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Celcelutiye's Secret and Expansion
Product Specifications :
Author : Imam Ahmed Bin Ali Al Buni
Turkish by : Mustafa Varli - Seyfettin Oguz
Cover Quality :Hardcover Cover
Pages :846 pages
Page Quality : 2. Dough Paper
Size : 17 cm x 21 cm size
Weight : 1018 gr
Alhamdu Lillahi rabbil's world. And the prophet Muhammad. Hâtemil-Enbiyâi Mürselîn and al-Alihi and sahbihi ecmaîn.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds, and to The Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), the last of the Prophets, and to All his family members and all those who are subject to it.
All that is in the heavens and the earth and in the earth between them is god's. No matter how closed it is, nothing from God is hidden.
Whether you speak openly or in secret, He is well aware of the hidden and the obvious.
The most honorable of creatures is that mankind is a servant to God, and that He follows His orders and refrains from his prohibitions.
It's a man's duty; We must follow the Qur'an, the guidance guide sent for the redemption of the life of this world, and live as the great leader, our beloved Prophet, has lived and shown us. Until the apocalypse, the only divine order that will define the life of all mankind is the Quran. It's the prophet's circumcision. That's never going to change.
All mankind; He should take all his actions and behaviors from the Qur'an and the Sunnah from the Messenger of God throughout his life. Indeed, A believer who believes in violation; I believed, and I surrendered," he said. There is no god but you, and you define all life and the universe. Your beloved Apostle Mohammed (p.a.v.) is your messenger and the leader of all mankind.
He's a Muslim; he should take his life's thoughts from the Qur'an and circumcision throughout his life.
O Believer! Throughout your life, you must follow the last Prophet of Allah, Hz. A.a.v., and guide him. Before the Apostle of Allah passes away, he says:
"I leave you two things: If you follow him, you will be salvation. If you're not subject to it, you're in trouble. One of the trusts is the Quran, the Book of Allah. The other is my circumcision."
Again, Allah said.c, "Take what the Prophet has commanded you to do. Follow him. Refrain from what it forbids."
Yes, we will be able to use god's creation as a means and a reason. But let's not put them on the principles of faith and open the way for shirks. If such paths have been opened in the past, we will look for ways to destroy them. We will not make the reasons and qualities that God has given us into life qualities. We will concoct these events according to the Qur'an and the measures of circumcision. Muslims are obliged to embrace the Quran and circumcision in order to solve the problems of life and the problems between them.
Indeed, it is made clear in the verse: "When you have a dispute, hold on to the rope of Allah."
For him, it is necessary not to sin and leave bad habits when using his love and means. If bad behavior is left behind, it is necessary to make efforts to remove some works made for the benefit of the people.
Here I am Imamu'l Kebîr and'l Hakîmü'ş-şehîr Ebî'l Abbas Ahmet bin Ali al-Bûnî Kaddes Allahu Sirrahû Hazrat's Shams'ul Marif - By translating this work called The Sun of The Sun into today's Turkish, I have presented to you in the original text and representative pictures of this work as an addition to your views with a wide range of explanations to you in letters to my esteemed readers. There have been many works on this subject so far, and it is known to you that these are nothing more than distractions for today's people, and there is no need to explain them to you from their side.
I would like to remind you that this giant work has useful, healing, useful aspects, as well as spiritual harmful aspects.
Prayer and Havas Books
There are many verses contained in this work. Do not be a prisoner of your soul by capitalizing these verses and words on your material interests. It leads you to defeat. May You keep our sentence from the evil of the self and the devil. Amen.
