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Kaaba Patterned Pocket Size Quran Translation

Product Code : 29565
: 4897654305345
69.00 TL
Elmalılı M. Hamdi Yazır Mealli
Simplifications: Prof. Dr. Lütfullah CEBECİ - Prof. Dr. Sadık KILIÇ
Weight: 120 grams
Size: Pocket Size (12.5 cm x 8.5 cm)
Cover: Cardboard Cover
Page: 416
With index: Yes

About the Holy Quran:
The verses of the Holy Quran were revealed by Allah Almighty to the Prophet through Gabriel (peace be upon him). It is the holy book of Islam, sent down as revelations to Muhammad (peace be upon him). The Holy Quran, the last holy book sent down to earth, will be used by Prophet Muhammad until the Day of Judgment. He will be protected by Allah. It began to be sent down in the Cave of Hira on Mount Nur in Mecca on the Night of Power in the month of Ramadan in 610, and the revelation lasted 23 years, 12 years in Mecca and 11 years in Medina. The word meaning of the Quran is "read", and the word meaning of the Holy Quran is "noble, noble". In other words, our holy book guides believers by commanding them to "read" even in its name. Therefore, every person who calls himself a Muslim should acquire the Holy Quran and read it at every possible opportunity. As a matter of fact, for this purpose, pocket-sized Qurans and lectern-sized Qurans are printed in different sizes.
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