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Spiritual Treatment with the Quran Against Magic and Gin Crash

: 9789756354490
269.00 TL
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Spiritual Treatment with the Quran Against Magic and Gin Crash

Spiritual Treatment with the Quran Against Magic and Gin Crash

Product Specifications :

  • Publisher Esma Publications
  • Release Date: January 01, 2014
  • Language:ENGLISH
  • Pages: 320
  • Skin Type: Cardboard Cover
  • Paper Type: 1.Dough Paper
  • Size: 14x19
  • Weight :260


(Alhamdu Lillâhi Rabil's world. And the plague, and the prophet Sayyidinâ Mihammedin Hâtemil-Enbiyâi vel-Mürselîn. And the divine and the spiritual ecmaîn.)
In the name of God, the Merciful and the Merciful
(Hamd, and Acirc; Peace and peace to our Lord Mohammed (p.a.v.), the last of the Prophets, and to all his family...)
Allahu Teââ
Ali Imran Sûresi in verse 102:
He said, "O believers, fear God in a manner worthy of Him, and die only as Muslims."
Again, in the verse 1 of the Holy Sûresi Nisa, he said:
Fear your Lord, who created you from one person and created his wife from it, and produced many men and women from the two of them. Fear God, whom you wish for, and be wary of kinship.
In the 70th and 71st verses of the Ahzab Surah, Allah (c.c.) and His Holiness also send the following message:
"Believers, fear God and speak the truth" so that Allah may correct your deeds and forgive you your sins. Whoever obeys God and His Messenger will be a great success.
That is why He created the people and jinn to obey him and worship him. In particular, it is necessary to gain our worldly and spiritual needs and pilgrimage by means of destruction, and to seek guidance by obeying Him. It is necessary to seek refuge in God to protect himself from sins day and night. Cenab-i Hak Zuhruf Sûresi verse 36 says:
Whoever ignores the remembrance of the Merciful, We shall be attacked by a devil. So he will be his companion.
Thus, it is necessary to get rid of the traps of satan and self by turning to Islam, i.e. by turning to what we call the religion of the fictitia, and by remembrance of the Rahman, by believing and making his deeds a life motto, and not falling for his traps. For this reason, it is necessary to remember the great power day and night, or Allah (c.c.), and to contemplate His might, so that it is imperative to refer the direction of enthusiasm and enthusiasm to the Merciful. Almighty Allah (c.c.) said in verse 30 of the Enfal surah: "God was setting traps while they were setting traps. God is the best of those who set traps." It is necessary to stay away from those who do not seek refuge in the Mercy, who do not embrace His remembrance, and who do not fulfill the obligations of religion by knowing the friend of Allah and His Messenger as friends and his enemies as enemies. He must pay attention to non-Islamic traps in order to obtain the consent of the Right.
It is necessary to seek refuge in Allah from the enemies of Islam. It is necessary to seek refuge in God from the devil and the devil. It is imperative to appear before the Holy See on the Day of Resurrection with an open forehead. It is necessary to save the human being from superstition and to guide him in his superstition.
It is imperative that we pray and pray to Allah to protect ourselves and our children from the evils of the unbelievers, satan and perverted jinn. We must refrain strongly from the evil works of magic and the like. It is necessary to abandon the evil deeds that are evil, fiss and fucur, and to embrace the religion of Allah, and to cling to His commandments and embrace what the great prophet avoids by obeying his prohibitions. That's why we need to get the message "Hold on to God's rope."
For this reason, he should not seek the help and desires of Jinn and satan, who are creatures of Allah, but also the ways of Islam, which is the Rabbani way, and seek to become believers and Muslims. There should be no such blunder as to seek a cure for life's problems outside of God's religion. Allah (c.c.) expressed the perfect order in this verse and gave up the principles of life to meet all needs. So in the third verse of the Surah of Maide, he said, "Today I have completed your religion, and I have completed my blessing for you, and I have given you love Islam as a religion." Our Prophet (pbuh) says, "I have left you two relics, one of which is the Book of Allah and the other is my circumcision." In short, "Those who seek a religion other than the religion of Allah, who seek a system, who seek order, are frustrated and in adversity. For him, the cure, medicine, and giant of the whole world of being is the Book of Allah. The elixir, the secret, the magic of life is the Qur'an. Our Prophet Muhammad is the way of Mu-hammed (p.a.v.). And this Qur'an does not address anyone but mankind. He's addressing you. In the verse, Cenab-i Hak says: Verse 4 of the Hashr Surah: "If we had sent this Quran down to a mountain. You would have seen him bowed and disi dreadful of God. We give these examples to people so that they may think."
It is emphasized in the verse that the non-human creature cannot bear this responsibility. Human beings, who are equal creatures, shouldered this divine cause and tried to achieve it with the help and grace of Allah. On the other hand, he has been the subject of evil traps by showing all his evil. For him, it is imperative to embrace Islam, to avoid what he forbids, to stick to what he recommends.
With Alllah's help, we tried to illuminate things in the light of verses and hadiths, such as magic and magic, which are evil and evil works. We tried to explain this issue with the grace and will of God and the knowledge given to us by God, on the basis of the Book and circumcision.
We also tried to demonstrate with this study, which is a warning to those who give false, incomplete information and mislead people. We also expressed dissenting views on the book and circumcision so that the matter would be better enlightened. With the help and grace of God, our trust is with the truest of the entire universe."


The Presence of Demons 9
QuranIc Verses Showing the Existence of Demons 10
Hadiths Indicating the Existence of Demons 18
Classes and Places of The Jinn 25
The Difference Between Gin and Devil 29
Provision for Using Demons according to Islam 34
Can Gin Enter the Human Body? 35
In the consensus that demons can enter the human body
Evidence from the Qur'an 35
Reasons for genie's entry into the human body 41
How the genie gets into the human baden and where it stays 44
What is Magic? 51
Magic as Sherry Correction 52
Hadiths on the Reality of Magic 53
Types of magic 60
Wizard 67
Some of the wizards I met were 70.
According to Islam, the condition of the sorcerer and the provision of casting a spell are 75
Treating the Qur'an with Karim 83
Conditions and adjectives that the person performing the treatment must fulfill 85
The knowledge that the person who performs the treatment should have 95
Quran treatment methods 101
Gin stains dress with blood 151
Genie plays crazy game 157
Smoking gin 160
Magic treatment methods and spell samples 175
Vehim magic 175
An example of the deterioration of vehim magic .... 177
The magic and treatment of breaking up marriage 181
An example of breaking up a marriage 182
Shopping cancellation spell 185
An example on the subject 186
The magic of separating the wife 186
An example on the subject 188
Excessive bleeding spell 192
An example of hemorrhea treatment 194
Male bonding and treatment 197
An example of a connect event 201
Disease magic 202
An example on the subject 205
Delicing and Treatment 210
An example on the subject 212
Conversation spell 215
An example of the magic of conversation 217
Omanda critical hours 218
Ways to protect yourself 225
Mandatory disclosure 237
(Causes of fire in Meyyit Yaish village) 237
Opinion of the Journal of Human and Medical 251
Some examples from Nebevvi of Medicine 255
Abandonment to break the spell 263
How can we be protected from the effects of magic? 274
Verse 283 that removes demons
How could our Prophet (p.a.v.) be protected from the magic that had been cast on them? 288

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