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Shumûsul Envâr and Kunûzul Esrâr-1217

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Shumûsul Envâr and Kunûzul Esrâr

Shumüsul Envar and Knul Cannabis (Glazed Lights of the Sun)

Product Specifications :

Author: Ibn Hajj Tilmisani Bagribi
Compiler: H. Mustafa Varli
First Published: Hijri 737
Release Date: 2017
Skin Type: Hardcover
Paper Type: Book Paper
Pages: 624
Size: 17 x 24 cm
Weight : 800 gr


Alhamdu Lillahi Rabbil. And the prophet Muhammad's Hâtemil-Enbiyâi and Mürselin, as well as the wise and the divine ecmain.
Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Acirc;
All that is in the heavens and the earth and in the earth between them is god's. No matter how closed it is, nothing is hidden from God.
Whether you speak openly or in secret, he is well aware of the hidden and the obvious.
The most honorable of creatures is that mankind is a servant to God, and he follows His orders and refrains from his prohibitions.
It's a man's duty; We must follow the Qur'an, the guidance guide sent for the redemption of the life of this world, and live as the great leader, our beloved Prophet, has lived and shown us. Until the apocalypse, the only divine order that will define the life of all mankind is the circumcision of the Quran and the Prophet. That's never going to change.
All mankind; He should take all his actions and behaviors from the Qur'an and the Sunnah throughout his life. And when a believer who believed in the violation said, "I have believed and surrendered." "And the Lord! There is no god but you. You define the whole life, the universe, and your beloved Messenger Muhammad (p.a.v.) is your messenger and the leader of all mankind."
He's a Muslim; he should take his life's thoughts from the Qur'an and Sunnah throughout his life.
O Believer! You must follow the last Prophet Muhammad (p.a.v.), the last Prophet of Allah, for the rest of your life, and take him as a guide. Before the Apostle of Allah passes away, he says, "I leave you two things. If you follow Him, and follow him, you will be boxed, and if you are not subjected to Him, you will fall into a state of inatness. One of these relics is the Quran, the Book of Allah. The other is my circumcision."
Again, Allah said.c, "Take what the Prophet has commanded you to do. Follow him. Refrain from what it forbids." Yes, we will be able to use god's creation as a means and a reason. But let's not put them on the principles of faith and open the way for shirks. If such paths have been opened in the past, we will look for ways to destroy them? We will not make the reasons and qualities that God has given us into life qualities. We will adapt these events to the qur'an and the measures of circumcision.
Muslims are obliged to embrace the Quran and circumcision in order to solve the problems of life and the problems between them. Indeed, it is made clear in the verse: "When you have a dispute, embrace the rope of Allah." For him, it is necessary not to sin and leave bad habits when using love and means. If bad behavior is left behind, efforts must be made to remove it.
It is necessary to publish some works made for the benefit of the people. The author of this precious work, Ibnil Hajj Tilmisani, is the hadith and fiqh scholar of the Maliki sect and his name is Mohammed bin Mohammed bin Mohammed bin al-Hajj. His masthead is Abu Abdullah and his relative is al-Absesi al-Fasi. The date of birth is unknown. Hijri died in Cairo in 737 (Miladi 1336), after a lifetime of more than 80 years, and received the mercy of the people.
Ibn Hajj Tilmisani went to Egypt after studying in his Hometown. He learned from the scholars here and then went to Mecca to carry out the Hajj fariza. He listened to the hadith book "Muvatta" by his imam Malik Hazrat from Hafiz Takiyyuddin Ubeyd bin Si'ridi. He continued the lessons of the great scholar Abu Mohammed bin Abu Hamza for a long time. With the blessing of this person's conversations, ibn Hajj Tilmisani, a great scholar, had a discomfort in his eyes towards the end of his Moorish life. Despite this, he was busy teaching his students.
Ibn Hajj Tilmisani Has written many works throughout his life, some of which include:
1.Budged Caste Vel Menna Fi Airy Esmaü'l Husna.
2.Medhalş Sherish Sharif.
3.Shumusul Envar and Knul Cannabis is this valuable work that I have translated.
Ibn Hajj Tilmisani Maghreb's Holiness prepared this work in thirty (30) chapters and presented valuable information that did not have his wife and me and note in each chapter.
