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Prophet David and Prophet Joshua

Product Code : T25670
: 9789754506532
279.00 TL
Prophet David and Prophet Joshua

Product features :

Publisher : Bahar Publications
Author : Ahmet Cemil Akinci
Cover Quality: Cardboard Cover
Page Quality: Imported Paper (2nd Pulp)
Number of Pages : 336
Language Turkish
Size : 13.5 x 21 cm
Weight : 286 g
Barcode : 9789754506532


With this work, the life stories of Prophet Moses, Prophet Harun and Prophet Joshua are completed. May Allah grant us the ability to complete the next ones. Amine!
The book contains all the events that took place after the Israelites left Egypt and crossed the Red Sea, until they settled in the promised land.
The Israelites prostrated in the desert of Tih for forty years. Meanwhile, Prophet Musa and Harun died. The revelation of the Torah has been completed and delivered to those who need it to be preserved.
Then, Hazrat Joshua took over the administration and prophethood, entered Palestine from the north, from Jericho, and made it a home for the Israelites. In other words, the promise of Almighty Allah has come true.
Finally, Hazrat Yusha left his paradise after his duty as a prophet for twenty-eight years. After? The aftermath will of course be told, and even if it is painful, it is full of lessons.
Almighty God had saved a people who lived in slavery in Egypt and groaned under oppression. He wanted from them to serve only himself. In return, he would make both their world and their hereafter paradise.
These people were the Israelites. So those who once had Hebrew names. Then they embraced the greatness of Prophet Yaqub and took the name of the son of Israel. Those who were not content with this and took the name 'Musavi', even though they caused Moses (pbuh) many sorrows. Those who will leave all these names aside and become 'Jews' in the future.
This tribe had seen many miracles of Prophet Moses while he was still in Egypt. They saw it after the Red Sea was crossed. Their cowardice and their sweet taste prevented them from carrying out the divine command. For forty years they were punished by crawling in the Tih Desert.
Despite this, Allah (swt) always covered them with a thin cloud to protect them from the heat. Water gushed from the rocks. He rained quail for his meat needs.
Instead of bread, he gave me kudret halva. But they paid no attention to them. Their necks remained. The goats were stubborn. Like Pharaoh, they wanted to see Almighty Allah.
Although they died and rose again because of this stubbornness, they resisted. They did not leave what they did not do to Prophet Musa, Harun (as) and Joshua (as).
However, they were smart. When it came to their interests, they knew how to think and calculate everything. If they wanted to, they would immediately find that he exists at all times, without seeing Allah.
Essentially, Allah was beyond comprehension. Nobody would know. You had to grasp it to see it. As a matter of fact, Prophet Moses could not burn, he wished to see him because of the excess of his love. The mountain was shattered by the little manifestation of Allah on a mountain there. Prophet Moses fainted and repented.
The Israelites should have considered:
1. Of course, there was someone who was carrying a cloud so big that it would cover the Israelites, who were extremely numerous, from the heat.
2. He was regularly feeding quail and manna. The Israelites were not looking for these. It was coming before them.
3. In the waterless places, Prophet Moses and Harun were hitting the rocks with their staffs and water was gushing out.
4. The mountain was on fire when the Torah was descending on Mount Tur.
5. Even though Moses (pbuh) was illiterate until he was given the good news of prophethood, like every prophet, he brought two tablets of the Torah when he descended from the mountain.
What more would they want? Even without these, every rational and conscientious person would have had many opportunities to believe in the existence and oneness of Allah at any time.
Here are a few examples:
Let's consider a house. What do we judge when we see that it is suddenly full when it is empty? Someone came and planted it. Let's consider a table. If it suddenly fills with food while you have nothing on it, then there is someone who did it without being seen, had it done.
Examples can be multiplied from small to large. Finally, the universe is reached. It even enters the realm of meaning. While the power and strength that creates it is required for the smallest work, how can there not be a God who worships and creates this universe?
Why? The Israelites have lost a lot, they are, and they will. Of course, they also killed humanity. Prophet Moses
With the Torah, he gave the good news for the first time that a prophet of the End Times would come, with his name.
Weren't they running around in his appearance? On the contrary, they did the worst. They were cursed. In fact, they did not naively protect the Torah.
The one who took over every administration changed it according to his wishes, and finally the wrong, obscene, disgraceful Torah came into being. We are Muslim. Of course, we will believe in the four books. But in their purity of being revealed. The Torah, Psalms and Bible were revealed. Then they were wasted. Only the sign was preserved, but the Qur'an remained.
