Hz. The Book of Ebubekir was presented to the readers by making a story about the life of the closest friend of the Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (pbuh).
Hz. Abu Bakr (ra), Hz. The great friendship that started with the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) from his childhood deepened and continued throughout the life of the Messenger of Allah, and with his death, it turned into a great longing. Hz. He was the first to believe in the Messenger of Allah after Khadija (r.anha), and also the first of the four great caliphs and those who were given the glad tidings of Paradise.
Hz. Because Abu Bakr (ra) accepted the orders and words of the Messenger of Allah without hesitation, he received his great praise: "If the faith of all people were put in one basket and Abu Bakr's in one, his faith would outweigh."
Ahmet Cemil Akıncı, the pioneer of our religious-historical novel literature, tells about Hz. He tells the life of Abu Bakr (ra.) in a sweet novel style, and uses both historical knowledge and the style of novel and poetry very successfully. Hz. Since Abu Bakr was one of the 'Hanifs' who believed in the oneness of Allah, the author explained the situation of other religions in that region before Islam and the Prophet Muhammad at the beginning of the book. He also extensively discussed the expectations of Abu Bakr and other hanifs about the coming of a new religion.
With this work, we present our greetings and love with the happiness of presenting the lives of the other three great caliphs to you with the meticulous examination of expert historians and theologians...
This work, St. In order to fully explain Abu Bakr's personality, he not only tells about his life, but also the world of his time.
The passion of the people of that age was processed in every aspect. The methods used in the struggle for survival are emphasized. The effects of religions on trade and moral rules are mentioned. The oppression of the people by the so-called rulers and administrators, and the oppressions of the nations and states to each other have been examined.
Thus; It has been revealed with all its facts what a soul that first found Almighty Allah and was enlightened could do in human liberation moves and evolution. However, all these have been tried to be presented with the novel technique without boring the reader, and thus, the opportunity and opportunity to examine the subject has been prepared for the reader.
Of course, it is very difficult to write a novel whose every sentence is true... Especially when the history of one thousand and five hundred years ago is filled with all kinds of rumors to serve every purpose and purpose, it requires more patience and examination. Although it may seem so, goodwill and the courage and perseverance drawn from it will make anyone who wishes to succeed in their desires. Doubts arise from the hitherto unconventional, untried direction. It should not be forgotten that the people of the past did this. The West has always benefited from this. The Islamic world, on the other hand, contented itself with writing history as history and insisted on not following the path of its ancestors for centuries. Today's people adopt methods that satisfy their sense of pleasure and conscience while getting information from a work.
I wrote this ground before Hz. I tried it with my work named Hatice. The end of the fifth edition and the very positive reviews about it confirmed and encouraged me. Need Hz. Abu Bakr and Hz. My works named Ibrahim, Hz. They were born from the soundness of the first step taken with Hatice.
Islamic and Turkish history is an inexhaustible bed of treasures. Leaning over them, taking a handful of them and looking at them is enough to show the way to the confused, unknowing, materialistic people of our age. Because in these treasures there is a cure for every problem.
For example, Hz. When Abu Bakr is read and finished, it will be seen that the issues of that age and the issues of this age are similar. Hz. Abu Bakr resolved these issues in the safest and only way, by first washing his soul with faith and bringing him to his civilization. He has proven that the body, the mind, which an enlightened soul takes on that finds its God, will achieve success from success.
Hz. When the Prophet Muhammad (saas) died, a handful of Companions and Hz. Abu Bakr got his strength and power from his faith alone. When the revolutions he made are read in the work, those who were under the influence of Western civilization will be astonished to see that they spread with a majesty and humane feelings that would overshadow the current ones.
For this reason, St. Abu Bakr is the most distinguished person. He helped everyone who was stuck. He is an example. It is power... It is power...
There are countless poems both in this work and in others. Nine-tenths of these are my inspirations that I make the heroes sing. The only reason I didn't separate it is so as not to spoil the beauty of the pages. Essentially, a watchful eye can tell them apart immediately.
My desire and intention is to process the first four caliphs in the same way. Undoubtedly, St. Allah's permission and permission are essential.
Endless respect and gratitude to Him!
Before Islam, Hz. Abu Bakr, Hz. Muhammad s.a.v. His great friendship with him, which started from childhood, deepened and continued throughout the life of the Messenger of Allah and turned into a great longing with his death. Hz. He was the first to believe in the Messenger of Allah after Khadija, and also the first of the four great caliphs and those who were given the glad tidings of Paradise.
Hz. Because Abu Bakr accepted the orders and words of the Messenger of Allah without hesitation, he received his great praise that if all people's faith were put in one, and Abu Bakr's in one, his faith would outweigh.
'Author Ahmet Cemil Akıncı has demonstrated his mastery with the books he has published before. The novelization of such a scholarly subject is quite responsible. I believe that the necessary sensitivity has been shown in this matter.'