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History of Political, Faith and Fiqh Sects in Islam

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Muhammed Abu ZehraHisar Publishing House

Contributing Translator Abdülkadir Şener, Hasan Karakaya, Kerim Aytekin Salat and greetings to our Prophet Muhammed (s.a.v.), Who was sent as mercy to the worlds. In addition, the salat and greetings of his Companions, who are the leaders of guidance, who show the right way with their life and who are followed in their footsteps. He was the Companions of Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) said the following about them: "My companions are like the stars. You will find the right path if you follow any of them." I received many requests to write a book on Islamic sects. A book that makes some difficult to understand issues easily understood, enlightens some issues, that the cultured section will not have difficulty in understanding and reveals the intellectual importance of Islamic sects ... Islamic sects are divided into some genres with different orientations. These species can be grouped roughly into three groups. Itikadi sects are political sects and fiqh sects.

Size: 17.00x24.00
Number of Pages: 783
Date of Publication: 2011
Translated by Kerim Aytekin
Cover Type: Hardcover
Paper Type: 2nd Pulp
Language: Turkish
Format: Book


Aziz Reader,

We are pleased to present to you this valuable book that explains the scientific geniuses and sects of our great sect Imams, whose knowledge, belief, courage and bravery, whose knowledge, belief, courage and courage are not diminished in the languages ​​and hearts, are the best understanding and explaining our exalted religion after the blessings of Allah Almighty the Prophet and his distinguished Companions.

In this work; It was explained how these great people, with their vast knowledge of judgments, examined the orders of Allah and his Messenger to the finest detail, discovered the vast corners of the Shari'ah sea and offered them to the service of humanity.

It has been explained what difficulties they faced during their work, that they were brutalized or even tortured, but they never gave up and never made concessions to their opponents.

Thus, one of the great study books of our age has emerged, enabling all Muslims to learn more easily about the lives of these great religious Imams.

The great master who wrote this work, which we have presented in the translation in this century, is Muhammed Ebu Zehra. We have learned with great sorrow that this precious person, one of the great professors of Islamic Law of our age who devoted his life to Islamic sciences, left us forever in 1974, we wish him mercy from Allah.

Honorable Haşan Karakaya and Kerim Aytekin have translated the first part of the work. The translation of the second part of the work was done by Dr. Abdülkadir Şener did it. We would like to thank the translators who carefully reviewed it during its preparation.

Praise be to Allah, who made it anticipated to present such a work to our reader; We ask him to perpetuate such blessings and grants.

Tevfik is from Allah ...




Praise is to Allah almighty. We praise him and ask him for help. We seek forgiveness of our sins, we repent to Him, we take refuge in Him from the evil of our souls and the evil of what we do. Whom Allah guides to the right path, there is no one who can lead him astray. And whoever turns him astray, no one can guide him to the right path.

and Acirc; Hz. Peace be upon Muhammad (S.A.V.), who are the leaders of guidance, who will find the right way if they are obeyed, his bright companions.

That Companions, the Prophet (S.A.V.), said: "My Companions are like the stars. You will find the right path if you follow any of them."

The general cultural center of the Ministry of National Education has planned to open the doors to science education, to remove the obstacles in this regard, and to provide facilities for cultured people. Thus, let the intellectuals reap the fruits of every science, and make use of the rational data written in a style that will not overwhelm the public and satisfy the taste of the intellectuals. For this purpose, the Culture Center, which is mentioned, envisaged to publish about a thousand books in the fields of philosophy, history, technical and religious sciences and published many of the works it has programmed to publish in the effort of accomplishing this great work perfectly with the help of Allah (C.C.).

This successful center asked me to write a book on Islamic sects by facilitating a number of difficult issues and writing them in a way that everyone can understand. This easy work to be produced should be such a work that no one would find it strange, it should be clear, that all cultured people would not have difficulty in understanding the issues it contained, and could easily grasp the thought stages of Islamic sects.

Islamic sects are divided into various sections according to the issues they examine.

1) Itikadî sects:

They did not disagree about the basic issues of belief (such as whether the servant did his work by force or voluntarily), disagreeing on the individual issues that the theologians disagreed with. For example: All sects have agreed on the issue of the unity of Allah, which constitutes the essence of the Islamic belief.

2) Political sects:
They disagreed on the election of the Caliph and similar issues. Later we will describe these sects and the method each followed.

3) Fiqh sects:

Canon law; It regulates the relations of people with each other, the matters of worship between the servant and Allah, which are declared in the Quran and the Sunnah.

