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Hayatu's Companions

: 9786055546595
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A Unique Work Where You Can Find Real Life Stories of More Than One Hundred Companions in Mahmud al-Misrî's Hayatu's Companions

Hayatu's Companions
Large Size * Luxury Volume * Chamua Paper * 886 Pages

By Mahmoud al-Misri Abu Ammar

Translators: Ayşegül Özdemir - Nurgül Özdemir

All praise is to Allah. We praise Him, ask for His help, and ask for His forgiveness. We seek refuge with Allah from the evil of our souls and from our evil deeds. Whomever Allah guides, there is no one who can lead him astray, and whomever He leads astray, there is no one who can guide him to the straight path.

I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, He is the only one, he has no partner. And I bear witness that Muhammad (sallallahu alayhiwa sallam) is His servant and messenger.

"O you who believe, fear Allah with truth and do not die except as Muslims. " ( and Ajirc;l-i Imran: 102)

"O people, fear your Lord, who created you from a single soul, then created his wife from it, and then derived many men and women from these two and spread them throughout the earth. Be wary of Allah, in whose name you ask each other, and of breaking the bond of kinship. Indeed, Allah is watching over you (all that you do)." (April-April: 1)

"O you who believe, fear Allah and speak the truth, so that Allah may correct your deeds and forgive your sins. Whoever obeys Allah and His Messenger has been saved with a great salvation." (al-Ahzab: 70-71)

First of all, we need to know that the situation of this Ummah, the situation of the first ones of this ummah, can only be corrected with whatever has been corrected with.

No one with intelligence who believes in Allah and the last day doubts that the companions of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhiwa sallam) are the best people after the Prophets, and that he is the master of mankind. His companions are the best generation that has ever lived on earth.

Learning about their attitudes, morals and lives will enlighten the path in front of a believer who wants to live by the example of Muhammad (sallallahu alayhiwa sallam).

As a matter of fact, Allahu Ta'ala said, "There is a lesson in their stories for those who have understanding." (Yusuf: 111) he says.

The Companions (may Allah's peace and blessings be upon them) are the bearers and protectors of Islam after the Messenger of Allah. Allah has chosen them to be friends and supporters of His Prophet and to spread his message after him. In some verses of the Qur'an, he has testified to their truthfulness, purified them and qualified them with perfect qualities.

"There are some of the Believers who adhere to what they have promised Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their vow (martyred in the way of Allah), and some are waiting (for it). They have never changed [their promise]." (al-Ahzab: 23)

"There are some people for whom neither trading nor shopping prevents them from remembering Allah, performing the prayer, and giving the zakat. They fear the day when hearts and eyes will change into one another. " (an-Nur:37)

"Allah is pleased with those who are among the first of the Muhajirs and Ansar and those who lead and follow them with kindness, and they are pleased with him. (Allah) has prepared for them gardens beneath which rivers flow, in which they will abide forever. That is the greatest triumph." (et-Repentance: 100)

"Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah. Those who are with him are harsh to the disbelievers and merciful to each other. You will see them bowing and prostrating themselves, seeking the bounty and consent of Allah. Their signs are the traces left on their faces from prostrations. This is the parable given to them in the Torah. And their parable in the Gospel is like a crop that sprouts, then strengthens that sprout, then thickens and strengthens, and becomes firm on its roots, which pleases the farmers. Octobertheir are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who are the ones who October. That is to annoy the disbelievers. As a matter of fact, Allah has promised those of them who believe and do righteous deeds forgiveness and a great reward." (al-Fath: 29)

They are a unique class, the like of which has not been encountered throughout human history.

The companions of Muhammad (sallallahu'alayhiwa sallam) have shown superior success in everything. They were the pinnacle in piety and faith, a symbol in sincerity, a torch in knowledge and deeds, a lamp in invitation and movement.

By Allah, they took their water from the fountain of life in its clearest and sweetest form, and then strengthened the foundations of Islam, leaving no word to say to anyone who came after them.

