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Quran Kerim Turkish Meali and Muhtasar Tefsiri - Hafiz Boy - Quran Kerim Meali

: 9786055822897
389.00 TL
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Hak Dini Quran Language, Elmalılı Hamdi Yazır, Çelik Publishing House

Quran Kerim Turkish Meali and Muhtasar Tefsiri - Hafiz Boy - Quran Kerim Meali

Work Features:

  • Paper Type: Shamua Paper
    Skin Type: Hard Cover Bee Plastering Skin
    Dimensions: 14x20 cm
    Pages: 752
    1,004 gr.

Mohammed Hamdi of Elmalı was born in Elmali District of Antalya in 1878. He completed his primary and secondary education in Elmalı. To further his education, he went to Istanbul with his father Mustafa Efendi and settled in the Little Hagia Sophia Madrasah. He took a warning from Mahmoud Hamdi Efendi of Kayseri, where he continued his lessons at Beyazit Mosque. After that, his teacher, Hamdi the Great, became called Little Hamdi. Meanwhile, he finished first in the School of Mekteb-i Nüvvâb. He learned literature, philosophy and music with his own efforts. Instead of a European-style business, he carried out studies to develop a model of islam-appropriate sediment. After two years as a scholag at Beyazit Madrasah, he entered the first assembly of the Ii. Meşrûtiyet as an Antalya mebusu. Later, he served in the Mektûbî Pen of The Shemhulislâm. Mekteb-i Nüvvâb and Mekteb-i Kudât also taught law courses in The Madrasah, usûl-i fıkıh in Madrasatu'l-mütehassısîn, logic in Sulaimaniya Madrasah and foundation law at the Mülkiye School. Following persistent proposals, Damad served as Evkaf in the first and second governments of Ferit Pasha. On September 15, 1919, he was appointed as a member of the Âyan delegation. His rank was also promoted to the muder of the Sulaimasiya Madrasah. During the National Struggle, he was sentenced to death in absentia by the Istiklal Court for serving in istanbul governments and was taken from his home in Fâtih to Ankara and imprisoned for forty days. He returned to Istanbul when he was found not guilty and released, possibly because he was a member of the Ittihad and Terakki Society. Meanwhile, he translated Metâlib and Mezâhib into Turkish. When the Turkish Grand National Assembly decided to prepare a statement, the Head of Religious Affairs offered this job to Elmalılı. Elmalı began to write by accepting this offer and was able to finish his work, which he called "True Religious Quran Language", before his death. He died on May 27, 1942, of long-term insufficiency and was buried in the Erenköy Sahrayycedid cemetery.

Elmalı prepared this work by quoting the sources of the muteber ehl-i circumcision, sometimes by expressing opinions that he did not agree with, and gave information in accordance with the Hanefi sect more in the verses of the provisions. It is based on the clear meanings of the verses unless there is a spiritual grace. For example, if you want to do something about it As in the case of Mohammed Abduh suggesting that the stones thrown by ebabil birds may have carried measles or flower microbials while he was decorating the elephant sûre, he considered the forcing te'vils to falsify the Qur'an.

His work Entitled Hak Dini Quran Language (Istanbul 1935-1938), which was first published by the Directorate of Religious Affairs, was later published. Simplifications of the tefsirin have also been made.

We have added concise footnotes from most Elmali thicts, other sources of attention and hadith to the meal, which we have simplifyed within the framework of our own style. We have added explanations that find a page, especially in the verses of judgment and in some places that we consider necessary.

Let us immediately state that Elmalı, alhowever, has mastered the Turkish language, but has significantly preserved the words and abandonments in Arabic and Persian in his meal and comment. In particular, it was enough to give in pieces without combining the parts of the verses for a long time and by preserving the order in the verse. The meaning of the verses, which was largely unseavered, was included in the meal.

While we tried to preserve this fragmentary meal method as much as possible, we observed a style that tried to give the message that today's people should receive from the whole of that verse in Turkish. We hope that the reader will notice a unity of style in Terms of Turkish and the fluency that occurs in an insicam. Here are a few examples of the topic;

Original text with apples:
We have sent forth to them those who we believed to have revealed to them, and if you do not know the remembrance. With the brains and books and hellip; We have revealed to you this remembrance that you may tell them what has been revealed to them, and that they may contem you." (Nahl, 16/43-44).

Simplifyed text:
We sent only the men we revealed to them before you as messengers. If you do not know, ask those who know! We sent them with clear proofs and books. We have revealed to you this Quran that you may reveal to the people what has been revealed to them. It may be that they will take heed." (Nahl, 16/43-44).

Original text with apples:
He said, "Come on." 'You have been granted the wish of Moses! For the right to glory, we have granted you another time..'

Simplifyed text:
- He said, "O Moses! What you wanted was given to you."
- "We have been a blessing to you once again." (Tâ-hâ, 20/36-37).

Original text with apples:
They said, "We will never leave the day of this, until moses returns." (Tâ-hâ, 20/91).

Simplifyed text:
They said, "We will never stop worshipping it until Moses returns to us." (Tâ-hâ, 20/91).

Original text with apples:
So be patient with what you say, praise your Lord, before the sun rises and before it goes down. And gingi over the night, and you will be able to consent around the day." (Tâhâ, 20/130).

Simplifyed text:
So be patient with what they say. Praise your Lord before the sun rises and sets. And gleas in the night and at the ends of the day, so that you may be pleased. (Tâhâ, 20/130).

Here, I owe a debt of thanks to my daughter Fatmanur (The Returner) and his wife Bajram Andak, who carefully served the text tashihi, verse and footnote checks.

I would like to thank Almighty God for his success in such a work, and I wish that our incompleteness and imperfections will be forgiven.

The work is from us, and the success and the result is from Almighty God.

Simplifying and Adding Footnotes:

Prof. Dr. Hamdi Rotating

2012 -Bursa

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