Studying these topics in detail requires the writing of great works. For this reason, we will try to explain the issues briefly and concisely, while facilitating them. However, although we tried to explain the issues briefly, it was not possible to gather all the topics in one book. For this reason, we will mention only the political and religious sects in this book. We deemed it appropriate to leave the fiqh sects to another book.

I hope we will be able to present that episode to the readers soon. Success is from God. It is He who guides to the right way. As always, we wish him to grant us success in this business. How beautiful Mawla and what a good helper he is.

Mohammed EBU ZEHRA


Preface 7



24) The fact that the issues in dispute are actually not open and closed 9

25) Different desires, whims and temperaments 10

26) Diversity of the branches 10

27) Imitation of the ancients 11

28) Different understanding and perception powers 11

29) The war for leadership and the desire to dominate others 12


1) Arab racism 14

2) Caliphate disputes 15

3) Muslims being neighbors with many of the former religion. 16

4) To attempt to examine many closed issues 17

5) Various stories 17

6) The presence of miiteşabih verses whose meaning cannot be understood absolutely in the Quran 18

7) Making religious decrees from texts 19


a) Conflict in the exercise area 19

b) The controversy in science and theory 21

1) In the field of thought 21

2) On the battlefield 21


* The issues that political sects dispute 25

* The stages of the dispute over the caliphate issue 26

Political sects in Islam are religious sects 35


A) Brief explanation 36

7) The place and time of birth of Shiism 38

8) The influence of ancient philosophy on the Shia sect 40

9) Sects of the Shia sect 41

30) Selbiyye 41

31) Gourabiye 43


32) Keysaniye 44

33) Zaydiyya 47

Some of Zaydiyya's views 49

34) Imamiyya 52

8) İsnaaşeriyye 54

The position of the caliph according to Imamiyya 54

9) Ismailiyya 59

35) Judge 62

36) Series 62

37) Nusayriyye 62


* Common principles of external parties 69

* Disputes between foreigners 72

* Discussions by foreigners 74

External parties 78

c) Foreigners deemed to be Muslim 79

d) Foreigners who are not considered Muslim 85

The view of the Ahlis Sunnah sect on the caliphate 86

3) Being from the Quraysh tribe 87

4) Being allegiance 89

5) Being selected through consultation 91

6) Being fair 97

* The status of the caliph who went beyond the conditions of the caliphate 101


Intro 107

1- The matter of fate 108

2- The state of the great sinner 112

3- Thoughts assuming a philosophical nature 113

1- JIBRIA 114


3- MÜRCİ E 134


A- The nature of the Mutazila sect 141

10) Unity 142

11) Justice 143

12) Vad and vaid 144

13) International range of the brain 144

14) Amr-i bilma'ruf and nehy-i anil münker 145

B- Evidence system of Mutazila sect on religious issues 145

C- Some views of Mutazila Greek philosophy and

other philosophies 147

D- Mu'tazilites' defense of Islam 148

E- Abbasids helping Mutazila 149

F- According to his contemporaries Mutezile 150

G- The criticism of the Mutazila by fiqh and hadith scholars 154

H- Debates of Mutazila 155

38) Relationships discussed by Mutazila 158

39) The quarrels of the Mutazila with fiqh and hadith scholars 167

WIFE 'and Acirc; RİLİK 179

Ash'ari sect after Imam Ashari 191

The dispute between his wife and Jibbani 194


Maturidi's method and views 198

SELEFİYYÛN (Selcfciler) 210

* Revelation 213

^ The three aspects of revelation 214

10) The uniqueness of the personality and attributes of Allah 214

e) Salafists and Constables 215

f) Converting texts or leaving them as they are 221

g) Whether the Quran is a creation or not 223

11) Religion and Genesis 224

7) Algebra and old man 224

8) Reasons for verbs 227

Evaluation of Ibn Taymiyya's views 232



Evaluation of Wahhabism 238


