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Salavat-i Sharif's Mystery, Wisdom, Virtue - Hafiz Boy

: 9786054833177
49.00 TL
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Cotton Publishing

Salavat-i Sharif's Mystery, Wisdom, Virtue - Hafiz Boy
Author : Arif Pamuk
Editor : Arif Pamuk
Category : Prayer
Size : Hafiz Boy - 14 x 20 cm


The blessings of Iman and Islam are neither a blessing nor a blessing. I praise Allah, who has made us this and sect;

My purpose in preparing this work and sect;u is:

Omiir giine and sect; I wanted to make the rest of the time better. In I and sect, I gathered these miibarek salavat-i and sect; Qiinkii, if we can sustain the remaining giinle with this salavat-i and sect; ba and sect; armi and sect; We.

Occurring in the universe and sect; When we hear the miibarek ism-i and sects of our Lord Aleyhisselam, who tremble, greet him with a wise date and love, it is a stretch of our allegiance to Him, which is snow and sect. If we take this opportunity to win the blessing of our Lord and say e and sect;

Oh, my God! Do not remove us from the light path of Our Lord Aleyhisselam!

Arif Pamuk


Secrets of Allah (c.c.) ism-i and sect;

4444 Salat-i Tefriciyye and Hajj Prayer 56

To see the Messenger of Allah (p.s.) in the riiya

A salavat worth six thousand salavats 29

Getting rid of the Borg i^in 41

Salavat 36, equivalent to reading Delail once

Equivalent to reading Delail 34

Equivalent to reading Delail-i Hayrat 70,000 times 38

Wish and pilgrimage i^in 43

50 to see our Lord (p.a.v.) in riiya

Prayer to be read after prayer 60

Fatima (r.anha)'nm read salavat 19

Getting rid of gam and grief i^in 46

47 against goz patient

Rinsing from giinah dirt i$in 54

Haci Osman Efendi's salavat-i and sect;erife lessons 58

Add a good i and sect;in ger^add^mesi i^in 39

One salavat 6 in 10,000 salavats

Eleven thousand salavat kuwetinde salavat 7

Ten dort thousand salavat-i serife a salavat 8

Thirty thousand salavats (Salavat-i Melevan)... 9

Prophet (p.a.v.)'s and sect;email 61

Spiritual development and sect;mek i^in 55

Salat-i Tefriciyye's unreadable adabi 58

Hadith-i verifier on the virtue of bringing salavat 3

Salavat-i Fatih 27

Salavat-i and sect;emsiyye 31

Salavat-i and sect;a kissa about erife 23

Getting rid of the troubles 44

and sect;efaat-i Nebi 37

33 in seven-year-old salatii salute

Yetmi and sect; angel writes a thousand morning favors 12

Yetmi and sect; bin salavat-i serife giicunde another salavat 11

Yetmi and sect; bin salavat-t and sect;erife kuwetinde 13

Enough and sect; 10 salavat in bin salavati and sect;erife reading goici

Yiiz bin salavata equivalent salavats 21

Yiiz twenty thousand salavats equivalent to 22

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