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The Holy Quran and Its Meaning - Arabic and Meal - Cami Boy - The Meaning of the Quran

: 9789944219174
389.00 TL
Featured Information

Sealed by Religious Affairs, Computer Line, Easy to Read, Mosque Size 25x34 cm

• 1st Quality Chamois Paper, Luxury Plastered Binding, 2 Color Offset Printing ...
• Elmalılı Write Hamdı Meali ...
• Simplified ..: KASIM YAYLA (Graduate of Egypt Al-Azhar University)
• Prepared with the Easiest to Read Computer Line in the World ...
• The selected text is a special calligraphy that preserves both aesthetics and the basic characters of the letters and makes them easy to read.
• The vowels are listed just below or above the letters to which they belong, and they are arranged in a way that will not allow confusion of vowels, especially for those who are just starting to read.
• It is aimed that the reader can easily find the surah and juz number by giving the names of the suras and parts along with the numbers in the guides used on the pages.
• In each sura title, a preliminary information is given about the sura by indicating the name of the sura, the place where it was sent down, and the number of verses, in numbers and writing.

Weight 2.154 gr.
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