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Mercy Months - Holy Days with Prayers, Treasure of Nights Book

: 9786054833511
249.00 TL
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Mercy Months - Holy Days with Prayers, Treasure of Nights Book

  • 2. Dough Paper
  • Thick Cover
  • 544 Pages
  • Size 19.5x13.5 cm
  • Prayers to be held on blessed days and nights
Salih and some of the true friends (Allah (c.c.) insisted that I gather together the virtues of the religious months, the benefits and adversaries of the Qur'an, and the wisdom and benefits of prayer, and turn them into books. So I tried to gather other information with the sheriffs who were involved in this matter in credible commentary and other sources. It's finally a work like this. In this regard, my guide was the following hadith sheriff:

"and when Ademoglu dies, his deeds end. But these three classes of deeds are not closed and they continue to gain favors. These:
1. Leaving the good deeds that continue after him,
2. Even after death, the knowledge is used,
3. Those who leave a good son after him."
(From the Introductory Bulletin)

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