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Treasure'l Cannabis Translation - 2 Volumes-1229

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Treasure'l Cannabis Translation - 2 Volumes


  • By: Sayyid Mohammed Right En Nazilli
  • Translation: Osman Sen
  • The amendment: Abdulkadir Dedeoglu
  • Meals: Elmali Mohammed Hamdi Yazr
  • Number of Pages: 815
  • Size: 17 x 24 cm
  • Cover Type: Cardboard Cover
  • Language: Turkish - Arabic


4444 salevat (salat-i nariye) to 305
292 for strengthening the mind and memory
Virtue of the word of Allah 240
Secrets of the American 341
Virtues of the People's Surah 705
Tween to fix 521
Ashâb-i kehf's names 312
and Acirc;yetul-cursive 524
and Acirc;yetül-kurî 617
and Acirc;
and Acirc;yetül-kursî's quasi-characteristics, 610
and Acirc;yetül-kursî's names 524
and Acirc;
and Acirc; 596
and Acirc;
The hassas of the five verses at the beginning and end of 315
Secrets of some verses and verses and consultation 306
Remembrance with feed 382
Some cases of the besmele-i sharif 378
Habits in writing and transporting the fattening evil 386
Secrets of nourishment 371
Interpretation of nourishment 376
The story of Dihyetül-kelbî (r.a.) 775
309 in difficulty in childbirth
Prayer 590
The custom of the widow (decency) 590
Duhâ and elem scalpel stain 715
Secrets of the first 3 verses of the En'am surah 348
Read Euzu 366
Fatiha-i sharife 337
Signs about Fatiha-i sharif 448 Virtues of Fatiha-i sharif 465
True hadiths about the virtues of the Fâtiha-i sharif 468
Fâtiha-i sharif's animosities 493
Fâtiha-i sharif's names 413
Secrets of Fatiha-i sharif 284
Fâtiha-i sharif's savings 508
Fâtiha-i sharif's interpretation 429
Characteristics of reading the fâtiha-i sharif 499
Specifics of writing Fâtiha-i sharif 515
Fâîihatül-the words of the peygamiei (a.s.) about the book 457
Virtues of felak and nâs surahs 733
Surah of Conquest 694
296 Hatmi hâcegân 784 for visual impairment and pain
5 verses with ten kaf letters each 317 Story 620 Story 624
Story 255 Story 388 Story 388 Story 546
Story (reward for teaching the conqueror) 285
Story 435
Private prayers 288
Secrets of HüvallahüllezL.358 Violation surah 633 Violation surah 648
The virtues of continuing to read the surah of violations 666 The virtues of the Surah 652 The names of the surah of violations 642
Manifestations of the surah 672
Interpretation of the surah 648
The first surah to land... 410
Truth of faith 765
Parts of faith 767
Guardian castles of faith 208
The issue of people's self-dissent 443
Secrets of destination 360
Virtues of kadir and kevser surah 719
Read the Quran before it is removed, Hadith 254
Virtues of the Word-i-Tevhîd 770
Secrets of the Kevser sura 730
Quranic verses 275
Read the Quran in a hurry 233
Degrees obtained by reading the Quran 268
271 to demand a reward from the Qur'an?
The question of the virtue of some chapters of the Qur'an 403
Listening to the Quran 236
The custom of reciting the Qur'an 219
Continuing to recite the Quran 250
Virtues of the person who reads the Qur'an 259
Virtues of the property surah 701
Signs of the Elder-i-muslim 806
Prayer thieves 203
After prayers 582
Verse-cursive 574 after prayers
Salavat 739 to our Prophet (p.a.v.)
Dreaming of the messenger 725
Salât-i nariye (salât-i tefriciyye) 743
Salati Nariye 305
Sara patient treatment 336
Secrets of prostration 204
Combining prayer at a time 213
Some of the influenced salevats 745
Tevhid-i haki 780
Virtues of the Vâkia surah 697
303 for rain
Secrets of surahs read on rainwater 291
Yâ-sîn surah 686
Dolphin aieyhisselam 353
Anyone who commits unlawful deeds, 326

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