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Sirrul Cannabis Prayers - 2 Volumes-1230

: 9786054833306
578.00 TL
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Sirrul Cannabis Prayers Book

Secret Cannabis Prayers - 2 Volumes

Product Specifications :

Number of pages: 1246
Skin Condition: Skinless
Book Cover : Cardboard Cover
Size: 13.5 x 19.5 cm
Page Quality :Imported Paper
Weight :912 gr
2 Volumes

Praise be to Teala, who has promised to accept our prayers. God has made his beautiful names the key to the gates of need.
Salutation and salutation be upon his Nebi, the elixir of prayers, and his people, each of whom is the stars of guidance for the darkness.
This book is a work compiled from various books for the convenience of its readers in a number of havas, medicine and healing subjects, and every purpose is reached only with the help of Allah Teala, make it easier to access every request and note;
It is necessary to know that the identity of the person who prays with a number of conditions, times, places of acceptance of prayers is also important and note.
The conditions for accepting the prayer are as follows:
The person who prays must have a clean body. In body cleaning, mouth cleaning is carried out with gusul, ablution, musk.
The place of prayer is clean, secluded, there are no inappropriate people, it smells of good smells.
That no one's dress is clean.
The fact that he fed with halal morsels. Sitting and praying, headed for the qibla.
A peaceful heart and a violation of his prayers.
To have peace and awe, to forget everything but Allah Teala, to put aside the reasons and to take refuge directly in God and believe that prayer will be accepted.
His twisted servitude, his glorification of God Teala alone in prayer.
At the beginning and end of each prayer, the Messenger of God (p.s.) is some of the conditions in which he brings salutation and salutation upon our Ephesians.
We can also list the times of acceptance of prayer as follows:
On the night of Almighty,
On the night of The Eve,
On the nights of Ramadan,
Friday nights and days, Friday time, Midnight prayers,
The prayers in the first part, the middle section and the last chapter,
Prayers between prayer and kamet, prayers between prayer and prayer,
Prayers prostrated,
Prayers after each Quran recitation, especially the prayer at the end of the remembrance,
Prayer while drinking zemzem,
The prayer when the rooster sings,
Prayer during funeral services, prayer when it rains,
The prayer at first sight of the Kaaba,
The prayer during the remembrance,
Prayer when the enemy is opposed in battle. As a matter of fact, the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) says in a hadith:
"In these four places, the gates of the heavens will be opened, and the prayer will be answered.
When the battle is fought against the enemy, when it begins to rain, when the kamet is brought to the assumption and the note, when the Kaaba is seen."
Those whose prayers are accepted and not rejected: The prayer of the father and mother to his son, the prayer of the elder of the just state, the prayer of the person who lives as required by Islam, the prayer of the patient writhing with pain and pain, the prayer of the oppressed, the prayer of the guest, the prayer of the fasting person, the prayer of the pilgrimage pilgrim
and mdash; A and mdash;
and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam's reading 8
and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam's repentance 307
and Acirc;dem Aleyhisselam's Zilhicce prayer 176
552 for crying children
Prayer for pain and diseases 397
Prayer to be read against pain and ache 229
Ahîdnâme prayer 472
558 in family incompatibility
If al presses 249
Instantly effective prayer 211
The curtains have been lifted, Cenabi Hakk has turned to you 214
Eve prayers 180
Eve prayer 178
Virtue of the Fast on the Eve 178
Hajj prayer from the remembrances of The Throne 120
An angel under Arch-I'a'zam 193
Ashab-ı Badr and his virtue 410
Reading of Ashab-ı Badr 415
Ashâb-ı Kehf's names are 24
Asthma and shortness of breath 551
Ashure Day prayer 238
Virtue of ashure day 237
and mdash; B and mdash;
437 in headaches
255 against headaches
371 to relieve trouble
Berat night prayer 133
Berat night prayer 142
Virtue of the night of Berat 133
The virtue of Besmele-i Sharife 188
Prayers to pay off debts 219
Prayer to be read by the borrower 251
Rosaries to read to get rid of debt589
Prayer that sheds all sins 196
Magic - Symptoms of magic 331
and mdash; C and mdash;
Cebrâil, Michael, Israfil, Hizir and Elijah's prayers on the evening of The Eve 186
Deeds to salvation from hell 235
.603 to protect against the evil of gin and its crew
446 to protect against demons
An effective recipe for preservatives from demons 591
599 to avoid the harms of demons
Friday is the time when prayers are accepted.
virtue... 244
On Friday, the Prophet (p.a.v.)
