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Kenzü'l Cannabis Fi'l Havas Ve'l Ezkar Book-1239

: 9799756354253
269.00 TL
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Kenzü'l Cannabis Fi'l Havas Ve'l Ezkar Book

Kenzü'l Cannabis Fi'l Havas Ve'l Ezkar Book

Product Specifications :

  • Size : 13.5x19.5 cm
  • Number of Pages : 348
  • Cover Quality : Cardboard Cover
  • Paper Quality : 2.Dough Paper
  • Language : Turkish
  • Weight :260 gr



Alhamdii Lillahi Rabbil. Vessalâtu vesselâmu ala Sayyidina Mohammed- Enbiyâi and Mürselin, and al-Alihi and sahbihi ecmain.
Hamd, and to Allah, the Lord of the Acirc; E and His family and all his ashab and all those subject to him.
All that is in the heavens and the earth and in the earth between them is god's. No matter how closed it is, nothing can be kept secret from God.
Whether you speak openly or in secret, he is well aware of the hidden and the obvious.
The most honorable of creatures is that mankind is a servant to God, fulfilling His commandments and refraining from his prohibitions.
It's a man's duty; We must follow the Qur'an, the guide to the life of this world, the recipe for salvation, and live as the great leader, our beloved Prophet (S.A.V.), has lived and shown us. Until the apocalypse, the only divine order that will define the life of all mankind is the Quran. It's the prophet's circumcision. That's never going to change.
All mankind; He should take all his actions and behaviors from the Qur'an and the Sunnah throughout his life. And when a believer who believed in the violation said, "I have believed and surrendered." "And the Lord! There is no god but you. You define the whole life, the universe, and your beloved Messenger Muhammad (S.A.V.) is your messenger and the leader of all mankind."
He's a Muslim; he should take his life's thoughts from the Qur'an and Sunnah throughout his life.
Believers! Muhammad (S.A.V.), the last prophet of Allah throughout your life. You have to follow it, you have to guide it. Before the Apostle of Allah passes away, he says:
"I leave you two things. Follow him, and if you follow him, you will be victorified. If you do not follow him, you will be in a state of misery. One of these relics is the Quran, the Book of Allah. The other is my circumcision. "
Again, Allah (C.C): "Take what the Prophet has denied to you. Follow him. Avoid whatever it forbids. "he said, "I'm not going to do this."
Yes, we will be able to use god's creation as a means and a reason. Let's just get them to the principles of faith and open up the company paths. If such paths have been opened in the past, we will look for ways to destroy them. We will not make the reasons and qualities that God has given us into life qualities. We will adapt these events to the quran and its clear measures. Muslims are obliged to embrace the Quran and circumcision in order to solve the problems of life and the problems between them. As a matter of fact, it is clearly demonstrated in the verse:
He says, "When you dispute, embrace the rope of Allah."
For him, when using love and means, it is necessary not to get into the gu-naha and not to leave bad habits. If bad behavior is left behind, efforts must be made to remove it. It is necessary to publish some works made for the benefit of the people. Here I have presented to you this work named Kenzil Cannabis Seyyid Suleyman al-Huseyni based on the Ottoman edition of 1332-1344 Hijrî and 1916 Milâdî, which is in your brain, and presented it to you as an addition to your opinions with the original text and representative pictures of this work.
In this work, Esmail Hüsna is a betting muse from Sübhaniye and Verse-i Galilee, The Quran and Evliyayi Azam and Meshayihı Kiram Hazrat Menkûl Ezkar-ı Celilenin Mücerrep Kat-i Eve.
There are many verses contained in this work. Do not be a prisoner of your soul by capitalizing these verses and the word on your material interests. It leads to digestion. May You keep our sentence from the grace of the self and the devil. (Amen)

