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Prayers Spells and Solutions Treasure and Protection-1246

: 9789756354612
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Prayers Spells and Solutions Treasure and Protection

Prayers Spells and Protect Solutions


Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil. Vessalâtu ves-salla al-Sayyidina Mohammed's Hâtemil-En-biyâi and Mürselin, and the scholar and the prophet Ecmain.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Acirc;
All that is in the heavens and the earth and in the earth between them is god's. No matter how closed it is, nothing is hidden from God.
Whether you speak openly or in secret, he is well aware of the hidden and the obvious.
The most honorable of creatures is that mankind is a servant to God, and that He follows His orders and refrains from his prohibitions.
It's a man's duty; We must follow the Qur'an, the guidance guide sent for the redemption of the life of this world, and live as the great leader, our beloved Prophet, has lived and shown us. Until the apocalypse, the only divine order that will define the life of all mankind is the circumcision of the Quran and the Prophet. That's never going to change.
All mankind; He should take all his actions and behaviors from the Qur'an and the Sunnah throughout his life. And when a believer who believed in the violation said, "I have believed and surrendered." "And the Lord! There is no god but you. You define the whole life, the universe, and your beloved Messenger Muhammad (p.a.v.) is your messenger and the leader of all mankind."
He's a Muslim; he should take his life's thoughts from the Qur'an and Sunnah throughout his life.
O Believer! Throughout your life, you must follow the last Pey and note of Allah, Muhammad (p.a.v.), and take him as a guide. Before the Apostle of Allah passes away, he says, "I leave you two things. If you follow Him, and follow him, you will be boxed, and if you are not subjected to Him, you will fall into a state of inatness. That's one of the relics.
The Book of Allah is the Quran. The other is my circumcision."
Again, Allah said.c, "Take what the Prophet has commanded you to do. Follow him. Refrain from what it forbids." Yes, we will be able to use god's creation as a means and a reason. But let's not put them on the principles of faith and open the way for shirks. If such paths have been opened in the past, we will look for ways to destroy them? We will not make the reasons and qualities that God has given us into life qualities. We will adapt these events to the qur'an and the measures of circumcision.
Muslims are obliged to embrace the Quran and circumcision in order to solve the problems of life and the problems between them. Indeed, it is made clear in the verse: "When you have a dispute, embrace the rope of Allah." For him, it is necessary not to sin and leave bad habits when using love and means. If bad behavior is left behind, efforts must be made to remove it.
It is necessary to publish some works made for the benefit of the people. I have translated this work named Es-Sirril Mâsun vel Cevheril Meknun, which consists of two parts of Imam Ghazali, into modern Turkish, which is in your brain, and presented it to you as an addition to the original text and representative pictures of this work with a wide range of explanations.
To date, many books have been written about this subject (horoscopes and stars), and fortunes have appeared in many journals and newspapers, and it is known to you that these are nothing more than distractions for today's people and there is no need to explain them to you.
I would like to remind you that this small work has beneficial healing and useful aspects as well as spiritually harmful aspects. Do not check yourself first and do not go wrong. Fury and greed put your son in the vortex. It will ruin the life of this world and the afterlife.
Those who use their self-righteous feelings unwarrantedly will be wasting their faith and deeds. He'll be a desperate resuscinding man.
My brothers and sisters who exchange ideas with this book sirril Mâsun vel Cevheril Meknun, do not adhere to that idea because my star came out like this, and do not lead you to sin. Deeds will lead you to the wrong path. But God knows the truth.
There are many verses contained in this work. Do not be a prisoner of your soul by capitalizing these verses and the word on your financial interests. It leads you to defeat. May You keep our sentence from the grace of the self and the devil. Amen...
H. Mustafa VARLI

