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Prayer Book Guided by Quran and Hadith - Salim Akarsu

Product Code : T28200
: 9786258127041
249.00 TL
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Prayer Book Guided by Quran and Hadith - Salim Akarsu

Prayer Book Guided by Quran and Hadith - Salim Akarsu

Product features :

Publisher: Furkan Publications
Author : Salim Akarsu
Cover Quality: Cardboard Cover
Page Quality : Imported Paper
Number of Pages :471
Language Turkish
Size: 16.5 X 24 cm
Weight : 550 g
Barcode : 9786258127041


Eûzubillâhimineşşahtanirracîm. Bismillahirrahmânirrahîm.
Alhamdulillah Rabbil'alamin. Allahumma salli ala Muhammadin wa ala ali Muhammad
“O you who believe! Review your behavior! Believe in Allah as He has commanded, not according to yourself!” With the verse (Surat an-Nisa' 136), Allah commands us to review our lifestyles according to the criteria of faith and to account for our actions, that is, to renew our faith. Because of his preoccupations, people tend to fall into heedlessness and move away from the needs of the believer. In this book, we tried to be a means of renewing our faith by transforming the verses and hadiths that form the basis of our faith into prayer. We also tried to remind the things that should be known about religion with prayer.
Our book consists of four parts:
The prayers in the first part are the prayers that can be done about the issues we need in our daily life and throughout the year.
The prayers in the second part are the prayers that can be made according to the verses of the Qur'an. This section has been prepared according to the descending order of the surahs to show the order of education used by Allahu ta'ala while turning those who bury their own children alive into those who avoid even stepping on an ant. The purpose of preparing such a section is to try to remind the minimum things that should be asked according to the verses.
The prayers in the third chapter are about the basic issues that we need to believe and do. The purpose of preparing such a section is to try to remind what should be known about the basic issues of faith under the same title. We wrote the related verse and hadith next to the sentences we used here. Thus, the correctness of what is required can be confirmed by looking at them in case of need. I think this section will be very useful especially for children. Because a child who reads or listens to the prayers in this section will at least be aware of what he needs to know about that subject.
The prayers in the fourth part are the prayers mentioned in the Qur'an and hadiths. Since they are the prayers taught by Allah and His Messenger, these are the most accepted prayers. Therefore, it is beneficial to memorize these prayers and use them in daily life.
Another purpose in the preparation of this book is to support children's education by using the prayer method. Because the subjects repeated with prayer settle in the subconscious and enable the thought system to be shaped. A person shapes many issues in his life through the ideas he learned during his childhood, especially the ideas he memorized. Therefore, parents should aim to memorize the basic ideas of the behaviors they want to see in their children when they grow up.
Prayer is an effective tool for memorizing ideas. Because repeating the idea of wanting doesn't bother one. Since it is not disturbing, the person does not get tired of constantly repeating the idea-information. As you repeat it over and over, the idea settles in your subconscious. So he adopts the idea.
The method of teaching knowledge through prayer is a viable method for parents. Because, it is enough to set aside five minutes a day to apply this method.
A parent who can teach or make their child listen to the prayers in this book will hopefully inform their child of all of Allah's orders.
The minimum goal we want to achieve with this book is to inform the person of the necessary information and what needs to be asked in order to pass the exam.
Some reminders about prayer:
1. Prayer is one of our test items. When the need arises, those who pray on that subject will win the prayer test. Those who do not pray because they see themselves as self-sufficient, because they are lazy, because they do not care, or because they have given up hope in Allah, will lose this test. Therefore, prayer should be done to win the test, not to receive its reward in the world.
2. Prayer is a duty and worship: Prayer is an act of worship like prayer. It is a duty that must be done not for the realization of the desired things, but because the time has come. Man has come to this world to fulfill the duties required by the test. One of these duties is to pray when the time comes. Just as the adhan is the harbinger of prayer. The calamity or the need that arises is also a harbinger of the time for prayer. When this time comes, he who prays, fulfills his duty and performs his worship. If he does not, he has not fulfilled his duty, therefore he has lost the test of prayer.
