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Kara Davud - Delaili Khairat Commentary Shamua Paper -1320

: 9786054606016
565.00 TL
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It is the Unique Work of Kara Daoud Efendi, Who Studied the Delaili Hayrat, A Prayer Book, For A Long Time And Annotated It.

Kara Dawud Efendi, who studied DEL and Acirc;IL-i HAYR and Acirc;T, a prayer book written by Moroccan Sheikh Abdullah Muhammad bin Suleymanil Cezuli Efendi for a long time and commented on it, was one of the great people of the Ottoman period of futuhat. He also took the name Izmiti because he was born in Izmit. Like Mevlana Lutfi and Mueyyedzade, he had filled his knowledge from the virtuous and learned people of his era.

The one who wrote Delailul Khairat and Shawariki Anwar, the original of the book, was Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad, one of the sons of Sulaymani al Jazuli, born in Jazul in Morocco.

Sheikh Abu Abdullah Muhammad, Imam Hashan (R. anh) was a descendant of His Holiness pak. He had died by poisoning on the sixteenth day of the rebiulevvel of the 870th year of the Prophet's Migration. When he migrated from the mortal world to the land of beka, he had about 12,000 disciples.

In the Ottoman era, no matter where in the Islamic world, when great books were written, distances, roads, continents became closer, no matter how far away, these books immediately circulated from hand to hand, spread throughout the entire Ottoman Empire, came as far as Istanbul, crossed Istanbul, Rumeli, were written by hand and read.

Abdullah el Fasi's prayer book Delailul Hayrat and Shawariki al-Anwar immediately spread throughout the vast lands of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent, Hijri tenth century, Miladi sixteenth century held the whole of Turkey in the middle, these written copies decorated rahls, some prayers were also transferred to hamails. In this Era of Progress, knowledge was also at a very advanced stage, and scholars were also numerous to that extent. Scholars such as Ibn Kemal are in the Shaykh al-Islam, poets such as Baqi rule in the sultanate of literature. Eternal monuments like Sinan were raising builders, and Kara Daoud Efendi's Commentary on the Decal-i Hayrat was circulating from tongue to tongue among the believers.

Kara Daoud Efendi was very much loved among the people with this friendly title of Kara. (Hijri 948 AD 1541) he closed his eyes in Bursa.

The pure light of the abode (Hijri 948)

The verse has been reduced to the date of his death. In Bursa, Yildirim was buried in the hazirah of the mosque he had built around his neighborhood. There is also a COMMENTARY on the QASIDA-I NUNIYA other than the COMMENTARY on the DEL and Acirc; IL-I HAYR and Acirc; T. Various editions of the first famous book have been made with old letters and stone printing.

Kara Davud Efendi gives extensive information mixed with sweet legends in the preface of his book about Sheikh Abdullah Muhammad Cezuli, the great author of Delail-i Hayrat, whom he introduced to the Turks of Turkey up to the borders of Vienna. Now we leave the floor to Kara Dawud Efendi, we present his work to our religious brothers by transferring it into an immaculate Turkish to be read for centuries. Number of Pages : 969