H. Mustafa VARLI
Prologue 5
Beautiful Names of Allah 11
Hours Measurement and Order 20
Dotted Letters and Hidden Secrets in the Meaning of These Letters 21
A- Letters Opening 22
B- Spite of Human Casualties 23
Qualifications and Characteristics of the Branch Letter 31
Ways to Protect our Prophet by Occasion 32
Ways to Protect Against Fevers and Harmful Animals 34
Secrets and Qualities of the Letter Elif 35
Human Directions Weakness and Nature 36
Ways to Unravel Secret Secrets 37
Sustenance Request 38
Source of Wisdom
Protection from the Evil of Thieves and Thugs 38
Secrets and Secrets of Numbers 39
Esma-i Berhetiyye's Sherhi and Havassi 42
Berhetîhin 44
44 for Easy Birth
44 for Sustenance
Strengthening Memory 44
Kerîrin 44
44 to See the Demons
45 to Protect The Item
45 for Eye Pain
45 For Conversation
45 for The Girl Who Can't Marry
45 for Unsold Goods
Tetlîhin 45
46 Against Bedbugs
46 for Wealth
Addressing Husband and Wife Incompatibility 46
Relationship with Spirits 46
Tûranin 46
Protection from Evil 46
Revenge on a Tyrant Who Did Evil 46
47 If You Want to Free An Inmate From Prison Without Charge
47 to See The Demons Clearly
47 If You Want to Self-Obey the Spiritual and Sufi Spirits
Source of Wisdom
47 for Sara and the Magic Cancellation
Making Wishes Come True 47
Mezcelin 48
48 for a Woman Without Children
Acceptance of Repentance 48
Bezcelin 49
49 for Wish and Hajj
Breaking the Magic 49
49 to Succeed in Your Work
Terkabin 49
49 for Abundant Livelihoods and Earnings
Berheşin 50
51 to Make the Cruel Enemy Sick
51 to Subpoena
Galmeşin 51
52 for All Kinds of Wishes
Subpoena Job 52
53 If You Want to Remove The Jinn From Where You Are
Hutîrin 53
Protection from Gin and Evil Eye 54
54 to Strengthen Memory
Being Strong in the Public Eye 54
54 for Conversation
Action to Take to Prevent Dog From Entering 54
54 to Excel
Source of Wisdom
55 to Destroy Water
55 for Wish
Kalnehûdin 55
55 for Treating Epilepsy
Bershanin 56
56 for The Wish to Come True
Talking to Spirits and Getting News 56
Kazhîrin 56
Protection from Thieves and Fires 57
Humidity 57
Getting Rid of Cough 58
Getting Out of Prison 58
58 for The One Who Doesn't Stop Blood
58 If You Want to Make the Enemy Sick
Berheyûlen 59
59 To Find the Lost
Seeing What You Want in a Dream 59
60 of five
60 to Improve Eye Pain
61 to Relieve Boredom and Stress
Source of Wisdom
Kazmezin 61
Fertile Earnings 61
Protection from the Enemy 61
Engalelîtin 62
62 to Sweat
62 to Put Out a Fire
Ghost Sighting 62
Kabaratin 62
Making Sure Of Diseases 63
Not Seeing Things He Doesn't Like 63
Gayâhââ 63
63 to Stop Bleeding
Keydehülâ 64
Canceling Magic 64
65 to Achieve High Ratings
Shamhahirin 66
How to Remove Ants 66
Shamhahirin 67
How to Remove Mosquitoes 67
Shamhahirin 67
67 to Tamper
68 for Black Love
Bikehtahûnîhin 68
69 to Avoid Hunger, To Satisfy Hunger
69 of the five
69 To Avoid Thirst
Tûneşin 69
70 to Stop Crying Child Crying
70 for Wish
70 to Relieve Headaches
Source of Wisdom
Shamhabarûh's 70th
How to Break Magic 71
71 for Wish and Hajj
71 to Find Healing
71 to Win over the Enemy
Other Way to Use Berhetiyye Names 71
Kasems of Esma-i Berhetiyye 75
Saving the Berhetiyye Bowl 90
Airy Wreath of the Berhetiyye Bowl 91
91 If You Want to Bring a Spiritual or Sufi Spirit
91 If You Want to Excite Someone and Bring Burning
91 If You Want to Surround Someone With Epilepsy or a Healthy Person
92 If You Want to Get Someone To Talk
Endearing a Person to One Person with Conversation 94
Connecting a Person's Language 94
Connected or Solving the Magic 94
Subpoenaing a Person 94
Subpoenaing Someone 95
Subpoenaing Someone 96
Bringing in a Rebellious Genie Who Haunts a Patient 96
Strongly Attracting Someone 96
Strongly Attracting Someone 96
96 for Customer Subpoena
96 for Severe Headache
Catching a Flu or Blood Flow 97
Removing The Pilgrimage from One Person 97
Executing Any Inanimate Object 97
Subpoenaing Pigeons to a Nest 97
Tying the Masculinity of an Adulterous Man 97
98 On Non-Consensual Affairs
Taslising a Tyrant With a Headache 98
Getting Rid of the Tyranny of a Cruel and Cebbar Person 99
Removing a Tyrant from His Home or His Home 99
Source of Wisdom
Treating The Eyes of a Tyrant Who Persecuted You With Eye Pain 99
A Cruel Man Who Persecuted You Gets Sick 100
Shedding Blood from a Cruel and Sinful Woman 100
Healing a Patient with Epilepsy 100
Inviting Gin 101
Finding Treasure 101
Destroying a Cruel Cebbar 101
Destroying a Cruel Cebbar, a Tyrant 101
Separating the Adulterer 101
Carrying Out a Bowl in a Suspicious Place 102
Cutting Papers and Cashing In 102
Subpoenaing Someone 102
About Treasure, Treasure 102
Subpoenaing a Missing Person 103
