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The Life of Our Prophet Of Fiqhu's Siyre (p.a.v) - Ibn Kayim Al-Cevziyye

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929.00 TL
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The Life of Our Prophet Of Fiqhu's Siyre (p.a.v) - Ibn Kayim Al-Cevziyye

The Life of Our Prophet Of Fiqhu's Siyre (p.a.v) - Ibn Kayim Al-Cevziyye

  • Language TURKISH
  • Pages 784
  • Skin Type Hardcover
  • Paper Type Shamuha Paper
  • Size 17 x 24.2 cm

It's human; It is imperative to know the Prophet, to confirm what he has informed him, and to obey him in what he commands. Because the way to know the good and the bad in detail is only possible through the prophets. They are the preferred measures, which are measured by other words, characters and behaviors with their words, behaviors and characters. Whatever necessity and need you are assumed, the need and need of the servant to the Prophets is much greater than that.

Man's happiness in the world and the afterlife depends on following the guidance/example of the Prophet (hedy). So anyone who cares for his own well-being, who wants his salvation and happiness, should free himself from ignorance and recognize his example and way of life so that he can be counted among the subjects, supporters and group of the Messenger of Allah. In this regard, some people have vast knowledge of the prophet's way of life, some have a lot of knowledge, while others lack such knowledge. Grace and goodness are in god's hands. He forgives him for what he desires; God has unlimited bount.
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