This book in your hand is not a story, a novel, a legend; It is a beautiful story of a beautiful prophet. It is mentioned in the Qur'an as "the most beautiful of stories".
Well, how beautiful!
A story that is full of love, excitement, longing, embarrassment and wisdom... The tears of Hadrat Yaqub, the sufferings of Hadrat Yusuf (a.s).
That ball of light, the child being thrown into the well, then being sold as a slave for a little price, and then Züleyha...
The war of two beauties... One is under the command of God and the other is under the command of the soul... The faithful prophet Yusuf (as), who preferred prisons to palaces, lived an exemplary and wise life...
Forty years of separation and longing of a true prophet whose sorrow stop is Yakubu in this world...
Egyptian women who cut their hands in the face of Yusuf Aleyhisselam's beauty... And Züleyha, who cut his heart for beauty... The transformation of Züleyha's figurative love into real love and the divine statehood...
What is love?
You will find the answer in this work.