It should not be forgotten that whether the servant prays or not, Allahu ta'ala will deliver the worldly sustenance he promised to his servant. The person who prays and demands his sustenance will have fulfilled his duty and earned rewards when his needs are met.
3. Prayer is the proof of whether we have fulfilled the task of learning. Unlike other beings, Allah has ordered humans and jinn to learn what needs to be learned. (Surat al-Alaq 1) By praying, a person proves what he has learned and how much. Because a person who does not know and is not aware of his need cannot ask for it.
4. Prayer is the proof that we are aware of our helplessness. Man prays to prove that he is not like the devil who was expelled from mercy because he sees himself as self-sufficient and is arrogant, that he is aware of his weakness, that he is in need of Allah to meet even his simplest needs, and that he is aware that he cannot do anything unless He helps. For this reason, our Prophet, sallallaahu 'alaihi wa sallam, ordered "Ask Allahu ta'ala even for the laces of your lost shoes". In that case, a person should ask for all his needs from Allahu ta'ala. Because every subject he does not want means that he does not need Allahu ta'ala regarding that matter, which is a great arrogance and arrogance.
5. Prayer is the proof of how conscious a person is. Allahu ta'ala has given man the ability to reason and reason so that he may be conscious. The praying person proves that he is aware of his responsibility. For this reason, a person who wants to prove that he is a conscious servant should determine all his needs and ask Allahu ta'ala.
6. Prayer is a person's revealing his quality and proving himself to his Lord, the only being that a person has to prove himself to is Allah. Because it is He who decides how a person's life in this world and in the hereafter will be. The first thing that proves the quality of a person is his wishes. Because the desired things prove how aware the person is of his ideals and needs. Ideals and awareness are indicators of a person's quality. For this reason, Allah u ta'ala says, "I will value you according to your prayers!" he ordered. In that case, a person should prove himself to Allah by making a quality prayer.
7. Prayer is one of the most effective methods of self-cultivation. Because in order to pray, a person first learns what he has to pray. It repeats over and over again. As a result of his constant repetition, his conscience and ego accept what he wants. Once accepted, he tries to do it. Gets addicted. It does not fall into error. Satan and the nafs are not deceived. Thus, by gaining stability, he will continue his life with those habits until his last breath. Because it provides these opportunities, prayer is an effective education method.
8. Prayer is to educate people with the desire to want. Because most people do not like duties and dictation of their duties. But he likes to ask. He places what he wants in his heart. Thus it is accepted. He decides to apply it again and again. Over time, he makes it a part of his life. Thus, the person is trained using the sense of will.
9. Prayer is accounting. The subjects said in the prayer are “I want these things, but am I doing them?” He makes it possible for him to account for himself.
10. Prayer is necessary to be vigilant against the tricks of the devil. Satan strives until his last breath to lead people from the right path. The precaution to be taken against this is to be vigilant at all times. Continual prayer provides this alertness. For this reason, people are held responsible for repeating the same prayers, dhikrs and verses of the Qur'an over and over.
11. Since he is the one who manages the whole universe together, the way Allah responds to prayers is different. If it will not harm the general functioning and will be beneficial for its servant, it gives exactly what is requested. If it will harm the general functioning, it will do it in a different way. Sometimes he leaves the reward of what he wants to the hereafter. For this reason, a person should say "My God, if it is good for me" when asking, and should not say "my prayer was not accepted" when his prayer is not answered, he should say "this is the best thing" and put his trust in it. Because trusting what is appreciated is also a matter of test. Those who are satisfied with what is appreciated will win this test, and those who do not consent and rebel, or those who fall into despair and abandon prayer will lose the test. It should not be forgotten that the important thing is not the acceptance of the prayer. It is whether we pray or not. Because those who pray will win in the hereafter, and those who do not will lose.
Paradise is not cheap. There is little to be done. This is why our prayer book is long. This book has been prepared not to show people what needs to be done and to cause them to despair, but to prove that we are aware of our responsibility by asking Allah for what needs to be done at least once in our lifetime, and to beg forgiveness in the hereafter by making our prayers.
Our recommendation is to read the prayers in the book gradually, not in succession. Thus, every prayer is digested inside. And the targeted learning and renewal of faith is also accomplished. Reading one after another can lead to intimidation and disorientation.