Kenz'ul Cannabis and Eve, after a statute of limitations, I have ended with the grace of my lord, who made us out of nothing.
I'm going to give this noose a heart, By taking himself into account as a merchant who has committed himself to understand and benefit from various books, in a war of great hardship and burden, and when he realizes that cerebral and material thoughts do not benefit without obtaining anything, he has adapted himself to the experiments of the psychic or half-assed people who proliferate in today's environment, and thus adapt himself to his thoughts that cannot lead to a certain period of time. In our previous statement, he finds himself helpless like a mufis and continues to look for remedies. My only advice to such people is that the only way to achieve the outcome of such works successfully is without Hâk and Hâk. I humblely advise these people that every word and every job has a burden first. The main basis of learning this knowledge in a merciful way is to praise his cat with patience, surrender, fairness and in the most gentle way with love with a praise that cannot be described to his Lord in the best way.
I have prepared a classification ruler on the subjects in the Qur'an, the esma and verses used in the vefk and ebced accounts in our book. By arranging a sorting ruler that is suitable for your own needs, you prepare something in accordance with the legislation of your business.
When you come to the conclusion that there is a failure to make mistakes here, whether intentionally or unknowingly, you seek to please us by forgiving us from my Lord and you, my esteemed readers, and may Allah (C.C.) bless us not as our self-desire, but from his servants, who have worshipped him and honored him with his blessing and glory, as his beloved habibi has shown us.
and Acirc;min bihürmeti seyyidi'l-mürseliyn. Velhamduli Ilahi Rabbil-world.
H. Mustafa VARLI