read salavat 246
Friday's chants 242
Palpitations - Excitement 285
556 who want children
Many revolutions 72
Diseases in which doughnut grass is medicinal 474
and mdash; D and mdash;
.570 to reconcile resentments and husband and wife
88 to locate the treasure
Wish prayer 204
Wish prayer 215
Toothache 437
555 to facilitate childbirth
Neutralizing the enemy and the oppressors 605
and mdash; E and mdash;
448 for hand foot and rheumatism pains
Esmâ-i Enbiyâ Aleyhimüsselam and his secrets 499
Secrets of Esmâ-i Husnâ 457
572 to reinforce love between spouses
556 to make marriage easier
Chanting of Evliyâ-ı Kirâm 449
Evrâd-i Fethiyye and Havassi 25
Eyyûb Aleyhisselam's reading 11
and mdash; F and mdash;
Poverty relief, sustenance prayer 584
379 to get out of poverty
From poverty and the darkness of the tomb
the prayer of those who are afraid 579
Vird Fatiha Surah 22
189 on the virtue of the Surah of Fâtiha
Fâtiha-i Sharife's air; virtue
555 to facilitate childbirth
Neutralizing the enemy and the oppressors 605
and mdash; E and mdash;
448 for hand foot and rheumatism pains
Esmâ-i Enbiyâ Aleyhimüsselam and his secrets 499
Secrets of Esmâ-i Husnâ 457
572 to reinforce love between spouses
556 to make marriage easier
Chanting of Evliyâ-ı Kirâm 449
Evrâd-i Fethiyye and Havassi 25
Eyyûb Aleyhisselam's reading 11
and mdash; F and mdash;
Poverty relief, sustenance prayer 584
379 to get out of poverty
Prayers of those who fear poverty and the darkness of the tomb 579
Vird the Surah of Fâtiha 22
189 on the virtue of the Surah of Fâtiha
Fâtiha-i Sharife's air; a prayer with a very high virtue 386
Virtuous prayers 398
Ferec prayer 340
Pharaoh prays for protection from natural oppressors 607
and mdash; G and mdash;
Shortage of livelihoods 585
435 people complaining of shortages of livelihoods
Deeds that make amends for past and future sins 229
Unsolicited prayer 213
Eye pain 436
Prayer of redemption for sins 344
and mdash; H and mdash;
Hajj prayer 249
Hajj prayer 304
For hajj and the destroyer of sins
Receb bear prayer 110
Hajj prayer 268
Hajj prayer 392
Hajj and wish prayer 222
Remit-um Sibyan 445
Methods of healing in letters 541
Harun Aleyhisselam's reading 16
The importance of the remembrance of hasbüna and ni'mel vekîl 70
How should the patient be treated spiritually? 447
Prayers of patients and borrowers 581
Disease 580
Prayer to be read to diseases 370
Verses for healing from disease 536
Hazrat Ali's prayer on blessed nights 108
Medicinal paste for every disease 382
Prayers of every needy 216
Fast aleyhisselam's prayer 338
Hizir-Elijah 192
Recitation of the Hizbül Bahr prayer 265
Secrets of the Hizbül Bahr prayer 256
Ibrahim Aleyhisselam's rosary 9
554 against urinary difficulty
Protect by reading the Surah of Violations 76
Nights that are permissive 104
574 for love to occur between two people
Resolve hostility between two people 574
Virtue of Imam-i A'zam's rosary prayer 469
596 to get rid of the effects of disturbing beings
Prayer 293 to protect people from the tasallutu and influence of demons
The rosary read by Jesus Christ 18
Ishak Aleyhisselam's reading 11
Ismail Aleyhisselam's reading 10
Ism-i A'zam Prayers 206
Ism-i Azam Prayer 373
His name is Mercy Prayer 286
Virtue of reading the Prayer of the Prophet 301
Ism-i Rahmân Prayer means 296
Ask, you will be given what you want 213
Prayer of resignation 306
and mdash; K and mdash;
Prayer that lifts the torment of the tomb 86
Accepted wish and hajj prayer 212
Virtue of the Night of Almighty 159
Time of the night of Almighty 163
254 against heart conditions
575 to win the love of hearts
Stop bleeding 550
87 for a conversation between husband and wife
Husband and wife incompatibility 564
Ant prayer 252
Virtue of reading Kaside-i Mudariyye 484
394 to find something missing.
454 to find something missing.
440 to hear from anyone missing.