Since our book is a comprehensive book, we have made mistakes. If you write your comments and suggestions about our book to salimubeyd@hotmail.com, you will be instrumental in better studies.
We have also prepared an audio version of our prayer book for those who have reading problems.
Thus, the purpose can be reached by listening. The audio version of the prayers in our book www. You can download it for free from akarsukitapevi.org site.
May Allah make our book a means of increasing our faith and raising faithful generations. May he accept our prayers in this book if it is good for us! Amine!
Salim Akarsu - 17.03.2022


1. Praying with the names of Allah... 15
2. Prayer about the love of Allah 30
3. Prayer about Allah's rights 32
4. Praiseworthy 33
5. Prayer of repentance and forgiveness 36
6. The prayer of the end of the prayer 44
7. Yâsin-i şerif prayer 49
8.Hatim prayer 52
9. Wedding prayer 59
10. The prayer to be made when the child is born.. 60
11. Prayer to be done during illness. 61
12. Prayer to be made in times of distress.... 63
13. Prayer about evil eye and magic 64
14. Funeral Prayer 65
15. Prayer about sustenance 67
16. Prayer for debtors 69
17. Istikhara prayer 70
18. The prayer to be made when you get up in the morning.. 71
19. Prayer while wearing a dress ..71
20. The prayer to be done when you go out to the street ..72
21. Prayer at school 72
22. Prayer while reading a book.... 73
23. Prayer of food 73
24. Prayer while lying down 74
25.The prayer to be made when going on a journey.. 74
26. Ashura prayer 75
27. Mevlid candle prayer 76
28. Prayer of the beginning of the trimester 77
29.Regâib night prayer 77
30. Miraj night prayer 79
31. The prayer of the night of acquittal 82
32. Ramadan prayer 84
33. Sahur prayer 86
34. Iftar prayer 86
35. The night of power prayer 87
36. Arafah day prayer 89
37. Eid al-Fitr prayer 89
38. Eid al-Adha prayer 90
39.Birthday-New Year Prayer 92
1.Alaq Surah 94
2nd Surah 95
3. Muzzammil Surah 97
4th Muddessir Surah 98
5. Surah Fatiha 100
6. Surah Tabbat 101
7.Takwir Surah 101
8.A'la Surah 102
9. Leyi surah 102
10.Fajr Surah 103
11. Surah Duha 104
12. Surah Inshirah 104
Surah 13.Asr 104
14. Adiyat Surah 104
15. Kevser Surah 105
16.Takasur surah 105
17.Maun Surah 105
18. Surah Kafirun 105
19. Surah Elephant 106
20. Falaq Surah 106
21. Surah Nas 106
22. Surah Ikhlas 106
23. Najm Surah 106
24. Abese Surah 108
25. Surah Al-Qadr 109
26. Shams Surah 109
27. Surah Burûc 109
28. Surah Tîn 110
29. Surah of Quraysh 110
30. Surah Karia 110
31. Surah of the Day of Judgment 110
32. Surah Humazah 111
33. Mursalat Surah 111
34. Surah Qaf 112
35. Beled Surah 113
36. Tariq Surah 113
37. Surah Al-Qamar 114
38. Sâd Surah 115
39.A'raf Surah 118
40. Jinn Surah 125
41. Surah Yasin 126
42.Furqan Surah 129
43. Surah Fatir 132
44. Surah Maryam 134
45. Surah Taha 136
46.Waqia Surah 140
47. Shuara Surah 141
48. Surah Nemi 144
49. Qasas surah 146
50. Surah Isra 150
51. Yunus Surah 154
52. Surah Hud 157
53. Yusuf Surah 160
54. Hijr Surah 163
55. Surah An'am 166
56. Surah as-Saffat 173
57. Surah Lokman 176
58. Surah Saba 177
59. Surah Zumer 179
60. Surah Mu'min 183
61.Fussilet Surah 186
62. Surah Shura 188
63. Surah Zuhruf 190
64. Surah Duhan 192
65.Câsiye Surah 192
66. Surah Ahqaf 194
67. Surah Zariyat 195
68. Surah Ghashiya 197
69. Surah Kahf 197
70. Surah Nahl 200
71. Surah Nuh 205
72. Surah Ibrahim 206
73. Surah Anbiya 208
74. Surah Muminun 211
75. Sajda Surah 213
Surah 76.Tur 214
77. Mulk Surah 215
78. Al-Hakka Surah 215
79. Surah Meâric 216
80. Surah an-Naba 217
81.Naziat Surah 217
82. Surah Infitar 218
