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Three Months Wisdom and Virtue-1111

: 9786054496365
129.00 TL
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Three Months Wisdom and Virtue

All these months, days and nights of prayers and prayers bring a lot to man in the life to come. People who go through this in a state of obscurity lose great benefits. Allahu Teala has made these months a cause of mercy and forgiveness for the people.
Dimension: 17X24 Cardboard Cover- Fihristli
Number of Pages: 128


Islam is a religion that has remained fresh for centuries. The Prophet of this religion, the sun of the two worlds, being the ummah of the Prophet Muhammad (p.a.v.) is a source of pride for every Muslim. Therefore, it is an important duty for every person who is a Muslim to be a nation that He can be proud of. There are so many conveniences in this religion that are conveyed to us in His language that the hadiths we will convey to you in this book are only in the ocean for a drop.

Our century, full of swamps of sin, has taken away a good set of virtues from every Muslim and replaced them with bad qualities. 2 2015, muslims were only able to show some characteristics in the individual plan, but they were extremely dim in the drinking plan. If a Muslim does not feel the pain of another Muslim in his own heart, even if he is millions of miles away, it is because he accepts Islam only in his individual plan. When Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and many other Muslim Turkish States gained their independence, I actually gained independence as a Muslim.

It's been three months. The Prophet (p.a.v.) has informed us in various hadiths how we should evaluate these months when mercy is abundant. We should consider that life is short and the afterlife is eternal, and we should evaluate these months and blessed days and nights in the most efficient way when mercy falls in a downpour.

Come on, let's say our prayers these days not only on the individual plan, but on all Muslims. Let us shed our tears to all our persecuted Muslim brothers and sisters. I hope the tears shed at the grand hall will be repaid.

Cotton Publishing


To see the Apostle of Allah (p.a.v.) in a dream.......... 1 1 1

In relentless diseases......... 149

The prayer to be read on the eve of the eve... 98

Fasting on the Eve............ 101

Ashure day...... 79

Ashure day prayer......... 83

Praying on ashure day............ 80

Prayers to be read on ashure day............ 81

Fasting on ashure day......... 85

Eid al-Adha...... 94

Eid night prayer......... 95

Eid al-Fitr visit to the tomb... 93

The prayer to be read on the feast day......... 92

Berat night.................. ................................... 38

Berat night prayer............ 46

Berat night prayer............ 45

Ihya...... 42

Blessing prayer............ 149

Assuming five times of prayer............ 30

Cemâziyel first, the jamaican hereafter...... 90

Reading the Surah of Kehf on Friday......... 106

The prayer to be read as we enter the mosque on Friday................... 107

On Friday, salute the salutation............ 1 09

Cleaning on Friday............ 103

Friday prayers............ 104

The prayer to be read after Friday prayers............. 1 08

The prayer to be read before the morning prayer on Friday morning............................ 1 05

Reading Ihlas and Muavvizeteyn after Friday..................... 107

The virtue of Friday is... 102

Friday's acceptable time is...... 104

For fertility in the home and workplace......... 1 50

The virtue is very great salavat-i sharife............. 1 1 1

Haram months...... 78

To make sure of all kinds of fears............... 147

iftar Prayer............ 59

jmtihan prayers......... 1 1 6

Ism-i A'zam prayer......... 1 20

ism-i Rahmân Prayer............ 133

isrâ and Miraç......... 24

The Prayer of The Invasion......... 1 48

The light that descends into the grave...... 1 01

Kadir night............ 73

Kadir night prayer............ 76

The prayer to be read on the night of Almighty... 76

Protect yourself and your family with this prayer.......... 11

Sacrifice prayers............ 96

Sacrificial slaughter......... 95

The virtue of bird prayer......... 145

To rise spiritually............... 127

Praying on the night of the mirage... 31

Blessed times............ 7

Nur Dua............ 146

......... 129

Twelve recitations of prayer......... 23

The schematic of the Prophet (p.a.v.)......... 125

Fasting during Ramadan............... 55

Giving alms during Ramadan............ 61

The virtue of Ramadan is... 51

Ramadan Prayer............ 61

The rewards of the Ramadan fast......... 56

Ramadan-i Sharif............ 49

Rebiül First (Mevlid Kandili).......... 88

Rebiül and Acirc;hir bear......... 89

Receb bear...... 11

Prayers to be read in receb............... 20

Fasting in receb......... 13

Regaip night............ 22

Safer bear prayer............ 86

For jaundice disease............ 147

To get rid of boredom and stress............ 128

Saban bear...... 32

Reading the Quran in Saban month............ 38

Fasting in saban month............ 34

Bringing salutation in sabbath...... 35

The month of enthusiasm......... 90

The prayer that stunned and devastated the devil............. 119

Healing verses............ 150

The prayer of the rosary... 43

Another spiritual abandonment in forgetfulness............. 131

The prayers to be read within three months............ 9

The incentives to be read in the three months come......... 10

Vession and delusion............ 147

Body aches......... 149

Yâsin Surah...... 156

The prayer to be read on the journey............ 147

High blood pressure disorder............... 147

Zemzem will be read while drinking prayers............ 146

Zilkade............ 90

Zilhicce............ 91

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