Shedding Blood from a Woman to the Tyrant 103
Subpoenaing Someone Who's Where You Are 103
Separating MaliciousLy Collected Contacts 104
Gin Invitation 104
Getting Someone Excited by Endearing Themselves 106
Subpoenaing a Person with a Very Strong Conversation and Atf 106
Solving the Connected 107
Destroying and Stoned a Tyrant's Home 107
Tasallut a Cruel Cebbara Headache 107
Appearing before a Judge 108
Humma Tasallut to a Tyrant 108
Astonishing and Appalling a Person 108
Sending a Packed Calligraphy to Someone 109
Draining a Well 109
Carrying out the Palm Branch in a Suspicious Place 110
110 If You Had Anything You Wished for From Someone
Removing a Woman's Bleeding 112
Lovingly Approaching and Reconciling the Resentful Person 112
Healing a Person With Gin Disease From This Disease 113
Gin Invitation 114
Sickening a Cruel Cebbar 115
Healing of a Spiritual Patient 115
An Important and Important Wish 115
Satisfying Any Wish of No or Evil 116
Good Subpoena To Ward Off Evil 116
Relieving Side Pain 120
120 for Conversation
Tican Invitation 123
Celcelûtiyye's Sherhi and Havassi Paddy 128
Source of Wisdom
Cannabis of Nourishment 154
Endearing a Person 156
Gin Invitation 163
164 for All Kinds of Wishes
Making Hearts Incing 168
Getting Rid of Disasters, Troubles, Disasters and Diseases, Sadness, Grief 169
Sending a Packed Calligrapher to Someone 170
Getting Your Matlub Excited by Conversation 171
Protection from All Kinds of Calamities 173
Zât (Allah) Name Sheriff's Air Cello 175
175 to Get What You Want
175 to Achieve Abundance and Prosperity
175 on a Patient Doctors Are Incapacitated
175 to Influence Spirituality
Western Spirit Ihya 178
Taking All Ervahi Under Orders 180
184 for Any Charity and Evil You Want
185 to Succeed in Every Job
186 for Any Wish You Want
187 for Everything You Wished for
191 for Hajj and Wish
195 to Fulfill All Your Wishes
195 to Facilitate Sus provision
His Prayer Is Instantly Accepted 195
Endearing One Person's Heart to Another Person with Conversation 196
196 for All Kinds of Charitable and Evil Requests
197 for Charity and Evil Deeds
A Crown of GreatNess 200
Rahman Name Sheriff 203
Connecting The Printed With Conversation and Meveddet 203
To Be Imposing 203
Rahman Name To Obtain Sheriff's Name 203
203 for Any Wish
Self Strengthens, Cleanses the Heart 204
Rahim Name Sheriff 205
Properties of the Letter Be 206
Features of sin letter 208
Properties of the Letter Meme 209
Features of the Letter Elif 210
Properties of the Letter 211
Properties of the Letter He 212
Properties of the Letter Rı 212
Properties of the Letter H 214
Features of the Letter Of Nun 214
Properties of the Letter Ye 216
221 to Outdo the Enemy
Ways to Be Imposing and Majestic 229
Source of Wisdom
231 for All Kinds of Intentions and Foreclosures
Cancellation of The Spell on Households 242
Solving Financial Problems in Families 246
Saving ism-i A'zam 269
Procedures for All Kinds of Wishes 274
Continuing the Remembrance of Ism-i Azam 291
Treatment of the Mentally Ill 297
Beautification of Speech and Speech 306
Hurufu Mukattanm Nurlu Secrets 338
Secrets of the Elephant Sûre 349
Canceling Magic 371
Tarîkatül Kübrâ 381
Getting Rid of Gin Taife 425
Subpoenaing a Gaib 426
Destroying the Enemy 426
Seeking Healing 427
Nazar and Hased 428
Eliminating Sedition 429
Names and Secrets of Allahu Telâ 435
Esmâü'l Husnâ'nm Vefki 497
Getting Rid of a Person's Torment 504
Gaining Strength 504
508 for Hajj
28 Service Angels of the Letter 510
Features of 28 Letters 523
All Kinds of Intentions and Foreclosures 536
565 for All Kinds of Wishes
567 for Intent and Purpose
Air of the Surah of Violation 573
Obtaining the Huddamm of the Surah of Violations 574
Source of Wisdom
Halveti of the Surah of Violation 576
Kasemi of the Surah of Violation 580
Mind Openness and Elimination of Forgetfulness 587
Taking Care of All Clients and Solving Problems 588
Protecting Yourself from the Evil of Creatures and Gaining Many Financial-Spiritual Riches 591
The Secret of the Mentioned Esma 592
601 for Abundance of Sustenance and Wealth
Retreating to the Riyazata 603
The Secret of the Seven Letters 612
Tahatili Seba's Havassi Çelilesi 619
Communication with Men and Jinn 647
Kasemül Emlâcul Felekiyye 676
Halhala Kasemi 708
Idmanmarul Amme Kasemi 712
Itaat Kasemi 714
Service of the Execution Bowl 717
Kasemu'l Suleimani 721
Avalimu Ardiyya Kasemi 722
Câmi Azimeti 726
Esma-i Kamer's Havassi Paddy 736
Invitation of Esmâ-i Cameroon 741
Subpoenaing The Good and Dissecting evils 745
Attitudes ToWards Your Enemy 755
Solving Magic 755
Nazar, Removing Eye Touch 755
Wishing, Hajj and Seeking Healing, Breaking magic 770
Berhatiyye Kasemi's Savings 773
Hatime - Result 831