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Prayers and Prayers on Blessed Days and Nights Pocket Boy-1304

: 9789944251082
55.00 TL
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Prayers and Prayers on Blessed Days and Nights Pocket Boy

Page:About 64 Books: (The information on this page is from the book.)"DU and Acirc recommended to be done on holy days and nights; and in this work titled IB and Acirc;DETLER", some of the prayers, fasting and prayers described and bdquo; must be made, kept, read". However, the descriptions and recommended worships here are from the phrase "deeds" and are not fulfilled. However, with the words "this and bdquo;necessarily", it was intended to be attributed only to the importance of the described devotions and the magnitude of the reward to be given in return.

As a matter of fact, hadîs-i kudsîde: and bdquo; By assumption, my servant will be freed from my punishment. He approaches me with blessings," it said. Thus, you can use the Although it is not possible to fulfill the deeds, these worships bring the servant closer to God.

Well, then, I'm going to have to Anyone who wants to be faithful to the spiritual ranks should fulfill these described deeds in a way that is possible. And if it is not done, it has no spiritual affiliation.

Number of Pages: 64

Size: 10 x 13.5

Skin Condition: Skinless

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