They conquered the towns with jihad and sword, with justice, their hearts were taken from the Qur'an and faith." 6

They were his supporters when this religion was still new. They gave their lives on the day when the owner was stingy in giving away his property.

On the day when people were buried and hidden in their clothes, they were the ones who paid the price.

They were hearts, bodies, blood and property ready to be spent for Allah.

Their concerns were not to fill their bellies, dress smartly, or live in luxury.

[1] Ibn al-Qayyim, I'iamul-Muwaqqin An Rabi'l- ve Ajirc;lemin, 1/5-6.


They protected the Sharia from the whims of those who had strayed, and this religion from the attacks of enemies. They witnessed the revelation and voluntarily passed on what it brought into their lives. They carried the revelation and were present at the two vows.

Everyone has a concern; their concern was the glorification of "La ilaha illAllah". Everyone has a goal; their goal was the almighty.

They spent their wealth for Allah and His Messenger, but this did not satisfy them. They laid down their lives in the way of Allah, shed their blood, and were subjected to torments.

Allah was pleased with them, pleased them, and honored them by placing them in the Huld gardens.7

Anyone who wants to go someone's way, go their way. Because they are the ones whose hearts are the purest, whose knowledge is the widest, who are farthest from pretense, who are the most correct in guidance and the most beautiful in attitude of this ummah. Jul.

They were born under the roof of honor,

Those who grow up in the shadow of jihad.

Their foreheads are bowed before no one but the creator,

He did not worship anyone but the creator of the universe.

They are the ones who pursue the highest of goals,

Those who are ahead in the path of Allah's pleasure.

That is why it is an absolute necessity for us to know the news about them and their lives and to spread this information Decently among Muslims. So that it may be a reminder and a reminder for those who have a heart or who listen and listen...

It is important for us to know their lives, because they are the ones who have conveyed Islam to us in the right way. In order to protect the teachings of Islam, we must attach the necessary importance to their history. Only in this way will we prevent the enemies of Islam from defaming Islam by defaming those who transferred it to us.

Therefore, in this century in which we live and the measurements are broken, and the pure companions are spoken back and forth about, it is a definite wajib upon us to speak of these great people and to lift the veil over the lines that they have fallen on the pages of history. Jul. To do this is a duty incumbent on us to prevent the section consisting of dungeons, atheists, infidels and bidists who act according to their desires and who reduce the companions, the most auspicious generation and the most auspicious community ever on earth, and insult them.

[1] from the bible of al-Karni's book "Suverun Min Hayati's-Companions", pp. 3-4.
The reason for their attitude towards the companions is nothing more than that they are the carriers of Islam. They are the personalities who demolish the proposals of these people and reveal their perversions, narrate hadiths that reveal their ugly intentions.

Perhaps our true religion is being separated from the previous religions by a miracle that is being renewed every moment. This is nothing but a miracle for people who have dedicated their lives to Islam, worked for this cause without rest, without rest, and did not know what fatigue and exhaustion are. Theirs was a movement that never stopped, never stopped.

Neither goods nor commodities interested them in life. Neither the adornment of the world nor the splendor of the world prevented them from their goals. They combined their efforts on the path of pleasing Allah. They have made their intentions clear for Allah. And Allah made them a miracle from the miracles of the honorable Prophet.

They have proved to the whole world that the religion of Allah is a complete and complete religion, that no falsehood interferes with the sharia of Allah, and that Allah will complete His light, even if the disbelievers, hypocrites, wrongdoers, and the wicked dislike it.

The news of these distinguished people is medicine for the hearts, light for the minds, a model for us in a world where there is almost no one left to take a model.

Hearts are revived by learning about the lives of these distinguished people, happiness is achieved by following in their footsteps. By knowing their lives and legends, beautiful qualities, actions and heroism are taken as an example.

And if I have made any mistakes in these pages where I have written the lives of these immaculate people with my heart ink, I ask forgiveness from Allah for it. During the long months that I have been researching their lives, I have not felt any boredom in me. Because at this time, it was as if I was living in an earthly paradise.

