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The Supreme Meaning of the Holy Quran - Explanation in Turkish without Text -Medium size

Product Code : T27442
: 9786055242589
229.00 TL
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Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır - Textless Meal

The Supreme Meaning of the Holy Quran - A Textless Turkish Explanation

product specifications :

Publisher : Merve Publications
Meal : Hamdi Yazir with Apples
Simplifying : November Plateau
Cover Quality: Cardboard Cover
Sheet Quality : Imported Paper
Number of Pages :440
Language : Turkish
Size : 17 X 24 cm
Weight : 450 g
Barcode : 9786055242589


The efforts to understand our great book the Qur'an in the best way and to comprehend and interpret the messages it offers to humanity have been ongoing for centuries, and many valuable works in this field have been brought to life. Many scientists, taking into account the sincere desires of Muslims who cannot have the foundation in Arabic to understand the content of the Noble Qur'an, have tried to fill the gap in this area with both exegetical works and short translations.
The deceased Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır is one of the leading tafsir scholars of our century. Elmık Hamdi Yazır's work entitled The Language of the Qur'an, the Religion of Truth, from which many of the existing meanings have benefited, has become the most valuable work accepted by the authorities in this field. This work will continue to be the first source for the studies carried out in its field.
Translation and translation studies conducted up to the present have revealed that it is not possible to translate the exact equivalent of this divine book into Turkish. Turkish Arabic translation is not the most correct way to translate the verses word by word; on the contrary, the meaning understood from the Arabic original is expressed in Turkish. Every language has its own characteristics and beauties. No translation can replace the original.
We have brought the work of the late Elmalik Hamdi Yazır called the Language of the Qur'an, the Religion of Truth, to the readers as a result of a meticulous study. It is possible to list the attitudes followed while preparing this work as follows;
1-It has been completely translated in accordance with the exegesis of Ahl-i Sunnah scholars, and the revealed interpretations have been carefully avoided.
2-Mutashabih verses have not been interpreted.
3-Metaphors and similes are explained for a better understanding of the meaning.
Arabic Turkish equivalent of the words were expanded and given and the utmost attention was paid to not distorting the expression style of the deceased.
5-For the convenience of the reader, the necessary explanations have been put in verse.
6-An effort has been made to use a language as simple as possible.
7-In our study, the first edition of the work, the edition between 1935 and 1939, was used Dec.
8-We left huruf-u muqattaa as it is, like Alif, Lam, Mim.
Although we have done as meticulous a study as possible, of course, there may be a number of mistakes. We pray to Almighty Allah that we will always take into account the warnings and recommendations on this issue, that our brothers who are prone to any mistakes will warn us, and that He will forgive our mistakes and sins.
November July - Kasimpasa, July 23, 2002
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