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The Sublime Translation of the Holy Quran - Turkish Explanation without Text - Medium Size - Hardcover

Product Code : T28114
: 9786057156204
289.00 TL
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Elmalılı Hamdı Yazir - Meal Without Text

The Sublime Translation of the Holy Quran - Turkish Explanation without Text - Medium Size - Hardcover

Product features :

Publisher : Merve Publications
Meal : Elmalılı Hamdi Yazir
Simplifying : Kasım Yayla
Cover Quality : Hardcover
Page Quality : Shamua Paper
Number of Pages :440
Language Turkish
Size : 17 X 24 cm
Weight : 762 g
Barcode: 9786057156204


Efforts to best understand our great book, the Qur'an, and to comprehend and interpret the messages it offers to humanity have continued for centuries, and many valuable works have been created in this field. Considering the sincere desire of Muslims who are not well-versed in Arabic to understand the content of the Qur'an, many scholars have tried to fill the gap in this field with both tafsir studies and short translations and translations.
The late Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır is one of the leading tafsir scholars of our century. Elmalık Hamdi Yazır's book Hak Dini Kur'an Dili, from which most of the existing translations benefited, has been the most valuable work accepted by the authorities in this field. This work will continue to be a primary source for studies in the field.
Translation and translation studies carried out to date have revealed that it is not possible to translate the exact equivalent of this divine book into Turkish. In this respect, the most correct way is not to translate the verses word for word; On the contrary, it is the Turkish expression of the meaning understood from the Arabic original. Every language has its own peculiarities and beauties. No translation can replace the original.
We have brought the late Elmalık Hamdi Yazır's work entitled Hak Dini Kur'an Dili to the readers as a result of meticulous work. It is possible to list the issues followed while preparing this work as follows;1- It was translated entirely in line with the interpretations of Ahl as-Sunnah scholars, and further interpretations were meticulously avoided.
2-Mutashabih verses are not interpreted.
3- Metaphors and similes are explained for a better understanding of the meaning.
4-The Turkish equivalents of the Arabic words are given by expanding them and maximum attention is paid not to spoil the expression style of the deceased.
5- For the convenience of the reader, the necessary explanations are included in the verse.
6- It has been tried to use a plain language as much as possible.
7-In our study, the first edition of the work, the edition between 1935-1939 was used.
8- We left huruf-u mukattaa like Elif, Lâm, Mîm as they are.
Although we do our best to work meticulously, of course there may be some mistakes. While we ask our brothers and sisters who are aware of any mistakes to warn us that we will always take the warnings and advices into consideration, we pray to Almighty Allah to forgive us our mistakes and sins.
Kasım YAYLA - Kasımpaşa, 23 July 2002
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