Evaluation of Bahaism 245



Preface 263

Intro 265

Ijtihad in the Time of the Prophet 267

Ijtihad in the Age of the Companions 270

Sources of Fiqh in the Age of the Companions 278

Ijtihad Methods of the Companions 279

Ijtihad in the Age of Nature 283

Icma 'and the Evidence of Companions' Words 288

Ijtihad in the Period of the Mıictehid Imams 291

Fiqh in Shia and Kharijids 299

Political Societies 299

Excipients 303

Groups with Fiqh Sects 304

İtikadi Firkalar 304

Disputes Between Sects and Its Causes 306

The Axis of the Dispute 307

Disputes Around the Book (Quran) 307

Disagreements on the Sunnah (Hadith) 309

Disputes on Re 311

Disputes on Icma 314

Ijma of the people of Medina 318

Fatwa and Words of the Companions 320

Fatwa and Words of the Naturals 323

Effects of Inter-sectarian Conflict 323

Purposes of Islamic Provisions 326

Benefits Observed by Islam 329

Degrees of Interest 332

Degrees of Cost in Bids 335

Removal of Difficulty 338

No Offer Above Human Power 339

İjtihad 341

Terms of Full Ijtihad and Jurisprudence 342

Degrees of ijtihad and Levels of Mujtahids 350

Those Who Mighty in Sharia 350

Miintesib Mujtehidler 354

Those Who Mighty in Sect 355

Preferred Mujtahidler '. 355

The Owner of the Istidl, Mujtehidler 356

Memory Layer 356

Mukallid Layer 357

Dividing Case Law 358

Iffa (Fatwa) and Conditions Required for Muftis 359


Imam Zayd 365

The Birth and Youth of Imam Zayd 367

Imam Zayd in the Field of Struggle 369

Hisham b. The Revolt Against Abdıılmelik 372

Imam Zayd's Entry to War and His Martyrdom 373

After War 374

Personality and Character of Imam Zayd .... 376

Views of Imam Zayd 380

Views on Politics 381

Views on Usûlu'd-Din 384

The Fiqh of Imam Zayd 387

Work titled El-Mecmu '387

How Was El-Mecmu Written? 390

General View of Fiqh and Hadith of Iman Zayd 391

The Duty of the Mind According to Faith Zayd 394

The Status of Zaydiyya Fiqh after Imam Zayd 394


Imam Ja'far-i Sadiq 399

Birth and Youth 401

His Opinion on Cosmonautics 404

Cefr Province 406

The Science of Imam Jafar 410

Imam Jafar and Politics 412

Imam Jafar's Personality and Character 420

Violation 420

Clairvoyance and Science 422

His Generosity 422

Hilim and Forbearance 423

Patience and Sukru 424

Valor, 424

Firaset 425

Bag 426

Views of Imam Jafar 426

Opinion of Unity 427

Vision of Destiny 428

Views on the Quran 429

Fiqh of Imam Jafar 431


Imam Abu Hanifa 433

Born and Youth 434

435 Towards the End

True to Fiqh 436

437 in the Field of Science and Fiqh

Attachment to a Great Scholar 439

Master Abu Hanifa 440

Method of Abu Hanifa 442

Philosopher Abu Hanife 443

Personality and Character of Abu Hanife 445

Life and Political Attitude 450

Life 451

Political Attitude 453

Fiqh of Imam Abu Hanifa 461

Method 462

Obvious Qualification of Fiqh 464

Transfer and Provision of the Hanafi Sect 470

The Development and Spread of the Hanafi Sect 473

Countries Where Hanafi Sect Spread 473


Imam Malik 477

Ancestry, Birth and Youth 477

Science Education 479

His Effort in Science 480

Sciences 481

Teachers 483

Law of Re’y 486 in Medina

Imam Malik's Beginning of Teaching 488

Method of Teaching 489

Imam Malik's Personality and Character 492

Memory and Intelligence 492

Patience and Endurance 493


Imam Malik and Kadis 495

Firaset 496

Bag 496

Imam Malik's Life and Livelihoods 498

Relationship with the Rulers 501

Mihneti 502

Death of 505

Feedback 506

The Question of Faith 507

A Matter of Destiny 507

The Kebire Issue 508

The Question of Whether the Quran was Created or Not 508

The Question of Whether Allah is Seen or Not on Judgment Day 508

Politics and the Issue of Caliphate 509

Fiqh and Hadith of Imam Malik 511

Book 512

Circumcision 513

Ameli of the people of Medina 515

Fatwa of Companions 516

Comparison, İstihsan and Masâlih-i Müısele 516

Great Wall-Zerâyi '517

Artifacts, 518

519 of his work titled El-Muvatta '

