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İlm-i Cifir - H.Mustafa Varli - Esma Publications-1258

: 9789756354513
239.00 TL
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İlm-i Cifir


Product Specifications :

Skin Condition: Skinless
Author : H.Mustafa Varli
Publisher : Esma Publications
Number of Pages : 266
Page Quality : 2.Dough
Cover Quality : Cardboard Cover
Size : 13.5 x 19.5
Weight : 202 gr

The author of the book, Muhuddin-i Arabi, expressed his love for a human being created after a transition period of the seeds of destiny, planted according to the fate of Almighty Allah.
As a result of the effort to turn it into divine love, his admiration for the whole universe began to pour from his heart to his mind and from there into his tongue against the unseamon.
as a result of the research with a fine and meticulous learning of his curiosity and admiration, he has given us knowledge. In the future, the discerning
We ask God for success. Success is undoubtedly from The Almighty God.

Since Adam (a.s.), the beginning of human creation, he has always been curious and willing to face secrets with prohibitions. In the 35th verse of the Baccarat surah of the Quran of Allah (c.c.), he said: "Adam, you and your wife should settle in Paradise and eat abundantly from it wherever you wish. But do not approach this tree, or you will be of the wrongdoers." However, although man's penchion towards prohibitions and secrets fueled his desire to learn and did not benefit him much, he was blindly immersed in the glazed desire to know. This battle has often done him more harm than good. As a matter of fact, Ayetin went on to say that this curiosity led to the expulsion of Adam and his wife from heaven.
We learn from the Qur'an with wisdom.
In later times, as humans multiplied on earth, this curiosity and desire to learn, blindly, divided people into two separate groups. One of these groups chose Spirituality and devoted itself to it, and the other was a slave to the soul and served him; But it is known that all secrets are sim, and the great God has opened his secrets only to his own choosing. As a matter of fact, we also learn from the Qur'an that almighty Allah (c.c.) says in verses 31, 32 and 33 of the Baccarat surah: "And Adam taught me all the names. Then he presented them to the angels and said, "Tell me the names of those who are truthful, if you are truthful. They said, "Your glory is that we have no knowledge except what you have taught us. You are the scholar, and you are the one who knows all the best, and you are the judge. God said.c, "O Adam, let them know their names." When Adam told them the names,.c Allah said, "Did I not tell you that I know the uninterest in the heavens and the earth? And I know best what you reveal and what you come to hide." From here, we understand that Almighty God teaches his secrets to those he wishes. These are the people who are righteous to your Lord. Use it so that they may always remember it with praise and follow the right path of the Lord. These people are prophets to mankind, enbiya and saint, imam, sheikh, hosh, and some of them are really secrets.
God.c bless them all. These great and revered people were thrilled to learn the wise secrets of humanity and the worlds, and their admiration increased once more and they prostrated themselves to rabbe in awe.
During their work, the people who were glazed from their hearts took the led from their hearts and irresponsibly distributed them to their surroundings without being able to protect them from knowing the value of these secrets. But this behavior did not benefit them, but rather became the zaranna of them and society.
It is known that the secrets of the unseen do not always benefit mankind, especially those who do not deserve it. In addition to this fact, this great and revered person who expressed innocent admiration for the euphoria of love in their glazed hearts brought an end to the great and revered.
May Allah glorify the secret of these great and pure, and increase his authority. It should be known that incomprehensible secrets cause sedition in the public. Sedition, on the other hand, brings the people out of control by galvanizing them, and the opportunists who wait for the opportunity benefit themselves by acting on the ugly pilants that have been established in their hearts. In the end, even if the people regret it, it happens and many great and precious values are lost. Just like Mansur Muhiddin Ibn-i Arabi and Tabrizli Shams. But we must state in particular here that these things are according to the fate written by the almighty God, who surrounds everything.
The only consetrition from this is the harm of the unsymaptive hearts.
We think many Hallaci Mansurs
If it were destroyed, it would be sedition.
The secrets of Almighty God
He will give to those he chooses wisely
As scholars sacrifice
To the ignorant, more cautious
That's why they're in their language.
Wise, albeit seemingly
Scholars, in your opinion, we say:
The west is among you, the scholars
With wisdom.

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