The author of the Commentary-i Delan-i Hayrat, the late Kara Dawud Efendi 7
Foreword by Kara Dawud Efendi 9
Who is His Holiness Abu Abdullah Muhammad Jazuli? 10
The story of a wellhead 10
The story of Sheikh Abdullah ei-Fasi's wife 11
His Holiness Sayyid Muhammad bin Suleiman Jazuli in the Encyclopedia of Islam 14
Besmael-i sherif bet 17
The hassas of Besmala-i sharif 17
Besmael-i şerife lowers the curtain over the eyes of jinn 19
According to the Prophet Muhammad (P.A.V.) the gift of the ummah of 19
Kara DawudDelail-i Khairat 21
Some news written on the body of my throne 55
The Prophet Muhammad (P.A.V.) in blessed names 77
1 - Muhammad (P.A.V.) 79
2 - Ahmadun (P.A.V.) 83
3 - Hamidun (P.A.V.) 85
4 - Mahmudun (P.A.V.) 85
5 - Ahyedu (P.A.V.) 86
6 - Wahidun (P.A.V.) 86
7 - Mahin (P.A.V.) 87
8 - Hashirun (P.A.V.) 87
On the 9th (P.A.V.) 88
10 - Ta Ha (P.A.V.) 88
11 - Yasin (P.A.V.) 90
12 - Tahirun (P.A.V.) 90
13 - Mutahharun (P.A.V.) 92
14 - Tayyibün (P.A.V.) 93
15 - Sayyidun (P.A.V.) 94
16 - The Messenger (P.A.V.) 98
17 - Nebiyyun (P.A.V.) 98
18 - The Mercy of the Messenger (P.A.V.) 99
19 - Qayyimun (P.A.V.) 100
20 - The Mosque (P.A.V.) 101
21 - Muktefin (P.A.V.) 101
22 - Muqaffl (S A.V.) 102
23 - Aesulul Melahim (P.A.V.) 103
24 - The Messenger of Peace (P.A.V.) 104
25 - Kamilun (P.A.V.) 104
26 - duality (P.A.V.) 105
On the 27th (P.A.V.) 105
28 - Muzzemmilün (P.A.V.) 106
29 - Abdullah! (P.A.V.) 107
30 - Habibullahi (P.A.V.) 109
31 - Safiyullah (P.A.V.) 109
32 - Najiyyullahi (P.A.V.) 111
33 - Wordullahi (P.A.V.) 111
34 - Hatemul Anbiyai (P.A.V.) 111
35 - Hatemur Rüsuli (P.A.V.) 111
36 - Muhyin (P.A.V.) 113
37 - The Muncin or the Ascetic (P.A.V.) 115
38 - Your Gratitude (P.A.V.) 116
39 - Nasirun (P.A.V.) 116
40 - Mansurun (P.A.V.) 118
41 - The Mercy of the Prophet (P.A.V.) 119
42 - Repentance of the Prophet (P.A.V.) 120
43 - Harisun alaikum (P.A.V.) 121
44 - You know (P.A.V.) 122
45 - The City (P.A.V.) 122
46 - Your Witness (P.A.V.) 123
47 - The Martyr (P.A.V.) 124
48 - Mashhudun (P.A.V.) 124
49 - Besirun (P.A.V.) 125
50 - The Exchange (P.A.V.) 125
51 - Nezirun (P.A.V.) 126
52 - The Hermit's (P.A.V.) 126
53 - Your Light (P.A.V.) 126
The Prophet Muhammad (P.A.V.) the spiritual birth of 127
Asma-yi Husna (the great names of Allahu Ta'ala) 132
The Prophet Muhammad (P.A.V.) in physical births 136
Hazrat-i and Ajirc;dem (A.S.) the creation of m 137
The Prophet Muhammad (P.A.V.) the birth of 167
54 - Syracuse (P.A.V.) 184
55 - Misbahun (P.A.V.) 185
56 - Huden (P.A.V.) 185
57 - Mühdin (P.A.V.) 185
58 - Munirun (P.A.V.) 186
59 - Dain (P.A.V.) 186
60 - Med'uv Tu (SA.V.) 187
61 - Mujibun (P.A.V.) 188
62 - Mujabun (P.A.V.) 189
63 - The Sleuth (P.A.V.) 189
64 - Afuvvun (P.A.V.) 190
65 - Veliyyun (P.A.V.) 191
66 - Hakkun (P.A.V.) 192
Tu 67 - Qawiyyun (SA.V.) 192
68 - You are sure (SA. Tu.V.) 193
69 - Me'munun (P.A.V.) 194
70 - Karimun (P.A.V.) 194
71 - The Repetition (P.A.V.) 195
72 - Mekinün (P.A.V.) 195
73 - Of the text (P.A.V.) 197
74 - Mubinun (P.A.V.) 197
75 - Muammilun (P.A.V.) 198
76 - The Vesulun (P.A.V.) 199
77 - Zukuvvetin (P.A.V.) 199
78 - Your Appearance (P.A.V.) 199
79 - Zumekanetin (P.A.V.) 199
80 - Zuizzetin (P.A.V.) 200
81 - Tufadlin (SA.V.) 200
82 - Mutain (P.A.V.) 200
83 - Tutiun (SA.V.) 201
84 - Kademü Sidkin (P.A.V.) 201
85 - By the Grace of (SA. Tu.V.) 202
86 - Bushra (P.A.V.) 203
87 - You are a Tuv (SA.V.) 204
88 - You are Gay (P.A.V.) 204
89 - Giyasun (P.A.V.) 204
90 - Ni'metullahi (P.A.V.) 205
91 - Khadiyetullah (P.A.V.) 206
92 - Urvetün Vüska (P.A.V.) 206
