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The Mukaddime
Praise Allah, and praise and peace to His Messenger. After:
The virtue of remembrance is not hidden. The benefits are too much to get stuck in. The varieties are too numerous to number. No one but Allah Subhânehu and Te'ala can account for the reward of remembrance.
I presented this little risale, which I call al-Kaabasu'l-Muhtâr miri Sahîhi'l-Ezkar, in a way that is easily examined by refusing to work and briefly explaining the judgment of the se-nets.
I ask Allah to make me and the Muslims useful with this message and to make our languages wet with his remembrance and his nebi saiiâ'iiâbu 'against and selUm e salat and salâ
In the same way, I ask Allah Subbânehu and Te4ala to help us and all Muslims to remember him, to thank him and to worship him beautifully.
Oh, My God! Salute our Nabî Mohammed and make him blessed.
Written by Abu'Abdullah Mustafâ b. al-Adevt Egypt / Dhahaliyye / Semnûd district.
Mukaddim e 3
Remembrance incentive 5
Virtue of remembrance 5
Virtue of remembrance in seclusion 7
Virtue of remembrance assemblies 8
Remembrance of God at all times and in any case 10
The virtue of reading, learning and learning the Quran.... 11
Virtue of the people of the Qur'an (reader) 12
Medicine for not missing the Quran 15
(Quran) reading in a beautiful voice 15
The loveliest of words to Allah 'A^e and Celle' is 16
Tahmid, the grace, the threat and the virtue of one another 17
Two lovely words to Rahmân 20
A treasure trove of heavenly treasures 21
In bed at night
(side by side) what does the returning person say 22
What does anyone who rises in the teheccü say 23
What to say when you go to bed at night and wake up from sleep 26
-Last Ten Verses of Al-i Imrân Surah 28
What is said when the rooster sings, the donkey's remembrance is heard. 32
What to say when hearing the dog barking 32
What to say when entering the latrine 33
What to say on the way out of the latrine 34
Virtue of remembrance and prayer after ablution 34
and mdash; What to pray for in night prayer 36
and mdash; What vitirde is read and what is said after 37
and mdash; What to pray for in Vitirde 38
and mdash; What to say when muezzin is heard 40
and mdash; What to say after the prayer 43
-Rasûlüllâh sallâ'llâhu 'for the anti and sellem
44, an example of how the attack was carried out
and mdash; How to ask for the occasion for allah rasûlü sallâ'llâhu 'against and sellem... 45th
and mdash; Another of the prayer chants is 46
and mdash; What to say when going to prayer 47
and mdash; What to say when entering and leaving the mosque 49
and mdash; Ifdtah prayers in prayer 50
and mdash; What to say in rue and prostrations 55
and mdash; Prostrate encouragement to pray 62
and mdash; What to say between two prostrations 62
and mdash; An adjective from the adjectives of Teshehhüd 63
and mdash; What to say after the teshehhüd 64
and mdash; Chanting after prayer 68
and mdash; Rosary prayer 82
and mdash; Morning and evening chants 83
and mdash; Master of stability (Sayyidu'l-îstiğfâr) 86
and mdash; Toughest bunker 101
-Protection by prayer 103
-Protection with the last two verses of the Baccarat Surah 105
and mdash; Praying to God to protect children 105
Banning children from (going out) in the evening 106
and mdash; In a moment of rage
seek refuge in Allah from the expelled devil 107
and mdash; If you (wish) leave your word 108
and mdash; Remembrance of God as you enter the house 108
and mdash; What does anyone who lands in an accommodation say 109
and mdash; Nebî sallâ'llâhu 'against and sellem' and
a chapter about bringing salavat 110
and mdash; A chapter about Salutation 116
51 - Anyone spreading the salute 118
(when encountered) the salute will not begin before 119
what does anyone who forgets to feed say 121
122 where the devil can eat the unsymished food
and mdash; What does anyone who complains of a pain in their body say... 136th century
and mdash; Some suras made to Rukye 137
and mdash; Part 139 of the funeral chants
and mdash; What to say in the moment of calamity 140
and mdash; Prayers to be read at funeral prayers 141
and mdash; What to say when entering the tomb 143
and mdash; What to say when putting the body in the grave 146
and mdash; 146 to ask for forgiveness for the dead after burial
and mdash; Sleep chants, reading and breathing 147
and mdash; Manners and parts of the dream 155
-Some of the hadiths that exist in this regard are as follows 156
and mdash; What to say when facing the enemy 158
and mdash; What does anyone who is afraid of a community say 160
and mdash; Taaccub (astonishment) what to say instantly 161
and mdash; What to say in a moment of fear 162
81 -Bring one in the moment of anger 163
and introduce God as he descends from a height 167
what does anyone returning from pilgrimage or umrah say 168
and mdash; What does fasting say when performing 173
and mdash; Fertility when it's feared to touch the eye
174 to pray and to say 'maâ'a'llâh la force necessarily bi'llâh'
and mdash; God and whatever he wishes, 175
and mdash; How to pray to the axle and the one who does what is necessary 175
and mdash; What do you say when a non-Muslim sneers 176
and mdash; What does a yawning person do 177
and mdash; Nabî sallâ'Hâhu 'anti and sellem m most prayer 178
and mdash; Indfarm incentive 178
and mdash; Prayer of redemption of the Assembly 179