Kenzül Arş prayer 313
Virtue of Kenzül Arch Prayer 323
Kenzül Arch Prayer means 320
77 to satisfy jealousy
69 for fortune and wealth
Kifâyet prayer 84
Prayer for protection 591
Blind boil and swelling 255
270 to avoid bad thoughts
and mdash; L and mdash;
Virtue of the verse of lekad câeküm rasûlu 23
and mdash; M and mdash;
343 to avoid financial difficulties
Against material and spiritual helpless diseases546
Maruf-u Kerhi's hajj prayer 20
The rosary read by Musa Aleyhisselam 14
and mdash; N and mdash;
Prayers for protection from evil eye 469
Nazara vers 409
Noah Aleyhisselam's reading 9
and mdash; D -
Those who want a long lifespan 326
and mdash; P and mdash;
Prophet (p.a.v.)'s prayer 8
Blessed names of the Prophet (p.a.v.) 454
247 to see the Prophet (p.a.v.) in a dream
The rosary read by the Prophet Muhammad 17
and mdash; R and mdash;
Virtue of Ramadan 143
Eid al-Fitr 169
Ramadan prayer 270
Virtue of fasting in receb 115
The virtue of the receb bear is 90
Prayers on the first night of the month of Receb 105
Secrets of the month of Receb 100
The virtue of fasting on the twenty-seventh day of the month of Receb 119
Regaib night hajj prayer 116
Prayer for the abundance of sustenance 578
440 for the abundance of sustenance
576 for the abundance of sustenance
577 for the proliferation of susfies
Ask Ricâl-i Ghayb for help 89
Dream Phrase 78
and mdash; S and mdash;
Salâten Tüncina 384
Salavât-ı Fâtih 310
Salavâti Yâkût-Veliler joins the army 442
75 when an aggressive dog is spotted
Salih Aleyhisselam's reading 12
Spiritual prescriptions against sara and demons 309
250 for healing from jaundice
543 in psoriasis
83 in psoriasis and vitiligo disease
Sekine prayer 471
Salutation verses 19
Prayer that trembles the skies and the earth 456
Prayer to be reunited with your loved one 225
Seyyidu'l-Destination 305
Prayer of Distress 22
Remedy for boredom and depression 447
Prayer for relief from boredom and stress 226
586 in distressed situations and shortages of livelihoods
404 against magic and gin bump
69 to neutralize magic and magic
549 for calming nerves
Surhubad Prayer recitation 359
Surhubad Prayer 345
Surhubad Prayer means 363
439 for mothers whose milk is dwindling
The virtue of the saban bear 127
How can we be protected from the evils of Satan and his soldiers? 73
Nâme-i Prophet 327 for the sake of satan and jinn
The prayer that devastated the devil 250
Healing verses 372
Healing recipes for happiness 80
and mdash; T and mdash;
Tecdid-i Faith prayer 451
439 against the feeling of laziness and weight
Prayer of the Rosary 402
and mdash; U and mdash;
248 to get rid of forgetfulness
Prayer for those who are afraid to sleep 452
285 against insomnia
and mdash; U and mdash;
um Sibyan prayer 521
and mdash; V and mdash;
Prayer to be read to relieve the vesstus 441
To protect the body from pain and pain . 75
Prayer for body aches 449
545 for wounds on the body
and mdash; Y and mdash;
Yahya Aleyhisselam's reading 14
Yakub Aleyhisselam's reading 13
582 to get out of poverty
Yunus (a.s.)'s prayer 198
Yunus Aleyhisselam's prayer 312
Yunus Aleyhisselam's reading 12
Joseph Aleyhisselam's reading 13
and mdash; Z and mdash;
70 for the tyrant to leave somewhere.