In the book, there is a person named Karun. Almighty Allah has said in the Qur'an at length. What an exemplary lesson for those who have immense wealth! Those who regard life as a stage only for being rich, pampered, commanding, stealing, and pride can see their fate in this man.
He was the most knowledgeable. He would mine gold. No more than forty mules could carry the keys to their treasures. But what good would they do if there was no sincere servitude, this money and knowledge had not been spent for good, and after refraining from giving zakat?
Knowledge would dissipate as if it were written on the surface. Wealth was petrified. Indeed, it did. Karun was buried in Hell, seven floors below the earth, with everything he boasted about. He was also a liar. He was jealous. He had great passion.
He wanted to drag the Children of Israel into matter and make them his servants instead of Allah... There is also a second man who is similar to Karun, who can be taken as an example. Bel'am. Bel'am, son of Baura.
This man was also knowledgeable, a scholar. In addition, his prayers always respected worldly goods. He abused God's grace. Because prayers should always serve good, not evil.
Bekam did not hesitate to curse and slander Prophet Moses for the sake of a handful of wealth by those who provoked him. Allah Almighty stuck his tongue out of his mouth. He was condemned to wander left and right.
Bekam did not take a lesson from this. He fled to the perverts. He envied the wealth they promised. He promised to curse the army of Prophet Yusha. However, his tongue was entangled, he cursed the heretics. And again that tongue stretched out to his navel.
Left to left creep increased. At first glance, what happened to Bekam is thought to be simple. No. He is the very example of the damned Jews.
How little God had given them favors! They always used them in evil. For three thousand years, each of them has been Bekam, the son of Bâura. They roam the earth with their tongues, that is, their corruption and mischief, hanging down to their navels, and they are breathing.
The following order was given to the Jews, and they still practice it: "People are the donkeys to be ridden by the Jews, use them as you wish." The Jews always obeyed this order. They dispersed and crawled on the earth, but by holding the material world in their hands, they treated people like animals. They looked like that.
By becoming animals, they tried to tear the chastity of worship to Allah. The current godless, pagans, and corrupted divine religions are all the works of their honor theft.
Prophet Abraham, Prophet Yaqub, Prophet Isaac, Prophet Ismail, Prophet Yusuf, Prophet Musa, Prophet Joshua, Prophet David, Prophet Solomon, Prophet Zechariah, Prophet Yahya
and all his unknown prophets could not cope with them. The children of that clean and blessed lineage chose to be Bel'am son of Bâura, assuming their interests. Almighty God did not in vain drag the Children of Israel out of Egypt in the Sahara of Tih for forty years. Its purpose is old, old handle-
was to destroy the scabbards. It was only to settle the young, those under the age of twenty, in the promised land. Why was that? Again, he prepared a very important lesson for us. Whatever the parents do, the adults do, the children do.
because they would grab it and go the same way. The youth of the Israelites, their newborns in the desert, did not live the life of Egypt, but they learned many heresies in the desert from their ancestors. They did the same when they grew up. Then, following the saying "The tree bends when it is wet", the future
If it is desired to raise a faithful, honorable, hardworking generation for
In continents, grown-ups should live such a life. Only then does the tree straighten. Just as Hazrat Khidr straightened the wall. Otherwise, the tree will bend, the wall will collapse, the light of Islam cannot give the expected light to the earth. Thanks
that this will not happen. Such a human race is growing that each one of them is the gardener of the will of Islam in the mornings of the future. The tree will rise and flourish on the elif elif line. His shadow will be light. The wall will not fall. It will be all of them.
Because Allah Almighty has promised the believers. And how great is He. One power is one power.
Ahmet Cemil AKINCI


In Presenting the History of the Prophets Series 7
Introduction 11
Introduction 11
Hz. Biography of Yusha (as) 17
Hz. The Qualifications Granted to Joshua (pbuh) are as follows: 19
Hz. The Places Where Yusha (as) Is Mentioned In The Qur'an 21
Snake Tongue 23
The Kinds of Ingratitude and Perversion 40
Blackling Golden Calf 59
Migration Preparation 74
Continuing to be ungrateful 88
Karun's Treasures 103
Transfer and Delivery of the Watch 120
Those who droop and breathe 136
The Prophet Who Wished His Grave To Change 147
Hz. State Translation of David (as) (Short Biography) 173
Hz. The Qualifications Granted to David (as): 177
Hz. Places where David (as) is mentioned in the Qur'an 179
Fear and Death Teri 181
False Regrets 198
Flames of Jealousy 215
Whip of Ambition 233
Equality of Slaves 251
Another Seven Years 268
Those Who Forget Sleep 285
Surely There Was Wisdom Wound On Wound 319
Benefited Works 335
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