Come on then, dear brothers, to enter together into the vast world of a hundred companions who have fallen on the forehead of history from the light... Hoping that Allah azza and celle will benefit every Muslim with this book and make this book accepted among them, provide me with Decrepitude and sincerity in this deed and make it in my house of hasenats on the day I embrace my shroud...

And may Allah bless ala sayyidina Muhammad and ala alihi and sahbihi and sellem.

Mahmoud al-Misri (Abu Ammar)


The Holy Quran of the Esteemed Master Abu Ishaq al-Huwayni 9

Dear Dr. The Bible of Zeki Muhammad Abu Seri 12

The Bible of the Esteemed Teacher Muhammad Abdulmaksud 16

The Bible of Dear Master Muhammad Hassan 19

Dear Dr. The Bible of Sayyid Husayn al-Affani 22

Getting started 23

The Virtues of the Mohammedan Ummah 27

Some of the Virtues of the Companions 33

The Virtues of Ansar 39


ABU BAKR AS-SIDDIQ (may Allah be pleased with him) 53

UMAR IBN AL-KHATTAB (may Allah be pleased with him) 95

UTHMAN IBN AFFAN (may Allah be pleased with him) 154

ALI IBN ABI TALIB (may Allah be pleased with him) 175

TALHA BIN UBAIDULLAH (may Allah be pleased with him) 203

ZUBAYR IBN AL-AWWAM (may Allah be pleased with him) 212

ABDURRAHMAN IBN AWF (may Allah be pleased with him) 222

S A'D IBN ABI WAQQAS (may Allah be pleased with him) 229

SA'ID IBN ZAYD (may Allah be pleased with him) 245

ABU UBAIDAH IBN AL-JARRAH (may Allah be pleased with him) 251

SUHEIB AL-RUMI (may Allah be pleased with him) 265

SALIM, THE FREEDMAN OF ABU HUZAYFA (may Allah be pleased with him) 272

MUSAB BIN UMAYR (may Allah be pleased with him) 277

ZAYD BIN SABIT (may Allah be pleased with him) 287

ANAS BIN MALIK (may Allah be pleased with him) 294

HABBAB BIN ERET (may Allah be pleased with him) 303

SA'D BIN MU'AZ (may Allah be pleased with him) 308

UMAYR BIN SA'D (may Allah be pleased with him) 319

ABDULLAH IBN MASUD (may Allah be pleased with him) 327


ABU TALHA AL-ANSARI (may Allah be pleased with him) 349

BILAL BIN RABAH (may Allah be pleased with him) 356

IKRIMA IBN ABU JAHL (may Allah be pleased with him) 367

HAMZA IBN ABDULMUTTALIB (may Allah be pleased with him) 372

UMAYR IBN WAHB (may Allah be pleased with him) 384

HUZAYFA IBN AL-YAMAN (may Allah be pleased with him) 388

AMMAR BIN YASIR (May Allah be pleased with him) 402

UKKASHA IBN MIHSAN (may Allah be pleased with him) 413

JA'FAR IBN ABI TALIB (may Allah be pleased with him) 424

JABIR IBN ABDULLAH (may Allah be pleased with him) 435

AMR IBN AL-JAMUH (may Allah be pleased with him) 440

SA'D IBNAL-RABI (may Allah be pleased with him) 447

HARITHA IBN AL-NUMAN (may Allah be pleased with her) 457

MUAWIYA IBN ABI SUFYAN (may Allah be pleased with him) 466

and Ajirc;MIR IBN AQWA (may Allah be pleased with him) 473

ABDULLAH BIN AMR BIN HAR and Ajirj;M (may Allah be pleased with him) 476

ABU HURAYRAH (may Allah be pleased with him) 483