605 to bind the tyrant's tongue
603 to eliminate the tyranny of the wrongdoers
Prayer for protection from harmful creatures ... 227
88 to protect against poisonous vermin
Heal by drinking zemzem 76
Prayers and prayers held on ten days of Zilhîcce 173
Virtues of Zilhîcce's ten days 172
and mdash; A and mdash;
Virtue of 114 surahs 648
799 to satisfy the vesstion that happens when you are receiving ablutions and praying
Muscle lethargy 1012
Amnesty occasion 899
Amnesty occasion 902
Bad breath 1012
Ahmad Rufâî's salava 908
Pulmonary inflammation and shortness of breath 1013
Akik stone 1049
Allergic sneezing 1014
Not to speak out against 837
To be with friends of Allah 903
921 to gain the consent of Allah
Bottom wetting 1014
Gold 1049
708 to strengthen understanding and intelligence
969 to purify
Shallot 1014
Asthma 1014
Fire protection 966
Ayhali difficulty 1015
Very good in a short time 955
890 to a great salavat-i sharif
and mdash; B and mdash;
Tonsillitis 1015
Prayer for forgiveness 1210
713 to untie the connected or break the magic
Phlegm 1016
Hemorrh 1016
Headache 1016
757 against low back pain
1018 in low back pain
Waist slack 1017
764 to protect against all forms of trouble and trouble
859 for fertility
1018 to strengthen the brain
Billur 1050
693 for plenty of customers
706 to get rid of debt
Kidney-bladder inflammation 1019
Kidney-bladder sand 1019
1019 in Nausea
102C if nose does not smell
and mdash; C and mdash;
Celcelûtiyye Prayer and secrets 1056
Celcelûtiyye's great vefki 1081
Funeral prayer 1203
Increasing sexual power 1020
Palpitations 1021
1022 for the beautiful birth of a child
A very virtuous 940
Being one of the very salavat bringer 886
A very sublime salavat 898
Benefits of doughnuts 1048
and mdash; D and mdash;
Spleen disorders 1022
Vascular stiffness 1022
713 to reconcile the resentful wife
Salavat 926, equivalent to the entire hole
Prayer to be read on the sea voyage 871
1022 in skin cracks
864 to reach the wish
To get your wish 888
856 who want to achieve your wish
691 for wish
858 for wish
863 for wish
Prayer of wish and pilgrimage 858
1023 in gum disease
Dysentery 1023
Dolama 1023
The bliss of the world and the afterlife 950
Neutralizing the enemy 818
Protection from enemies 818
Tearing enemies apart 821
Disarming enemy deception.820
823 for the defeat and suffering of enemies
758 for women who have miscarriages
and mdash; E and mdash;
To see our Lord (a.s.) 89-
914 to see our Lord (p.a.v.)
948 to see our Lord (p.a.v.)
Dreaming of our Lord (p.a.v.) 865
866 to dream the Lord
The salava of our Lord (p.a.v.) 880
Eczema 1024
Ehli Beyt's salava 972
688 against hand and foot pain
Hand, foot tremor 1024
Diamond 1050
A quiet life in safety
to pass 776
The most effective prayer for relieving distress 771
Most virtuous salavat 887
Most virtuous salavat 970
A manly person
705 to recover from this situation
Secrets of Esma-i Husnâ 722
Esmâ-i Idrîsiyye 714
692 to bring back someone who ran away from home.
and mdash; F and mdash;
Faraniitte 1018
1025 in strokes
Elephant disease 1025
Firuze 1051
and mdash; G and mdash;
Gas 1025
Night burn 1025
857 in livelihood shortages
Flu-Cold 1026
Gout 1026
Prayer that forgives sins 875
Prayer that forgives sins 876
Cleanses sins 946
and mdash; H and mdash;
Hajj and prayer to be recited by a wisher 854
Haci Bayram Sultan continues
chants and prayers 661
Praying to send off pilgrims 1200
Those who speak ill of you and think about it will be devastated 690
694 for women who can't get pregnant
853 to get out of prison
Against diseases 929
Hatim prayer (Arabic) 1206
Hatim prayer 1185
Healing for those who despair of their lives
read for finding salavat 905
Indigestion 1027
Hazrat Ali (r.a.)'s salava 912
Verses 760 to protect against all kinds of evil
765 to be accepted by all
Hiccups 1027
692 to dream about the thief
Hizbu'n-Nasr prayer 695
Hizbu'n-Nasr reading style 696
Snoring 1027
Protect 764 Cereals to get out of an unpleasant situation 1027
and mdash; I and mdash;
Ibn Abbas (r.a.)'s salava 911
Ibn Masoud (r.a.)'s salava 909
694 to hate booze
Urinary incontinence 1028
Urine burning 1028
Urinary tract inflammation 1028
Urinary difficulty 1028
721 against the discomfort of not being able to hold urine
The prayer that the defamed will read 834
692 against inactility
incompetence 1029
Divine secrets 957
Imam Shafiq's salava 881
Pearl 1051
839 to ward off human and genie demons
