakibs and days of the week 176
Salat and salutation air-to-air 177
Salati Necat 187
Word-of-the-word redemption 190
Infringement Mahsus 192
Some important additions 195
Besmele-i Sharife 195
Ya Latif ism-i celili 198
Salatu Selam 200
Employment and Decency 202
Arabic for prayer of independence 203
Recitation of the prayer of independence 204
Hatemi Sharif 210
Salat-i Hâcât 212

The author's foreword is 215 on the arbitrariness of subpoenas and confirmations.
2.Remnation of the skin 216
Fatiha-i sharif's havass-i wreath 217
Some havass-i wreath of Ayete'l-Kursi 217
About the virtue of Ayete'l-Kursi 247
Violation surah 253
Air of muavvizeteyn suras 261
Vedduhâ sûre-i sharif's air 264
Vel'asri time sheriff's air 265
266 from the air of Sûre-i "HÜMEZE"
"LIUL and Acirc; FI KUREYŞÎN" Sûre-i sharif 267
"KEVSER" sûre-i sharif's air 269
The eve of the "CONSTRUCTION" sûre-i sharif 270
The air of the "FILM" sûre-i sharif 271
"KADR" sûre-i sharif's air 277
Sûre-i "V and Acirc; KI'a"s air 277
"PROPERTY" Sûre-i sharif's air 280
"MOURN" sûre-i sharif's air wreath 283
"ENAM" sûre-i sharif's airy wreath 298
Air of the "FETH" sûre-i galilee 302
"YUSUF" duration 304
Air of the "HUD" sûre-i galilee 305
Air of the "RAD" sûre-i galilee 305
Air of the "HICR" sûre-i sharif 307
Sûre-i "NAHL's airy sheriff 308
"NEML' sûre-i galilee air 309
The air of the "RÛM" sûre-i sharif 309
"MÜRSEL and Acirc; T" sûre-i sharif's air 310
Some Verse-i Kerime's aerial wreath 311
L and Acirc; Provincial and Acirc;HE IL and Acirc; ENTE SÜBH and Acirc; NEKE INNÜNTÜ MINE 338
Some Mucerrebat 350
Victory, Galabe and Tehaffuz 354
Subpoena and Rosary 3257
Kahru Tedmir 360
Kazâ-yihâcat 372
Redemption 373
Hall-i ma'kud and ibtal-i magic (Drawing the connected and canceling magic) 379
Hfzu sanitary (Preservation and Protection) 384
Removing resentment and coldness between husband and wife 387
Wanting a son and giving birth easily 390
Airy shetta 392 from Mucerrebat-i SHEIKH PRESENTATION
406 on how to get rid of evil
Huddâm 411
Gam, grief, distress, misdeed and hardship to destroy the enemy 415
Strike-i mahsusa 423
and Acirc;sân and give birth easily 424
Conveniences for a man to take a woman and a woman to reach a husband 426
A girl or woman who does not have a suitor 427
433 on the degradation of magic and the unraveling of the bounds
443 for the return of the missing thing, for the thief to be identified.
Celeb-i suscurity and supply-i accepted 448

3. Volume Mukaddime 453
Fatiha-i sharife's prayers and prayers 454
Fatiha-i sharife's hypocrisy 473
En'am sûre-i sharif's hypocrisy 500
Sûre-i KEFİf's hypocrisy 509
Vâki'a Sûre-i sharif's tenacity 510
Sûre-i Yâsin-in prayers and perseverance 514
The other prayer of the Yâsin Sûre-i sharif is 544
Sunday virdi 546
Monday's virdi 551
Tuesday's virdi 554
Wednesday's virdi 557
Thursday's virdi 562
Friday's virdi 566
Friday morning's virdi 570
The greatness of the scorched verse of salutation 574
Riazati 579
The greatness of the Sûreyi property 601
The greatness of the Sûreyi property 603
Elemnesrahleke's greatness 604
The perseverance and prayer of the sheriff 607
Miraci sheriff's prayer 609
Another prayer of the misci sheriff 613
Speedbus'n-Nasr 615
Speedy'l Bahr Virdi Sharif 620
Speed bu'l Berr 633
634 for the husul of those who have no children
Kenzül havvas speedbull bahir 636
Another prayer-î sheriff 653
Eulogy buride 655
Eulogy buride 658
Turnover sheriff 692
Turnover sheriff 699
Esmâi Nebi (SAV) 707
Speedbull exponential biium 719
Lafzai jalal and rahman name sheriff 727
Rahman name sheriff's prayer 735
Esselam name sheriff's wisdom 737
Al-Mumin's name sheriff's wisdom 739
Al-Muheymini's prayer and wisdom 740
Al-Aziz's name sheriff's prayer and wisdom 741
Cebbar name sheriff's prayer and wisdom 742
Al-Mütekebbir name sheriff 744
HandHeld name celili 745
Al-Bariû name celili 747
Al-Misavvir name celili 748
Al-Kahhâr name celili 749
Al-Wahhab name celili 751
El Rezzak name sheriff 752
Al-Fettah name sheriff 753
Al-Qaeda name sheriff 755
Al-Basit name sheriff 759
Al-Hafıd name sheriff 760
Al-Muiz name sheriff 762
Al-Musill name sheriff 763
El Basir name sheriff 764
Hand Referee name sheriff 765
Al-Adli name sheriff 767
Al-Latif name sheriff 770
El Habir named sheriff 772
Al-Halim name sheriff 773
Al-Azim name sheriff 775
Al-Afüvv name sheriff 777
Ash Shekür name sheriff 778
Al-Kebir name sheriff 781
Al-Mukiyt name sheriff 784
Al-Hasib name sheriff 785
Al Jalil name sheriff 785
Al-Karim name sheriff 787
El Rakip name sheriff 788
Al-Mucib name sheriff 789
Al-Vasi name sheriff 790
Al-Vedûd name sheriff 791
El Bais name sheriff 793
Deputy named sheriff 794
El Kavi name sheriff 795
Al-Metin name sheriff 796
Al-Veliyyi name sheriff 797
Es Samed named sheriff 798
Al-Qadir ismi sheriff 799
Al-Mu able name sheriff 800
Ez Zahiri name sheriff 801
El Batini name sheriff 801
Al-Müttakim name celili 803
Al-Cami ism-i celili 805
Al-Ghaniyy ism-i sharif 807
Nafi ism-i sharif 815
Prayer and wisdom of al-Bâki ism-i sharif 816
Al-Varis ism-i celili 817
Er-Rashid ism-i sharif 818
Es-Sabur ism-i celili 819
Conditioned to read shunt-u-country 820
Table 821 shows Esma-i Husna and the order to read at its level

