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Quran is theholy book of Islam, whose verses were sent down by Allah celle jalaluhu to the Prophet Mohammedthrough the anti-Gabriel revelations. The Qur'an, the last biblical book to be sent down to earth, will be protected by God until the Apocalypse. On the Kadir Night of Ramadan in 610, it was taken down in Hira Cave on Mount Nur in Mecca, and the revelation lasted 23 years, 12 years in Mecca and 11 years in Medina. The word meaning of the Qur'anis"read",and the meaning of Karim is "noble, noble". In other words, our Holy Book guides the believers by ordering them to "read", even in the name. Therefore, every person who calls himself a Muslim should obtain the Quran and read it whenever possible. As a matter of fact, for this purpose, pocket size Quran is printed in different sizes such as Karim and rahle boy Quran Karim.