689 to be accepted among people
704 to affect people's hearts
Spiritual treatment by name 629
Those who fail in their work 646
Izzet liba is dressed in 943
and mdash; K and mdash;
Prayer for protection from the torment of the tomb 816
Nightmare 1030
Heart palpitations 1030
1030 for opening of the cardiovascular arteries
Heart eye opens 915
Cancer 1031
Anemia 1031
Liver growth 1032
759 for ant
Itch 1032
Rock salt 1051
Finding the missing 814
Prayer to find something missing 814
Amber 1052
Kellîk-hair loss 1032
Drinking from kevser caviar 884
1033 against cholesterol
Colitis 1033
1030 in horror-fainting
791 to be sure of fears
1033 against the fearful dream
Protection (to hide from the eyes) 783
Protective healing verses 785
Protection from evil 781
Ear discharge 1033
Tinnitus 1035
759 in kulunç disorder
Hives 1034
Lead 1053
Dry cough 1034
1035 against vomiting
and mdash; M and mdash;
1035 in joint pain
Forgiveness 874
851 to reach the max
947 to reach the max
Ascending to spiritual worlds 930
Coral 1053
Dissuading someone from an unlawful relationship 711
Magnet 1054
1036 in stomach pain
Stomach flu 1036
Heartburn 1036
Migraine 1037
Muhyiddin Arabi's prayer for protection from all kinds of evil 778
Muhyiddin Arabi's salava 952
Mukarrabî's salava 944
The salava of Moses (a.s.) 904
897 for happiness
and mdash; N and mdash;
From the evil of evil and jinn
709 to be preserved
Anti-evil verses 791
794 for protection from the evil eye
790 to protect yourself from the evil eye
Shortness of breath 1037
777 to protect the self and the family
710 against flu and flu
1038 in the world
Wedding prayer 1199
Nur hâzinesi 922
Having nura 817
and mdash; He and mdash;
895 worth eleven thousand salavats
and mdash; D and mdash;
Cough 1038
and mdash; P and mdash;
Parasite 1038
913 to intercede for prophets
Prostate 1039
Gates of mercy open 900
and mdash; R and mdash;
The spirit of His Messenger Ekrem, the sheriffs
does not leave the person alone at the time of death 942
Rheumatism 1039
Reaching Rûhâniyet-i Apostle 933
Mental depression 1040
812 against mental illness
971 to see the Prophet in a Dream
868 who wants to see what he wants in a dream
869 to see the dead in a dream
and mdash; S and mdash;
Ponzi scheme 956
Hair dyeing 1040
Hair strengthening 1040
Gallbladder disease 1041
Salât-i Tefriciyye 892
Salavat-i Ibn-i Mashiş 958
Salavât-i Kevser 975
757 against pain
Epilepsy 1041
Jaundice 1042
686 for children crying for no reason
Mother of pearl and baras 1041
Prayer that opens the door to eight heavens 877
Eighty years of sin is forgiven 971
704 to prevent flooding
Hoarseness 1043
Enhance sound 1042
They get tired of writing their love 949
A very sublime salavat 945 in terms of goodness
Prayer against boredom and stress 773
860 to get out of trouble
906 to address adversity
Troubleshooting 896
Wart 1044
805 against magic
758 for the degradation of magic
Calming the nerves, the future
prevent disasters 809
Cirrhosis 1043
757 against acne and boils
Acne 1043
Mosquito protection 1044
Sciatica 1044
Table prayer 1208
Screed 10 55
968 to intercede
Intercession 883
Intercession 967
Diabetes 1044
Swelling 1045
and mdash; T and mdash;
Blood pressure high 1045
Smell of sweat 1046
Nail fungus 1046
689 for gains in trade
and mdash; U and mdash;
Forgetfulness 1047
709 to reduce sleep
709 for those who can't sleep
712 for those who can't sleep
and mdash; U and mdash;
um sibyan 1047
Prayer for the relief of sadness 767
and mdash; V and mdash;
802 against vehim and delusion
Tuberculosis 1047
801 to get rid of the plague
721 to remove the vessing
Vitîligo 1020
and mdash; Y and mdash;
The salva of His Holiness 907
Ruby 1056
.836 to protect against the slander of liars
Bed wetting 1047
Seven verses 847
Prayer to be read on newborn child 1182
Jade 1055
Seventy thousand angels bring consultation for the reader855
687 for children who can't walk
932 equivalent to 100,000 salava
711 in facial paralysis
Facial paralysis 1048
and mdash; Z and mdash;
Zeberced 1057
Zakat and alms 901
Those who want wealth 707
Strengthening the mind 840
Strengthening the mind 841
Strengthening the mind, increasing the power of memorization 844
Opening the mind and not forgetting the lesson learned 846
Prayer in remembrance assemblies 1196
712 to get a human being out of this situation.
Emerald 1056

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