Prologue 5
Getting Rid of Stenosis and Sustenance 14
Many Benefits of Triple Vefkin 14
25 to Make a Person and Acirc Stylish
26 for Love and Conversation
27 to Turn a Person Around
and Acirc;stylish To Make 28
31 for Love and Conversation
You Look Imposing In Front of Everyone 33
33 for Conversation
and Acirc;stylish To Make 35
36 for Wish
and Acirc;stylish To Make 39
40 for Those With a Fortune
To Win : 42
and Acirc;44 for elegance
45 to Reconcile
48 to Reconcile resentments
50 for Conversation
51 for Conversation
54 for the Ring
57 to Find Out If He's Alive or Dead
To Find the Thief and bdquo; 58
59 for Conversation
59 For Conversation and Bringing
60 for Conversation and Subpoenas
61 for Love and Conversation
61 for The Hall of a Customer
65 to Open Every Door
66 to Fulfill Your Request
67 for Love and Conversation
68 for Spiritual State
68 for Conversation
69 for Conversation
70 for Love and Conversation
72 for Conversation
73 to Have a Job
Five Verses That Need to Be Read 45 Times In Each Transaction
This is 77
79 for Conversation
Seal-ü Azam 80
Seal-ü Nübüvvet 81
Disruption and Protection - Bad Manners 82
Tefrik 87
Kahriye 93
94 to Make the Enemy Sick
95 to Disrupt the Process
97 to Harm the Enemy
Harming the Enemy 100
101 to Destroy the Enemy
Tefrik 102
103 for Headaches
104 to Stop Blood
105 So Someone Won't See You
Written for Healing to the Patient 109
TweenIng 110
111 to Make You Sick
112 to Make You Sick
113 to Make You Sick
115 to Kill the Enemy
Tefrik 119
Tefrik 121
123 for the Enemy
124 to Bring Someone
125 to Defeat
To Scare 126
127 to Disband the Enemy Community
130 for Tambourine
131 to Dismantle a Bad Society
Haunting the Tyrant 132
133 to Stone Someone
134 To Satisfy Love and Conversation
135 to Make a Cruel Person a Regular
To Cause Harm 135
Al-Hijabul A'zam 143
Malûmat-ı Müteferrika (Modest Information) 149
Tinnitus 149
Revolution - Twitching of Any Place 152
Revolution of Abraham's Right 153
Twitching of the Lesser and What It's About 153
Imam-i Jafar-i Sadiq's Revolution 162
Faide-i Ammunition (Significant Benefits) 170
Alive or Dead Still-i Gâib 172
Drinking' and Defamation (Merging or Separating) 173
Continued Officer 175
Winner and Defeat 177
Nazar-i-Consideration 180
Horoscopes and Stars 181
Shuhur, Eyyam and Büruc 183
Dress code 185
Iktirân and Ictimai Kevakib 194
An Important Reminder 195
Ebced Table 196
Protection 197
Imam-i Jafar-i Sadiq (r.a.) Prayer 197
198 for Disease and Stroke
For Pain 199
199 for Weight
Protection 200
Protection 201
Conversation 201
Conversation 202
Kismet Opening 202
Protection from the Enemy 203
Protection 204
Protection 205
206 for Unsold Goods
207 for Conversation
Conversation 207
For a Customer's Halli 208
To Be Imposing 208
Making Sure of the Enemy 209
Conversation 209
Fertility Seals 210
To Avoid Connecting 211
Conversation 211
212 for Sustenance and Fertility
Conversation 213
213 for Healing
Protection 214
Letters of The Horoscopes 215
Connecting with Gin 215
Seal Zulfikar 216
Protection from the Enemy 217
Protection 217
It's a conversation. 218
Conversation 219
219 to Get Rid of the Genie Relationship
Salâvat-i Sharif (Tefriciye) 220
221 for Magic and Gin
Dua-i Sharif 222
222 for The Opening of Charity Doors
Seal-ü Mohammed (p.a.v.) 223
Dua-i Mubarak 224
Hz. Yusuf (a.s.) Seal 225
Prophet Ibrahim Halilullah Seal 225
Conversation 226
Conversation 227
Seal-u Suleiman (a.s.) 227
To Be Sure of Troubles 229
Seal-ü Suleiman (a.s.) 230
231 for Healing
Protection 231
Cifir Switch 231
Seal-ü Nebi Mohammed (p.a.v.) 232
Sedidu Prayer 233
Seal-ü Ayn 234
235 for Healing
235 for Nazar
Sentence For Murat 236
236 for Healing
Connected Solve 236
Conversation 237
237 To Avoid Sleeping
237 for Wrestling
238 for Conversation
238 for Invasion
238 for Theft
Sar'aya vers 239
For Cuteness : 239
240 to Succeed in All Matters
For Sciatica 240
241 for Fertility
241 for Urinary Difficulty
242 for Cuteness
242 for Kulunç
242 for All Kinds of Diseases
243 for Healing
243 for Conversation
244 for Cuteness
244 for Each Intention
244 for Healing
245 for Kismet