ZAYD BIN HARISA (may Allah be pleased with him) 493

OSAMA BIN ZAYD (may Allah be pleased with him) 502

SA'D IBN UBADAH (may Allah be pleased with him) 510

ABU SUFYAN IBN AL-HARITH (may Allah be pleased with him) 515

ABDULLAH BIN SEL and Ajirc;M (radiyallahu anhu) 520

UTBA BIN GHAZWAN (may Allah be pleased with him) 527

SALMAN AL-FARISI (may Allah be pleased with him) 531

SUMAME BIN US and Acirc;L (may Allah be pleased with him) 544

ABDULLAH BIN RAWAHA (may Allah be pleased with him) 548

ABU DUJANE (may Allah be pleased with him) 555

UBADAH BIN SAMIT (may Allah be pleased with him) 560

SA'ID IBN and Ajirj;MIR (may Allah be pleased with him) 569

ABU AYYUB AL-ANSARI (may Allah be pleased with him) 574

ZAYD BIN ERKAM (may Allah be pleased with him) 582

ABU SALAMA (may Allah be pleased with him) 589

ABDULLAH IBN UMM MAKTOUM (may Allah be pleased with him) 593

ASIM BIN SABIT (radiyallahu anhu) 599
Abu Musa al-Ashari (radiyallahu anhu) 602

OSMAN BIN MAZ (radiyallahu anhu) 611

EBU'D-DERD and Acirc; (radiyallahu anhu) 615

BER and Acirc; THOUSAND MALIK (radiyallahu anhu) 623

USEYD BIN HUDAYR (radiyallahu anhu) 628

IMRAN BIN HUSAYN (radiyallahu anhu) 635

NUMAN BIN MUKARRIN (radiyallahu anhu) 639

SUHEYL BIN AMR (radiyallahu anhu) 646

ABBAD BIN BİŞR (radiyallahu anhu) 650

TULEYHA BIN HUVEYLID (radiyallahu anhu) 654

ZEYD IBNU'L-HATTAB (radiyallahu anhu) 661

KHALID BIN VELİD (radiyallahu anhu) 667

SURAKA BIN MALIK (radiyallahu anhu) 685

ABDULLAH IBN OMER (radiyallahu anhu) 689

NUAYM BIN MESUD (radiyallahu anhu) 701

ABBAS IBN ABDULMUTALIB (radiyallahu anhu) 705

Abu Jandal and Abu Basir (radiyallahu anhu) 712

& Acirc;MIR THOUSAND FUHEYRE (radiyallahu anhu) 720

AMR İBNU'L- ve Acirc;S (radiyallahu anhu) 724

HANZALA (radiyallahu anhu) 734

ABDULLAH BIN AMR IBNU'L- ve Acirc;S (radiyallahu anhu) 740

HARAM BIN MILHAN (radiyallahu anhu) 749

Muaz Bin Cebel (radiyallahu anhu) 753

JUDGE BIN HIZAM (radiyallahu anhu) 765

EBU'L- ve Acirc;S IBNU'R-RABI' (radiyallahu anhu) 769

UBEYY BIN KA'B (radiyallahu anhu) 774

EBU S A'LEBE AL-HUSHENI (radiyallahu anhu) 781

ABDULLAH BIN CAHSH (radiyallahu anhu) 786

MIKDAD BIN AMR (radiyallahu anhu) 793

KA'B BIN MALIK (radiyallahu anhu) 798

WILD Thousand Wars (radiyallahu anhu) 809

CULEYBİB (radiyallahu anhu) i 812

ABDULLAH IBN AB BAS (radiyallahu anhu) 815

CERIR BIN ABDULLAH AL-BECELI (radiyallahu anhu) 828

TUFEYL BIN AMR ED-DEVSI (radiyallahu anhu) 832

S El-EME BIN EL-EKVA' (radiyallahu anhu) 836

UMEYR BIN AL-HUMAM (radiyallahu anhu) 841

MUHAMMED BIN MESLAMA (radiyallahu anhu) 844

ABDULLAH BIN UNEYS (radiyallahu anhu) 850

HASSAN BIN SABİT (radiyallahu anhu) 857

KATADE BIN NUMAN (radiyallahu anhu) 860


MUAZ BIN AMR AND MUAVVEZ BIN AFRA (radiyallahu anhu) 865

Abu Qatada al-Ansari (radiyallahu anhu) 868

ABDULLAH ZULBICADEYN (radiyallahu anhu) 874


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