This work was published on 3/September/1938 in Cairo under the control of Ahmed Said Ali of al-Ezher.
There are two reasons why I research havas science. First: my interest and familiarity with havas science. Secondly, it is the misuse of this knowledge by deceiving our faithful people for their financial gain. Unfortunately, this knowledge is now corrupt in the hands of such people. Havas science is a spiritual science. Great scholars such as Imam Ghazali, Ebil Abbas Ahmed bin Ali al-Buni, Imam Cela-leddin Suyuti, Imam Deyrabi and the like have written many valuable works in this regard. Together with these works, they have revealed secrets that are too secret to count and are notes.
I wanted to bring this work of a valuable scholar such as Ibn Hajj Tilmisâni Moorish to the present day and to present it to the interest of the suitors who are engaged in these sciences. The appreciation belongs to you, my dear readers.
Hak Sübhanehû and His Holiness protect us from the evil of the devil, sinners and malicious individuals who have expelled us all from peace.
There are many verses contained in this work. Do not be a prisoner of your soul by capitalizing these verses and the word on your financial interests. It leads you to defeat. May You keep our sentence from the grace of the self and the devil. Amen...
H. Mustafa VARLI


Prologue 5
Author's Foreword 9
First Cuz / Part One
Secret of Letters - Elif Letter 13
Letter Be 15
Letter Cim 16
Branch Letter 17
Letter He 17
Letter Vav 18
Ze Letter 19
Ha Letter 19
Letter 20
Letter Ye 21
Letter Kef 22
Letter 23
Meme Letter 23
Letter of Nun 24
Sin Letter 25
Letter of the Month 26
Letter Fe 26
Sat Letter 27
Kaf Letter 28
Ra Letter 29
Letter 30
Te Letter 31
Se Letter 31
Letter H 32
Zel Letter 33
Dat Letter 34
Letter 34
Letter 35
Chapter One Remembrance 36
Part Two
Esma'ul Husnâ'nm Air 39
Esma'ul Husnâ'nm Virtue 42
Allah c.c. Name Sheriff 42
er-Rahman c.c. Name Sharif 44
er-Rahim c.c. Name Sheriff 45
al-Melik c.c. Name Sheriff 46
al-Kuddus c.c. Name Sharif 47
es-Selâm c.c. Name Sheriff 49
al-Mu'min c.c. Name Sharif 50
al-Muheymin c.c. Name Sheriff 51
al-Aziz c.c. Name Sheriff 52
al-Jabbar c.c. Name Sharif 53
al-Mütekebbir c.c. Name Sheriff 54
al-Haliku c.c. Name Sheriff 55
al-Bariu c.c. Name Sharif 56
al-Musawir c.c. Name Sharif 57
al-Ghaffar c.c. Name Sheriff 58
al-Kahhar c.c. Name Sheriff 59
al-Vehhab c.c. Name Sharif 62
er-Rezzak c.c. Name Sheriff 64
al-Fettah c.c. Name Sheriff 65
al-Alim c.c. Name Sharif 66
al-Qaeda c.c. Name Sheriff 67
al-Basit c.c. Name Sherry 69
al-Hafıd c.c. Name Sharif 70
er-Rafiu c.c. Name Sheriff 70
al-Muizzü c.c. Name Sheriff 71
al-Muzillu c.c. Name Sheriff 72
es-Semiu c.c. Name Sheriff 73
al-Basir c.c. Name Sheriff 73
al-Hakem c.c. Name Sharif 75
al-Adlu c.c. Name Sheriff 76
al-Latif c.c. Name Sharif 77
al-Habir c.c. Name Sheriff 78
al-Halim c.c. Name Sharif 80
al-Azim c.c. Name Sheriff 81
al-Ghafur c.c. Name Sheriff 82
ash-Shekür c.c. Name Sheriff 82
al-Aliyyu c.c. Name Sharif 83
al-Kebir c.c. Name Sheriff 84
al-Hafiz c.c. Name Sharif 86
al-Mukitu c.c. Name Sheriff 88
al-Hasib c.c. Name Sheriff 89
al-Jalil c.c. Name Sheriff 90
al-Karim c.c. Name Sharif 91
er-Rakib c.c. Name Sheriff 92
al-Mucib c.c. Name Sheriff 93
al-Vasiu c.c. Name Sheriff 94
al-Hakim c.c. Name Sheriff 95
al-Vedud c.c. Name Sheriff 95
al-Masjid c.c. Name Sheriff 97
al-Bais c.c. Name Sheriff 97