Prologue 5
Holy Book 9
Essence of Havasul Esrâr 23
52 for Healing
53 to Look Cute
53 for Love
57 to Reconcile the Darg
58 for Protection
Sayyid Suleiman al-Husseini to the Book's Reclusive
A Little Bit of Explaining 64
Buhur and Incense 68
Employment 69
Good Times 70
Seyrakat-i Seb'a 70
Burûc-ı Asliyye or Menâzil-i Shams 72
Sherhi of the Zodiac 73
Menazil-i Kamer 74
Menazil-i Kamer's Twelve Burqa Tabsili 76
Cameroon's Relationship with Twelve Zodiac Signs 77
Procedural Application 77
Kenz-ul Esrâr Fi-1 Havas and-1 Ezkar 78
Said and Nahs Zamanler, No and Evil
Successful Ones 79
Menazil-i Kamer's Taxi to Fusul-i Erbaa 105
Onur-i Kevâkib 105
Seyyarata Proportion of Days 106
îktiran-ı Kevâkib 106
Ba'zı Nature-i Mahsuse 107
Esma-i Kamre 107
Huruf-i Hecâ's Mother's Revolution 108
Strike-i Mahsuse 108
Besmele-i Mubarak's Perseverance 112
Besmele-i Sharife's Eve 112
Bringing Good, Removing Evil 113
113 to Be Sure of Troubles and Afats
114 to Make Sure the Tyrant's Evil
114 to provide
115 for Love and Conversation
115 to Open the Mind and Eliminate Forgetfulness
To make things understandable. 116
116 to Gain Respect around
117 to Get Rid of Shortage, Boredom and Debt
118 to Find Healing and Enjoyment
119 to Get Rid of the Plague of Jinn and Satan
119 to Avoid Evil and Trouble
119 for a Woman Who Has No Children or Drops a Child
120 for The One Who Doesn't Live the Child
120 for the Crop of the Field to Be Fertile
FI'L HAVAS VE'L EZK and Acirc; R • •- 345
121 for Fishing
121 to Make Your Property Fertile
121 to Protect Against the Evil of the Tyrant
122 to Hear From The Holy Spirits
122 to Look Imposing and Reputable
123 to Be Prosperous and Ponzied
124 to Destroy Your Enemy
For a Hajj 127
128 for Headaches and Toothaches
Some Air of Besmele-i Sharife Is In Its Declaration 129
130 for Hacet
136 for Each Pilgrimage
137 to Get Rid of Poverty and Need
137 for Purpose and Murat
God's Grace Becomes Mazhar 140
Ervahi Gets Spirituality 140
141 Against the Persecutors
and Acirc; 144 for a degree
19-digit Vefki Sheriff. 146
Air Adîde and Galilee Mosque' 151
Esma-i Husna-yi Cenab-ı Perverdigâr 153
Esma'ul Husna's Values in Three Ways 155
157 to Escape the Torment of the Tomb
157 for a Good Purpose
Day and Night for Sherden Halas 158
158 for No and Salvation
159 to Attach to Car and Vehicle
Lâfza-i Jalal, i.e. the name "Allah", is the air of sharif... 166
Lâfza-i Celâlin Halvet and Riyalti 174
Ism-i A'zam Azimeti 176
Incentive-i Emraz 194
Subpoena and Rosary 195
Ilka Chat 196
Te'lif-i Brain 198
Tevsi'i-Rizk and Def'i Poor and Needy 200
Hafs-ı Yummy and Mal 201
Selâmet-i Sefer 204
Halas-i Prison and Prisoner 205
Te'min-i Galebe and Victory, Akd-i 207
Promotion' and Terakki, Ihraz-i Rank and Mansab 208
Tezyid-i Kesb and Profit 210
Tervic-i Meram and Husul-i Maksat 212
Kahir and Tedmir 214
Tahrib-i Beyt 215
Ta'til-i Ticaret 217
Teslit-i Jinn and Emraz 218
Ism-i A'zam Agency 220
Havas Paddy 223
Hosni Kabul and Jesus' plea 223
I'm Brain 223
Teshil-i Vaz' and Hifz-ı Fetus 223
Incentive-i Emraz 224
Sihr Disrupt and Preserve from Magic 224
Tezyid-i Bereket and Execution-i Saadet 224
Ihraz-i Zafer and Galebe 224
FI'L HAVAS VE'L EZK and Acirc; R and mdash; 347
Afattan Enclosure 225
Halveti of ism-i A'zam Agency 225
Lafza-i Jalal's Part and Perseverance 229
Rahman Ism-i Sharif 233
Rahim Ism-i Sharif 237
Melik Ism-i Celili 240
Aziz Ism-i Jali 244
Cebbar Ism-i Sharif 246
Razzak Ism-i Celili 252
Fettah Ism-i Sharif 255
Lâtif Ism-i Celili 258
Hafiz Ism-i Jali 273
Vedud Ism-i Jali 277
Al-Hayy, Al-Kayyûm Esma-i Sharif 283
Müntekim Ism-i Celili 287
288 for The Oracle and Revenge
289 for Protection from Hasis and the Enemy
This is the Genie and the One Who Carries the Vefki
Man Doesn't Hurt 289
Sara Tutana 291
Nazara Good Income 292
Malik-ul Property Zu'l Jalal-i Ve'l Irâm 293
Cruel Zulum Can't Kill 297
Enemy Language Binding 297
298 for Business and Fertility
298 for Child Casualty
298 for Love and Conversation
Mahfu Helak to 299
299 to Open The Fortunes of Girls and Women
300 for Every Job to Be Asan
Al-Cami' Ism-i Sharif 302
303 to Turn the Escapee and the Concubine
Ihsan Eder 305 in the World and the Hereafter
Al-Ghaî and Al-Mugnî Ism-i Sharifs 306
Al-Kahhar Ism-i Jali 310
314 to Protect Yourself From Evil
315 to Win Something
Read to Those Without Sons and Daughters, Drink 316
Drinking and Gambling Bad Habits 320
321 to Bring Someone
322 for Conversation
Clumsy Days 323
324 to Save From Drinking and Bad Habits
Prayer of Fear 326
Reading Azan in a Child's Ear 327
327 for Evil and Magic Disruption and Every Intention
Invisibility Formula 328
For a Fainting Person / Sara 329
Mucerreb Healing Formula for Patients 330
332 for Conversation and Love
332 for Black Love
333 for Magic Cancellation
Use of Great Vefkin 334
336 to Find Out If There's Magic or Not
All Kinds of News 336
337 to See the Thief
Last Prayer to Allah 339

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