83. Inshikâk Surah 218
84. Rum Surah 219
85. Surah Ankebut 221
86. Mutaffif Surah 224
Surah 87.Ra'd 224
88. Surah Fiacc 226
89. Rahman Surah 230
90. Human Surah 230
91. Surah Zilzal 231
92. Surah Al-Baqara 231
93. Surah Anfal 248
94.Al-i Imran Surah 252
95. Surah Hashr 261
Surah 96.Friday 263
97. Surah Ahzab 263
98. Surah an-Nisa 266
Surah 99.Muhammad 274
100. Surah Talaq 276
101. Bayyine Surah 276
102.Nur Surah 277
103. Surah Munafiqun 280
104. Struggle Surah 281
105. Surah Hucurat 281
106. Surah Tahrim 283
107. Surah Tegabun 284
108. Surah as-Saff 285
109. Surah Fatah 286
110. Surah Maida 287
111. Surah Mümtahina 294
112. Surah Hadid 296
113. At-Tawba Surah 295
114. Surah Nasr 301
1. Prayer to be a believer 302
2. Prayer of becoming a Muslim 303
3. Prayer about the test 303
4. Prayer about servitude 305
5. Prayer of faith to the prophets 306
6. The rights of our prophet. 308
7. Prayer about the life of the Prophet (pbuh) 308
8. The day of our Prophet (saas). 312
9. Prayer of faith in the books 314
10. Prayer of faith in angels 316
11. Prayer of faith in the hereafter 316
12. Prayer about the world 319
13. Prayer of faith in destiny 321
14. Prayer about inheritance 322
15. Prayer about death 323
16. Prayer about the grave 324
17. Prayer about Judgment Day 325
18. Prayer about Paradise 326
19. Prayer for Hell 329
20. Prayer about knowledge 232
21. Prayer about verses and sunnahs 335
22. Prayer about Basmalah 335
23. Prayer about Satan 336
24. Eûzubillâhimineşşahtanirracîm .340
25. Rights of the soul 340
26. Prayer about the nafs 340
27. Pray for Praise 342
28. Dua for Subhanallah 342
29. Dua for Allahu Akbar 343
30. Prayer about dhikr 343
31. Prayer about Salawat 344
32. Prayer about the muezzin and the call to prayer 344
33. Prayer about Imamate 344
34. Prayer about leadership 345
35. Prayer about apologizing 345
36. Prayer about reading-learning..345
37. Reading the Qur'an-learning Arabic 346
38. Prayer about worrying 347
39. Prayer about habits 347
40. Prayer for contemplation 348
41. Prayer about intention 349
42. Prayer for goal attainment 349
43. Prayer for decision making and consultation .350
44. Prayer about roles and responsibility 350
45. Prayer about the role of masculinity 351
46. Prayer about the female role 351
47.Family prayer 352
48. Prayer about mother's right 353
49. Prayer about the role of mother 353
50. Prayer about the right of the father 354
51. Prayer about the fatherly role 354
52. Prayer for parents 355
53. Prayer about praying 355
54. Prayer for health 357
55. Prayer about medicine 358
56. Prayer about hijama 358
57. Prayer about cleanliness 359
58. Prayer about ablution 359
59. Prayer about worship 360
60. Prayer about prayer 360
Prayer about the 61st Friday prayer 362
62. Prayer about the call to prayer and the muezzin... 362
63. Prayer about fasting 363
64. Prayer about Zakat 365
Prayer about the 65th Hajj 367
66. Eid al-Adha prayer 368
67. Prayer about supererogatory worship 370
68. Prayer about childhood and puberty 370
69. Prayer about being cautious 371
70. Prayer about the right of the servant 372
71. Prayer about Uhuvvet and Fitna..373
72. Prayer for greeting 375
73. Prayer about Insha'Allah 375
74. Prayer about trust and smile375
75. Prayer about kindness and tolerance.. 376
76. Prayer about speaking well... 377
77. Dua for good deeds 378
78. Prayer about food etiquette 379
79. Prayer about sleep etiquette 379
80. Prayer about toilet etiquette 380
81. Prayer about Tahajjud 380
82. Prayer about being helpful. 381
83. Prayer about the test 381
84. Prayer about choices and prudence 384
85. Prayer about the Tabligh 384