ash-Shahid c.c. Name Sheriff 98
al-Hakku c.c. Name Sheriff 99
al-Deputy c.c. Name Sheriff 100
al-Kaviyyu c.c. Name Sheriff 101
al-Metin c.c. Name Sheriff 103
al-Veliyyu c.c. Name Sheriff 104
al-Hamid c.c. Name Sharif 105
al-Muhsi c.c. Name Sheriff 106
al-Mubdi c.c. Name Sharif 107
al-Muid c.c. Name Sheriff 108
al-Muhyi c.c. Name Sharif 109
al-Mmit c.c. Name Sheriff 109
al-Hayyu c.c. Name Sheriff 110
al-Kayyu c.c. Name Sheriff 112
al-Vacid c.c. Name Sheriff 114
al-Macid c.c. Name Sheriff 115
al-Vahid c.c. Name Sheriff 116
al-Ahad c.c. Name Sheriff 117
es-Samed c.c. Name Sheriff 117
al-Qadir c.c. Name Sharif 118
al-Mu able c.c. Name Sharif 119
al-Mukaddim c.c. Name Sharif 120
al-Muahhir c.c. Name Sharif 120
al-First c.c. Name Sheriff 121
al-Ahir c.c. Name Sheriff .122
ez-Zahir c.c. Name Sheriff 123
al-Batn c.c. Name Sheriff 124
al-Vali c.c. Name Sheriff 125
al-Müteali c.c. Name Sheriff 125
al-Berru c.c. Name Sheriff 126
et-Tevvab c.c. Name Sheriff 127
al-Müntakim c.c. Name Sheriff 128
al-Afüvü c.c. Name Sharif 129
er-Rauf c.c. Name Sheriff 130
Malikül Property c.c. Name Sheriff 130
Zul Jalali Vel Ikram c.c. Name Sheriff 131
al-Muksit c.c. Name Sheriff 135
al-Cami c.c. Name Sharif 136
al-Ghaniyyu c.c. Name Sharif 137
al-Mugni c.c. Name Sharif 138
al-Mani' c.c. Name Sheriff 139
ed-Dâr c.c. Name Sheriff 140
en-Nafi' c.c. Name Sheriff 141
en-Nur c.c. Name Sheriff 141
al-Hadi c.c. Name Sheriff 142
al-Bedi' c.c. Name Sheriff 146
al-Baki c.c. Name Sheriff 147
al-Varis c.c. Name Sheriff 147
er-Rashid c.c. Name Sheriff 149
es-Sabur c.c. Name Sheriff 150
Remembrance of Chapter Two 151
Part Three
Some and Acirc;yet's Air Wreath - 152 for All Kinds of Wishes
156 for Fertility in Plants
Getting Huddam 157
Fertility in Agriculture 160
Defeating the Enemy Army - Being a Muttali to treasures and treasures 161
162 For Protection
Tedmiri Cruel 163
164 to Understand and Memorize
Chapter Four
Extracting Gold and Silver Mines 165
Silver Mine - Black SilverStone 165
Another Kind of Silver Mine 166
Another Kind of Gold Mines 169
Adjective of Tenkar-ul-Government 171
Chapter Five
Wisdom of Plants - Kerbune Plant 172
Genoa Plant 175
Mouse Ear Weed - Sent Weed 176
Bisatül Muluk Grass - Andelan Tree 177
Chapter Six
179 to Win over the Enemy
Defeating the Enemy Army 180
Defeating the Enemy Army 185
Defeating the Raging Enemy Army 186
Chapter Seven
Opening The Stories 195
Chapter Eight
Receding waters 210
Chapter Nine
Unlocking 213
Chapter Ten
Hijabul Ebsar 219
Hiding From the Eyes 220
Hiding From the Eyes 223
Chapter Eleven
Secrets of the Veshish Veduhaha Surah 230
Downloading Demons - Turning Paper Into Silver 231
Turning Paper, Leather and Leaf Into Gold 232
Cevahir and Yakuta of the Stones; Nebat's Transformation into a Victory 232
Turning Stones To Gold or Silver 233
Terbi' - Hijabul Ebsar 233
Unlocking - Fertility in Agriculture - Fertility in Fruits 234
Tayyy Ard - Flying in the Air - Walking on Water 235
Obtaining Food and Drink 235
Subpoenaing Dinars and Dirhams - Tedmiri Cruel - RecmIng 236
Service of This Invitation 236
Twelfth Chapter
Tayyy Ard - Taking a Year's Road in One Day 249
Traveling a Month's Drive in One Day 250
Traveling the Seven-Day Road in One Day - Tayyy Ard 252
Taking a One-Day Road in Two Hours 254
Thirteenth Chapter
Nurturing the Disciple - Sheikh Kamil's Title 255
Disciple's Title 256
Episode Fourteen