4. Volume permissive and author's foreword 823
Te'lif-i Club and
Subpoena 827
844 on the acceptance of the Hâcet
849 on reading the prophet and taking revenge
Infringement 855
856 on opening a gap and putting up hatred and hatred
Subpoena and rosary 858
Akd-i language 862
Teslıt and ta'zib 867
871 on the breadth and fertility of sustiver
881 on breaking magic and unraveling allegiances
Fever and malaria treatment 883
890 for eye touch and evil eye
901 for headaches
Dua-i sharif's wisdom 910
Prayer of verse 911
Eye pain and tenviri press 914
919 for toothache
Sar'a, the promotion of mecnunlu and gin tasalut 921
936 on sinul, stroke and comparable diseases
Spleen and spleen pains 938
About the disease called um Sibvan 941
About Bendâ-yi etfal 941
About Vesvese, Hulya and black love 949
952 for those without children
Easy birth, 955 to avoid difficulty
Eraz-i sariye 958, such as plague, taun and cholera
967 on abortion
About hafakan and heart palpitations 969
970 against the revolution
Infringement Offset 971
About pains and aches 972
About boils, acne, skewers, etc. 978
Material and ma'nevi emraz-i muhtelife 981
Subpoena and def of sleep 985
Facilitating marriage and marriage 987
Subpoena and return 990
Return of something stolen and lost 994
1001 for prisoners and inmates
Def-i Muziyat 1003
Individual information 1012
Tinnitus 1012
1014 on the separation of a place
Revolution of The Right of Abraham 1020
Important and useful information 1027
Still-i Gâib 1028
1029 on merging or separating
Attendance 1030
Win and loss 1031
Nazar-i take into account 1033
1036 on months, days and horoscopes
Dress code 1037
Potion and drinker kevakib 1044
Translation spreadsheet used in Ebced 1045
Ebced's layout and description ebced words 1045
Ebced words 1046
Pronounced 1046
Ebced letters 1047
Other alphabetical order of Arabic by letters 1047
1048 by sound
Form similarity sound physiology 1048
Principle 1049 in Ebced
Descriptions of scholars for the Ebced scheme 1049
Six King 1049
Six Devils 1050
Days of the week 1050
Scientific value of the reasons shown by scholars with examples document ID 1050
Lack of evidence 1050
Evidence Ebced layout description of the origin of the alphabet;
Ebced and ancient alphabets 1051
Six letters of Arabic 1051
The true origin of Ebced is 1051
Letter attribute of Ebced 1052
Ebced account and identification 1052
Small ebced account 1052
Table of numbers in Ebced account 1053
Letter and Number 1053
More ebced accounts 1054
Ebced-i kebir large ebced account 1054
Largest ebced account 1054
Ebced-i milks the smallest ebced account 1055
Numbers in these accounts 1055
Where Ebced is used 1056
1. 1057 in daily needs
2. Book pages 1057
3. In the writing sections 1058
4. 1058 in mathematics and physics
5. As a word 1059
6. Magic and amulets 1059
Description of a date drop instance with the letter Ebced 1061
Statements 1061
Examples 1062
Ayetel Chair's special formula 1063
This baboon is about the air of the surah 1063
He's a svelge sheriff. Zilkade, Zilhicce 1065
This book declares the troubles by looking at the sentences before the names 1067
1125 on a great order

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