86. Prayer about the trait of ishar 388
87. Gifts to be brought to Allah..388
88. Prayer about being deceived 388
89. Prayer for self-improvement.389
90. Prayer about leaving a work 389
91. Prayer about giving alms.... 390
92. Evaluating life productively 391
93. Prayer about the heart and conscience 391
94. Prayer about the mind 393
95. Prayer for greeting 395
96. Prayer about being clean 395
97. Prayer about being adabli-hayali 396
98. Prayer about being trustworthy ... 397
99. Prayer for righteousness 397
100. Prayer about defending the right 397
101. Prayer for stability ...398
102. Prayer about being hopeful...398
103. Prayer about responsibility 398
104. Prayer about patience 400
105. Prayer about connecting to the world400
106. Dua for good deeds 401
107. Prayer about using time .401
108. Prayer about dreams 402
109. Prayer about gift giving.... 402
110. Prayer about exaggeration 402
111. Prayer about arguing 402
112. Prayer for orphans 403
113. Prayer about marriage 403
114. Prayer about the role of woman-woman 406
115. Prayer about the role of husband 407
116. Prayer about educating children.. 408
117. Prayer about the right of children 409
118. Prayer about raising children .410
119. Prayer for youth 412
120. Prayer for old age 412
121. Protecting honor and modesty ... 413
122. Prayer about divorce 413
123. Prayer about the right of relatives 414
124. Prayer about the right of neighbor . 415
125. Prayer about accounting 415
126. Prayer for consultation 416
127. Prayers about temperaments 416
128. Prayer about respect 417
129. Prayer for happiness 418
130. Prayer about love 418
131. Prayer about love 419
132. Prayer about empathy 419
133. Prayer about Zan 419
134. The prayer about supplication and suicidal thoughts419
135. Halim - Prayer for Tolerance 420
136. Prayer about giving thanks.. 420
137. Prayer about being just 420
138. Needs-greed-greed 421
139. Prayer about food-trade-earning 421
140. Emulating the non-Muslim 422
141. With forgiveness and repentance 423
142. Prayer about sins 424
143. Prayer about running a circus 426
144. Prayer about lying-deception.... 427
145. Prayer about breaking a heart 428
146. Prayer about backbiting 428
147. Prayer about investigating shame.. 428
148. Prayer about laughing and making laugh 429
149. Prayer about slander 429
150. Prayer about fitna 429
151. Prayer about betrayal 430
152. Claiming the secret 430
153. Prayer about fighting 431
154. Prayer about the tattoo 432
155. Prayer about interest 433
156. Prayer about stocking 433
157. Prayer about the priesthood 433
158. Prayer about magic and magic 434
159. Games of chance-Prayer about gambling434
160. Prayer about show-off 434
161. To wear gold and silk. 435
162. Prayer about bid'ats 435
163. Prayer about waste 435
164. Being arrogant and humble 436
165.Tattoo-wig-hair transplant and prayer about aesthetics 437
166. Prayer about adultery 437
167. Prayer about theft 438
168. Prayer about liquor 439
169. Prayer about smoking 439
170. Prayer about taking life and suicide 440
171. Prayer for haste 440
172. Prayer about courage and fear 441
173. Prayer about diligence-laziness 441
174. Prayer about selfishness 442
175. Prayer about stinginess 442
176. Prayer about envy 442
177. Prayer about persecution 443
178. To be cleansed from sins ...443
179. Prayer about Qisas 443
180. Prayer about Jinn 444
181. Prayer about plants 444
182. Prayer about animals 445
183. Prayer about preferences 446
PRAYERS IN THE QUR'AN..449 PRAYERS IN THE HADITHS..461 186. General prayer of protection 468
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