Knowing and Observing Times 273
Knowing Which Horoscope Kamer Is in 273
Ruler 274 Showing Which Sign Kamer Is In
Horoscopes and Natural States by Month 275
Knowing What Range Kamer Is Overnighting 278
Cameroon's Ranges 279
Knowing Daylight Hours - Names of Daylight Hours 281
Names of Night Time 281
Rule of Day and Night 282
Tazzehü Cebben Ebduhi 284
Seven Planets 287
Effects of Planets on the Human Body - Letters by Planets 290
Letters of horoscopes 292
Buhurs of Every Planet 293
Qualifications of horoscopes 294
Night, Day and Gender of horoscopes 295
Invitation of seven planets 304
Second Cuz / Part One
Various Issues 323
1.Subject: Temyil and Tehyic 323
2.Subject: About Love 325
3.Subject: About Acceptance 327
330 for Sustenance
331 for Invasion
4.Subject: About Tefrik 332
5.Subject: Types of Gin Magic 333
337 for a Man Who Doesn't Love His Wife
For the Woman Who Doesn't Love Her Husband - 338 for The Woman Who Can't Marry
For the Virgin Who Can't Marry... 340
341 for the Man Who Bugzed His Family
342 for Sheep Whose Lambs Died
343 for Animals With Articulated Joints
343 for Sheep That Drop a Fetus
344 for The Proliferation of Cow's Milk
345 for the Woman Who Dropped the Fetus
348 for Those Whose Young Children Got Sick and Died
349 for a Woman Who Gives Birth to a Girl All the Time
Halli Ma'kud 350
Like the Bride Loves the Groom 351
352 for The Woman Who Hates Jihad
353 for Men With Sore Joints
354 for a Woman With Water On Her Head and Abdomen
354 for the Woman Who Lost Her Beauty
For a Woman Without Children. 355
To Ensure That Animals Do Not Perish - Reclamation between Husband and Wife 356
Rehabilitated Household 357
358 for the Person With the Genie Moses
359 for The Person Who Is Humiliated and Ireted Among People
For The Loser - 360 for Declining Property
361 for a Woman Who Divorces Quickly
362 for a Man Who Can't Stop at His Place
363 for Beautiful Woman
365 With a Mind-Blowing 365
6.Subject: 366 to Excite the Person
7.Subject: Acaib An Invasion 367
Discovery of An Unknown Treasure in a Cave 369
Discovery of An Unknown Treasure Underground 370
373 to Disrupt The Mania
Snake and Scorpion-Shaped Obstacles 373
Obstacle That Appears in the Form of Stones 374
Obstacle from the Believers and Infidel Jinns 374
Frog-Shaped Obstacle 374
Hanafis-Shaped Obstacle 375
Obstacle 375 That Appears in the Form of Ground Pests
Barrier heard as Iron Sound 375
Bee-Shaped Obstacle - Barrier seen in the form of a Dead Mouse 376
Hidden Barrier 376
Obstacle 377 Visible with Devastation and Triumph
The Drug of the Treasure That Is Fully Returned 378
The Drug of treasure transformed into earth 379
The Drug of Treasure Turned into Coal 380
The Drug of treasure turned to stone 380
The Drug of treasure transformed into pottery form 381
The Drug of treasure turned into sand, small stones and pots 381
Benefit and Hatime 383
8.Subject: Turning Paper into Silver 384
Translating Paper 385
Cutting science 387
Translating Paper 388
389 to Make Silver
9.Subject: Fertility Names 391
392 for Magic Subpoena
For Hair Falling Out..... 394
395 to Protect Yourself From Magic
396 for Stolen Goods
Gin and Devil Protection 397
Language To Connect 399
400 to Prevent Disease
401 to Send Gin
402 to Bring Men and Women
404 to Bring Sizes and Scales
406 to Connect Your Spouse
To Protect the People - To Protect The Health 407
408 for Headaches
