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Kara David - Delail-i Hayrat Sherhi - Huzur Publishing House

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Kara David - Delail-i Hayrat Sherhi - Huzur Publishing House

Kara David - Delail-i Hayrat Sherhi - Huzur Publishing House (Imported Paper)

Written by Sheikh Abdullah Mohammed Bin Suleymân Jazeera of Morocco, Kara David Efendi, who studied delâil-i Hayrât, a prayer book, and who sherheheden him, was one of the fazil people of the Ottoman Futuhat era. This book spread throughout the vast lands of Sultan Suleiman, written copies adorned the wombs, and some prayers were passed to the hammocks. There are hundreds of Salavat-i Sharifs in this work, which is a very wide prayer book, and they are explained extensively. In addition, this book contains very exemplary stories and books to a wide range of public audiences.



Del and Acirc, a prayer book written by Moroccan Sheikh Abdullah Mohammed bin Suleymân al-Jazeera Efendi; Kara Davûd Efendi, who studied T at length and sherhetden him, was one of the fazil people of the Ottoman futuristic era. Since he was born in Izmit, he was also named Izmitî. He filled in the vocalitary of knowledge from the fazil and scholars of his era, such as Mevlânâ Lutfî and Müey-yedzâde.

The original author of the book, Delâilü'l-Hayrât and Shevâriku'l-Envâr, was Sheikh Abu Abdul-lah Mohammed, one of the sons of Suley-mân al-Jazeera, who was born in the Jazûl region of Morocco.

Sheikh Abu Abdullah Mohammed, Imam Hashaan (r.a.) was the pâk so-yundan of His Holiness. The 870th anniversary of the Hijrah-i Nabî died of poisoning on the sixteenth day of the month of rebiülevvel. Fâni had about 12,000 disciples when he emigrated from earth to the land of survival.

In the Ottoman era, no matter where in the Islamic world, when the great books were burned, distances, roads, scarce ones became closer, these books immediately circulated from hand to hand, spread throughout the Ottoman Empire, came all the way to Is-tanbul, crossed Istanbul, Rumeli, were written by hand, read.

Abdullah al-Fasi's prayer book "Delâilü'l-Hayrat and Shevâriku'l-Envâr" also spread to the vast lands of Sultan Suleiman in the Hijri tenth century and Mid-Sixteenth century, these written copies adorned the wombs and some prayers were passed to the porters. In this Era of Progress, knowledge was at a very advanced stage, and so were scholars. Scholars such as Ibn Kemâl were present in Sheikhu'l-is-lâmlik, poets such as Bâki ruled in the sultanate of literature, they raised the makers of eternal monuments such as Si-nan, and Kara Davûd Efendi's Delâil-i Hay-rat Sherhi was also spoken among the believers.

Kara Davûd Efendi was very popular among the people with his friendly Kara title. (Hijrî 948 - Milâdî 1541) closed his eyes in Bursa.

The residence's puritanical

(Hijrî 948)

The verse has been reduced to the date of his death. He was buried in the preparation of the mosque he built in The Yildirim district in Bursa. ŞERH-I DEL and Acirc;Il-İ HAYR and Acirc; Besides T, there is also KASİDE-I NÛNİye EVIL. Various editions of this DEL and Acirc;Il-İ HAYRAT were also made with old letters and stone printing.

Black Davûd Efendi, Sheikh Abdullah Mohammed Jazeera, the great author of Delâil-i Hayrât, which he introduced to The Turks of Turkey to the borders of Vienna, gives extensive information in the foreword of his inscription – mixed with sweet legends. Now we leave the word to Kara Davûd Efendi and present his work to our brothers and sisters of religion by transferring it to a sweat-clean Turkish to be read for centuries.

Hijrî, Ramadan 1390 Mehmed FİGANİ

(M. F. G.)"

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