Kismet Opening , 245
246 for The Sleepy One
Protection 246
246 for Conversation
247 for the Enemy
Mouth Tilt 247
247 for Conversation
248 for Love
Tefrik - 248 to Separate Two People
Protection 248
249 to Dream
Conversation 250
Protection 251
251 for Conversation
251 for Treasure
252 to Sleep
Connected To Solve 252
Connected To Solve .253
253 for Conversation
253 to Avoid Profiting Jazz
Protection 254
254 for Sustenance and Fertility
256 for Fertility
Connected To Solve 256
257 for Conversation
Protection 257
257 for Conversation
258 for Forgetfulness
259 for Conversation
For Taun 259
259 for Conversation
Seal-ü Idris (a.s.) 260
261 for Conversation
Magic Disruption 261
Protection 262
Dua-i Taun (Cancer) 262
Protection 264
265 for Plenty of Sustenance
266 for Conversation
267 for Conversation
Sihr-i Azam 267
267 for Conversation
Destroying the Enemy 268
Language Link 268
For Conversation... 269
269 To Get a Girl
Language Link 269
270 for Conversation
Sentence 270 to Be Sure of
Borrower for 271
271 for Healing
Mouth Tilt 272
273 for Blinding
Vefk-i Mubarak 274
275 for Conversation
275 for Gin
Wanting a Girl 276
For The Wind.. 277
For Kulunç 277
278 for Those Without Children
Connected Decoding 279
For Gin-1 280
For Gin-2 281
281 for Treasure
282 To Protect Against War Tools Evil
283 for Khizr from War Instruments
283 for Conversation
284 For Conversation
285 For Conversation
285 To Avoid The Eye
286 For Conversation
287 to Get Rich
287 for Sleep
287 for Language Eclipse
If a Child Doesn't Sleep 288
288 for Gin Hold
289 for The Girl-Wanter
289 to Separate Two
290 for Conversation
291 for Unaccountable Goodness
291 for Healing
292 for Conversation
292 to Be Loved in Public
293 for Gold Wets
Connected to Solve-1 293
Connected to Solve-2 293
294 for Fear
295 for Language and Blindfold
296 to Bring Someone
297 for Protection
298 for Conversation
298 to Get a Girl
299 to Be Loved Among the People
299 for Conversation
300 To Protect Yourself From a Dog
300 for Conversation
301 for the Enemy
Opposition-i Sharif 301
302 for Conversation
302 for Husband and Wife
303 for Conversation
304 for Husband and Wife
304 for Conversation
For Conversation i 305
306 for Conversation
For Conversation... 307
308 for Conversation
309 for Conversation
310 for Forgetfulness
310 for Language Link
Lock Kismet Unlock 310
311 for Resentment and Conversation
This is Esmâ-i Mubarak 314
Kismet To Open 315
315 To Protect Against Poisonous Animals
Fixing The Husband and Wife 316
Esmâ'ul-Husnâ 317
Seal-u Sharif Mubarak 318
Seal-u Thaci Ala Allah (c.c.) 319
Seal-u Suleiman 319
Seal-u Suleiman - 1 320
Seal-u Suleiman - II 320
A Great Table 321
Seal-u Suleiman 321
Hz. Suleiman's Nur Vefki 322
Magic and Evil Eye Protection 323
Nazar - Magic Disruption and 324 for Every Intention
324 for Those Without Children
1 325 for Face
General Healing and Protection 326
Very Strong Spirituality Talisman 333
King of The Guards 334
335 for Fertility
335 for Sustenance
337 for Mood Disorder
Genie Musallati and Protection from Magic 338
Reconciling Resentments 339
The Secret is The Divine This 340
Article written on the Staff of Moses 340
Connected To Solve 341
A Great Painting of Ism-i Azam Hatem 342
Stolen Item 344
345 to Find the Thief
Ferec (Salvation) Prayer 346
Some Virtues of Ferec Dasımn 350
For Conversation; 351
353 for Treasure
354 to Make Up For Two People
Non-Wise 4 is 357
358 for Conversation
Protecting Talisman 358
359 to Bring
Language Link 359
Tireless on the Road 360
360 for The Thief
361 for Treasure
361 for Conversation
Remember 361 for Good Business
362 for Diabetics
363 for Joint Rheumatism
363 to Enter Someone Else's Dream
364 for Someone to Call You
364 for Someone to Return to You
365 for Conversation and Bringing
366 If They Didn't Give It To a Girl
366 for Conversation
and Acirc;367 for elegance
367 for Conversation
368 for Conversation
369 for Psychological Distress
369 for Conversation
370 for Conversation
and Acirc;370 for elegance
371 for Conversation
Last Prayer to Allah 372

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