409 to Memorize
410 for Abdominal Swelling
411 for conversation
Memorizing What You Read 412
Shedding Blood from a Woman to the Cruel 413
Tying Up a Woman Not to Marry 414
Tying Up a Man Not to Marry 416
417 to Prevent Woman From Getting Pregnant
Waking a Sleeping Child in your snow 418
Removing Someone From Their Place 419
Making Men and Women Sick 419
420 for The Miserly Trader
For the Breeding of the Nebat - For the Breeding of Animals 421
To Protect Animals 422
423 Suffering From Poverty
Banning Adultery 424
425 to Remove From Drinking and Adultery
425 to Remove Vermin from Crops and Fruits
For The Night-Fearing 426
427 for a Woman Without Children
For High Office and Full Acceptance - Remembrance of This Department 428
Chapter Sixteen
Types of Gin Medicines 431
For Sara Keepers (I) 432
For Sara Keepers (II) - Sara Holds (III) 436
Second of Seven Qualifications - Fourth State 439
Third of Seven Qualifications - Fifth State 440
Fourth of Seven Qualifications - Sixth State 441
Fifth of Seven Qualifications - Seventh State 441
Submistence of Seven Qualifications - Eighth State 442
Seventh of Seven Qualifications - Ninth State 442
These Conditions of Deed 443
Must-Do 445
Tenth State - Eleventh State - Twelfth State 446
ThirteenTh State - FourteenTh State - FifteenTh State - Sixteen States.... 447 SeventeenTh State - EighteenTh State 448
Nineteenth State - Twentieth State - Twenty-First State 449
Twenty-Second State - Twenty-Third State - Twenty-Fourth State 450
Twenty-Fifth State 450
Twenty-Sixth State - Twenty-Seventh State 451
Twenty-Eighth State - Yrmi Ninth State - Thirth State 452
Thirty-First State 453
Thirty-Second State 454
Thirty-Third State 455
Thirty-Fourth State - Thirty-Fifth State 456
Thirty-Sixth State - Thirty-Seventh State 457
Thirty-Eighth State - Thirty-Ninth State - Fortyth State 458
Forty-First State - Forty-Second State 459
Forty-Third State - Forty-Fourth State 460
Forty-Fifth State - Forty-Sixth State - Remembrance of This Chapter 461
Chapter Seventeen
Hidmetel Gin - First Serve 462
Second Service 463
Third Service - Service of Shamsül Keramid, Daughter of Melik Ebyad 464
Fourth Service 466
Fifth Service - Sixth Service 467
Seventh Service 469
Eighth Service 470
Ninth Service - Tenth Service - 471 from the Secret Umayyad Book
Eleventh Service 472
Twelfth Service - Ebi Ya'kub's Service 473
Terms of Gin Services 474
Last Service 475
Eighteenth Episode
Airy Paddy of Some Esmas 476
Allahül Hayyül Kayyûm Name Sheriffs 476
The name al-Kuddus is Sharif. 478
es-Seri' Name Sharif - al-Wahhab Name Sharif - al-Javad Name Sheriff 479
al-Kafî al-Mugnî Name Sharifs - Zul Jalali Vel Ikram Name Sharif 480
Al-Habir Name Sharif - al-Aziz Name Sharif 481
Al-Mu ableul Kadir Name Sheriffs 481
al-Kebir Name Sharif - al-Muhît Name Sharif - al-Kafî Name Sharif 482
al-Qaim Name Sharif - al-Mugîs Name Sharif - al-Mubîn Name Sharif 483
al-Karîb Name Sheriff 484
Chapter Nineteen
Types of Wisdom 485
First State... 488
Second State - Third State - Fourth State 489
Fifth State 490
Sixth State - Seventh State 491
Eighth State - Ninth State 492
Tenth State - Eleventh State - Twelfth State 493
Chapter Twentieth
Types of Medicine - Eye Disease 496
Eye Disease... . : 497
For Internal Medicine - For Acne in the Body - 499 for Half Headache
500 for Hand and Foot Pains
501 for Blood Coming From The Tenazül Limb