93 - Siratullahi (P.A.V.) 207
94 - Sıratı Müstakim (P.A.V.) 207
95 - Dhikrullahi (P.A.V.) 207
96 - Saifullah (P.A.V.) 209
97 - Hezbollah (P.A.V.) 209
98 - Ennecmus Sakibü (P.A.V.) 210
99 - Mustafa (P.A.V.) 211
100 - Mujtaben (SA. Tu.V.) 211
101 - Junteka (P.A.V.) 212
102 - Ummiyyun (P.A.V.) 212
103 - Mukhtarun (P.A.V.) 214
104 - Ecirun (P.A.V.) 215
105 - Jabbarun (P.A.V.) 215
106 - Abuikasimi (P.A.V.) 216
107 - Abuttahir (P.A.V.) 216
108 - Abuttayyib (P.A.V.) 217
109 - Abu Ibrahim (P.A.V.) 217
110 - Mushaffa Tu (SA.V.) 217
111 - The Chief's (P.A.V.) 218
112 - Salihun (S A.V.) 218
113 - Muslihun (P.A.V.) 219
114 - Muheymin (P.A.V.) 219
115 - Sadikun (P.A.V.) 220
116 - Musaddekun (P.A.V.) 220
117 - Sidkun (SA. Tu.V.) 221
118 - Sayyidul Murseline (P.A.V.) 221
119 - Imamul Muttakiyne (P.A.V.) 222
120 - Kaaidil Gurril Muhacceline (P.A.V.) 223
121 - Khalilur Rahmani (P.A.V.) 225
122 - Berrün (P.A.V.) 226
123 - Meberrun (P.A.V.) 226
124 - Vecihun (P.A.V.) 227
125 - Your Advice (P.A.V.) 227
126 - Your Advice (P.A.V.) 227
127 - The Regent's (P.A.V.) 228
128 - Müveekkillin (P.A.V.) 228
129 - Your Surety (P.A.V.) 228
130 - Şefikun (P.A.V.) 229
131 - The Muqiym sunnah (P.A.V.) 229
132 - You are Holy (P.A.V.) 230'
133 - Ruhil al-Quds (P.A.V.) 230
134 - The Right of Tuhil (SA.V.) 231
135 - RuKU was Cut (P.A.V.) 231
136 - Kafin (P.A.V.) 231
137 - Muqtefin (P.A.V.) 232
138 - Baligun (P.A.V.) 232
139 - Mubelligün (P.A.V.) 232
140 - Shafin (P.A.V.) 233
141 - At (P.A.V.) 233
142 - Seasulin (P.A.V.) 234
143 - The Criminal (P.A.V.) 234
144 - Saikun (P.A.V.) 235
145 -Hadin (P.A.V.) 235
146 - Mühdin (P.A.V.) 235
147 - The Holy Quran (P.A.V.) 236
148 - The Saint (P.A.V.) 236
149 - Fadilunun (P.A.V.) 237
150 - Mufaddalun (P.A.V.) 237
151 - Fatihun(P.A.V.) 238
152 - Miftahun (P.A.V.) 238
153 - The Mercy of Miftahur (P.A.V.) 238
154 - The Paradise of Miftahul (P.A.V.) 239
155 - AlemuMmani (P.A.V.) 245
156 - Alemul Yakiyni (P.A.V.) 245
157 - Delilul Hayrati (P.A.V.) 246
158 - Musahhihul Hasenati (P.A.V.) 246
159 - Muqiyylul Aserati (P.A.V.) 246
160 - SafuhunAnizzellati (P.A.V.) 247
161 - Sahibush Intercession (P.A.V.) 247
162 - Sahibul Makam (P.A.V.) 252
163 - Sahibul Kademu (P.A.V.) 253
164 - You are a Bikizzi (P.A.V.) 253
The 165th Conundrum was (P.A.V.) 254
166- The Private Bishsherefi (P.A.V.) 254
167 - Sahibul Occasion (P.A.V.) 254
168 - Sahibus Saifi (P.A.V.) 255
169 - The Virtue of Sahibul (P.A.V.) 257
170 - Sahibul Izari (P.A.V.) 257
171 - Sahibul Hücjeti (P.A.V.) 258
172 - Sahibus Sultani (P.A.V.) 258
173 - Sahibur Ridai (P.A.V.) 259
174 - Sahib Gradetir Refiati (P.A.V.) 259
175 - Sahibut Taj (P.A.V.) 259
176 - Sahibul Helmet (P.A.V.) 260
177 - Sahibul Liwa (P.A.V.) 260
178 - Sahibul Mi'rac (P.A.V.) 261
Arrival to the first heaven 285
and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam 287
Angel in the form of a rooster 289
Second floor sky 292
The third floor of heaven 296
In the fourth heaven 305
In the fifth heaven 308
In the sixth heaven 310
In the seventh heaven 318
Sidretil Munteha317
The four rivers of Paradise 320
Res.i and Acirc; raise 327
The Prophet Muhammad (P.A.V.) To be served with the blessing of His Holiness Jamalullah 329
Hazrat Mu'ahmmed (P.A.V.) His Holiness sees the jamal of Allah 330
Returning from the pilgrimage and seeing the gardens 345
Tuba wood and Kevser juice 351
Kevser river 352
179 - Sahibul Kadibi (P.A.V.) 358
180 - Sahibul Burak (P.A.V.) 358
181 - Sahibul Line
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