The Development and Spread of the Maliki Sect 520

Places Where Maliki Sect Spread 522

Imam Shafi and His Tomb

Imam Shafii 525

Birth and Prose 525

Early life and upbringing 527

Under the Auspices of Imam Malik 529

Assignment 530

Mihneti 531

Shafi'i's Return to Knowledge 533

Coming to Beytu'l-Harâm 535

Coming Again in Baghdad 536

A Short Stay in Baghdad 537

538 in Shafii Egypt

The Science of Shafi'i 540

The Orientation and Age of Science 541

Personality and Character of Shafii 543

Understanding and Memory Power 543

The Power of Expression 543

Clairvoyance and Possibility 544


Shafi'i Views 546

Opinion on Khilafah 547

Shafi'i Fiqh 549

Sources of Shafi'i Fiqh 550

The Book and the Sunnah 550

İcmâ '555

Sayings of the Companions 557

Comparison 559

Shafi's Intelligence Abolition 563

Shafi'i's Usûl-i Fiqh Studies 564

Shafi'i Sect 566

Tahriç 569 in the Shafi'i Sect

Mtictehidler 569 in the Shafii Sect

The Spread of the Shafii Sect 571


Imam Ahnıed b. Flanbel 573

Birth and Youth 573

Collection 575

His Travels for Hadith Collection 576

The Grave with Ink Pot and Pencil 577

True to Fiqh 578

Ahmed b. Did Hanbel know Persian? 580

Ahmed b. Hanbal's Beginning of Narrating Hadith and Giving Fatwa 580

Mihneti, Mihnetinin Reasons and Circuits 585

Ahmad b. About Whether the Quran Was Created Or Not Hanbal and

Others' Views 590

Ahmed b. The Life of Hanbal 595

Caliphs' Refusal to Take Their Benefits and Duty 597

Personality and Character 602

Memory 602

Patience and Endurance 603

Courtesy 605


Brace i 607

Good Manners 608

Ahmed b. Hanbal's Views 608

View of Faith 608

Views on the Great Sins 609

Views on Fate and Human Acts 610

View of God on His Attributes 611

Views on Politics 612

Ahmed b. Hanbal's Hadith and Fiqh 614

El-Miisned 615

Ahmed b. Hanbal's Method of Al-Miisned in the Narrated 617

Is There A Hadith of Zaif in Al-Musnad? 618

Ahmed b. The Fiqh of Hanbal 620

Icma 623

Comparison 624

Masâlih 626

Intelligent 627

Zeryi 628

Istishab 630

The Development and Spread of the Hanbali Sect 630

Narration of the Sect 630

Kaviller in the Sect 632

Development of the Sect 633

Spread of the Sect 635


External Sect 637

David al-Zahiri 638

The Spread of His Sect 642

Zahirî Sect in Andalusia 643


Ibni Hazm 645

Birth and Youth 646

From Prosperity to Boredom 647

Towards the Greatness of Science 648

Temporary Entry to Politics 650

Returning to the Mihrab of Knowledge 651

Returning to Politics 651

652 years of age

Travels 653

Burning of His Books 654

Return to His Farm in Leble 656

Personality and Character 657

Art and Literary Taste 662

Science of Ibn Hazm 663

Scientific Method 665

Mental Method 665

Spiritual and Moral Studies 667

Tavku'l - Hamama'si 669

Methods and Views of the Naklî Sciences 671

Views of the Covenant 671

Views on Revelation 672

Views About Words Expressing Achievements 673

Views on the Force and the Elderly 674

Political Views 674

Opinions About Those Who Process Kebab 677

Fiqh of Ibn Khasii 677

Ibtal of Jurisprudence Based on Re 678

Shari'a Evidences According to Ibni Hazm 680

Book 680

Circumcision 681

Parts of the Sunnah in terms of Narration 682

İcmâ 686

Evidence 688

NassTarm Assay 688

Istishab 690

Conclusion 691

The Spread of the Zahirî Sect 691

The State of the Zahiri Sect after Ibn Hazm 693


Ibn Taymiyya 696

Born 697

Early life and upbringing 698

The First Environment Where It Grow Up 700

The Legacy and Views of Ibn Taymiyya 705

First Mihneti 707

Donation to Dessert 709

Second Mihneti 711

Return to Damascus 715

Third Mihneti 719

The Last Mihneti 720

Personality and Character 726

Memory 726

Contemplation 727

Ready Response 727

Freedom of Thought 727

Violation 728

Fesahati 728

Confident, Patience and Endurance 729

From the Mihrab of Science to the Field of War and Politics 729

The Age of Ibni Taymiyya 733

Political Situation 734

Social Situation 737

Scientific and Intellectual Situation 738

Scientific Studies 739

Sufis and Sufism 741

and Acirc; Position of limes 743

The Works of Ibn Taymiyya and Its Effect 746

Students 749

Ibn Taymiyya and Wahhabism 750

Bibliography 753

Glossary 756

Index of First Volume 773

Index of Second Volume 776
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