502 for Those Who Hear Little and Never Hear
Joint Pains and Other Diseases 502
For Chest Diseases - 503 for Kidney Colds
For Physical Diseases - 504 for Toothache
Twenty-First Episode
Types of Conversation - 505 for a Woman Who Doesn't Love Her Husband
Excite 506
Attributable to 507
Incing 508
and Acirc;sleek 509
Getting the Printing Press's Mind 510
Incing Men and Women 511
For Love - Bringing It Together 512
Conversation Between Family and Parents 513
Between Suitor and Matlup Şevk - Little Celb 514
Twenty-second Chapter
Types of Fertility 516
Fertility in Wheat 516
Fertility in Barley 517
Fertility in Oil 518
Fertility in Figs, Dates and Raisins 519
Fertility at Dinner 520
Reproduction and Fertility in Sheep 520
Breeding and Fertility in Sheep, Cattle, Goats 521
Fertility and Proliferation in Milk, Fat 522
Fertility in Money 523
Twenty-Third Chapter
Tefrikatm Types 525
Tefrik 525 Between Pervert and Rebel
Husband and Wife Tefrik 526
Separating Two People 526
Separating a Person from Their Owner 527
Separating the People of Rebellion and Persecution 527
Separating Two People - Separating a Person from Their Owner 528
Separating Two People - Leaving Before Unification 529
Separating The People of Rebellion and Mischief 530
Separating Sinner and Mischief 531
Tefrik 532
Twenty-Fourth Episode
About Translating Paper 533
Turning Paper Into Silver 533
Turning Paper Into Gold 534
Translating Paper 534
Squatting Under the Skin 535
Translating Paper 536
Translating Paper 537
Few Guests 537
Turning Paper Into Silver 539
Translating Paper 540
Turning Paper Into Silver 540
Twenty-Fifth Episode
Terbi'at Nevileri 542
First Terbi' 542
Second Terbi' 543
Third Terbi' 543
Fourth Terbi' 544
Fifth Terbi' 544
Sixth Terbi' 544
Seventh Terbi' 545
Eighth Terbi' 545
Ninth Terbi' 545
Tenth Terbi' 545
Eleventh Terbi' 546
Twenty-Sixth Episode
Hatf - First State 547
Second State 547
Third State 548
Fourth State 548
Fifth State 549
Sixth State 550
Seventh State 550
Eighth State 551
Ninth State 552
Tenth Hal 552
Eleventh State 552
Twelfth State 553
Twenty-Seventh Episode
Subpoenaing News from The Towns / First State.... 554
Second State 554
Third State 554
Fourth State 555
Fifth State 555
Sixth State 555
Seventh State 556
Eighth State 556
Ninth State 557
Tenth Hal 557
Eleventh State 558
Twelfth State 558
Twenty-Eighth Episode
Screening and Banning 559
Contractual Language 559
560 for Fear
Getting Rid of The Place 560
Protecting the Place From Thieves 560
Butlis For Owner - Hijab for Child - Hijab for Woman 561
Hijab 562 Protecting From Thieves and Predators
Gin Mane 562
For The Fearful 562
Hijab 562 Protecting from Muluk and Cebbars
Protection 563
Very Strong Spirituality Talisman 564
Twenty-Ninth Episode
Tedmiri Cruel / First State 565
Second State 566
Third State 566
Fourth State 567
Fifth State 567
Sixth State 567
Seventh State 568
Eighth State 568
Ninth State 569
Tenth Hal 569
30th and Final Chapter
First State 571
Second State 571
Third State 571
Fourth State 571
Fifth State 572
Sixth State 572
Seventh State 572
Eighth State 572
Ninth State 572
Tenth Hal 573
Eleventh State 573
Final State 574
About Whether the Patient Will Die 575
Hours Measurement and Order 576
Hours of To-dos 577
Horoscopes and Watches 578
Last Prayer 590
Description of Plants mentioned in the Book 591
Mines mentioned in the book 609

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